
So. Eggs. Seriously, what the hell?

  • I love eggs.

    Votes: 35 50.7%
  • I HATE eggs.

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • I only like eggs made a few different ways.

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • Eggs are my primary source of water. That's how much I like them.

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Delicious Delicacy or Devilishly Disgusting?

Personally, I can't stand eggs in any capacity, unless they are scrambled, or used in baked goods (i.e. cake).
One of my few sources of protein.. that and soy and tuna, mince and steak is too expensive :p
I like my eggs like I like my women, deviled. :naughty:
stupidest poll ever, who doesn't like eggs? there is nothing, i repeat nothing bad about eggs, well unless you are a dumb ass and eat a whole bunch but that pretty much goes for anything
I only like em boiled, and that's only the yolk, and that I can take or leave...
I voted option three, 'cause there's no "well, they're okay I suppose... they're just eggs, ffs" option.
I'm surprised that this thread became this popular so fast.
start your day the healthy way, eggs eggs eggs

my son sometimes sings that's from Max and Ruby

of course it's all jumbled cuz my son is not quite 4 is cute as hell though
theyre best used as projectiles on drunk nights on the town
I eat eggs every day, usually twice a day. And I eat a lot of eggs in each meal, like 5-6
Eggs are the Gods of the breakfeast meal.
What the hell? Who hates eggs? Only crazy people.
whip up a couple and pour onto a pan, lie down cheese when near completion, fold up and eat between 2 toasted breadz.
My woman tastes better than eggs. What's with the eggs - women comparisons.

Face it, 69er > Boiled eggs with toast
Sex for breakfast, yes please!

eggs, naw

But seriously.... morning sex is awesome.
Everyone, do me a favor. The next time you make eggs, get out an empty container, or jar, something with a lid. Crack however many eggs you want into it, put the lid on tight, shake it up till it's all liquid, butter a pan, put the stove between high, and med, and pour it on dat shit, then get yourself some velveta, put about 4 slices in each side of the omelet, then fold it up, and dice it with you spachula, still on the stove, then make sure the cheese got on every part of your scrambled eggs, and have youself one good ass breakfast! ^^

Everyone, do me a favor. The next time you make eggs, get out an empty container, or jar, something with a lid. Crack however many eggs you want into it, put the lid on tight, shake it up till it's all liquid, butter a pan, put the stove between high, and med, and pour it on dat shit, then get yourself some velveta, put about 4 slices in each side of the omelet, then fold it up, and dice it with you spachula, still on the stove, then make sure the cheese got on every part of your scrambled eggs, and have youself one good ass breakfast! ^^


Sounds yummy, I'll do that in a few minutes.
Eggs. Fried, in a butty with a couple of rashes of bacons. The butty of kings.

And other kinds of egg are awesome too.
eggs used in cooking (cookies n such) are fine. otherwise no
Eggs. Fried, in a butty with a couple of rashes of bacons. The butty of kings.

And other kinds of egg are awesome too.

Oh man, I'm going to make a nice crispy bacon sandwich tomorrow on soft white bread with a fried egg on each with a lovely runny yolk. Man I can't wait for breakfast now :D

Might make an ommlette also. Aint had one in ages!!
I like my women how I like my eggs, 1 week out of mums wound.