Elastic Materials


Aug 3, 2003
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Hi I need helping please.
Um, I need to know about certain elastic materials. I need one that can bend really far, but needs lots of force to bend that far (and actually spring back). Like, rubber can bend really far, but it doesn't need that much force. Steel needs huge amounts of force to bend, but it hardly bends far at all (without being damaged, i.e. permanently bent). It has to spring back into position.

So does anyone know any materials that would be good? Or any material tables on the internet for me to look at? Any help would be appreciated.

I was thinking fiberglass. It's pretty elastic, right?

fiberglass isn't elastic!
It's like glass but made of fiber!

What do you want anything like this for?
If it's for some mod (?!?) i recomend aerogel. If it's for home, well let me think about it...
yeah you're going to need a composite. woven fibers encased in resin. look into carbon fiber.
Yes, and because it's a composite of glass fiber and hardened resin, it's flexible. Atleast, my fiberglass jetski seems pretty bouncy on it's walls.

What's aerogel? No, I'm building a windup motor, and it needs to be able to hold lots of potential energy, so that's why I want it to need lots of force to bend far.

EDIT: See, Maskirovka seems to think so!!
I have a link for aerogel but it's stupid because you would never get even a gram of it.Now for your windup motor I agree with Maskirovka, you need a composite...
i don't think areogel would be useful for this application anyway. it is cool stuff though :) i've handled the super-light and super-dense kinds, very cool..
I said aerogel bcs I thought he was making some sort of mod....
So the more irrealistic and exotic, the better...

And were did you handled Aerogel Lil'Timmy?
i can't think of how you'd build a windup motor with fiberglass or carbon fiber...it's not gonna "wind up" like a rubber band...
my advisor has some that some of his scientist buddies at nasa gave him, and i played with it :)
aerogel can be used to catch micrometeorites in space sometimes.
That was its actual use if I'm correctly informed...
It can wind up if it's in a spring coil shape (like a windup wristwatch spring).