Elevator problem!!!

Sid Burn

Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
I dunno if there has been any threads concerning this problem. Anyway, do you guys know how to fix this problem... right now im still stucked at Chapter 1 since the damn elevator wont work!!! I hope some1 will help me... :smoking:
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! help me solve this problem. Anyway, I managed to get pass to this level by using No clip and loading the whole new chapter 2. though now im stuck at Chapter 6. Elevator problem again. I tried to use no clip... but it was impossible. PLS HELP ME COMRADES!!!
well, my HL2 is fake and of course... I bought it in a CD store.
OK... I know that noone can solve this damn problem. but can some1 here give me a save game file that has reached the bottom floor after you use that elevator in the Black Mesa East... thanks...
As soon as she finished talking follow her into the elevator, quicksave and then quickload.
Me Too!

I have gotten to the elevator at Black Mesa East. She tells me about the Aliens being stuck with local transportation, the elevator dorr opens and then... NOTHING. She doesn't get on, she doesn't say anything and nothing else happens. I can see the guy pacing down the corrider through the fence, and I can move around and shoot but she is just DOA, right there.

Also, starting a new game doesn't help, either... any help? ;)
I would get you a saved game.. but I'm not on my gaming comp so it's kinda impossible.

but... I would suggest... saving where you're at, finding the save file, back it up, delete hl2 single player, download it via steam again... see if it works.
OK, lots of people have come across this problem, and contrary to popular belief that you have a pirated game, it's actually because the AI fails to continue.

In order to resolve this issue:
Follow Dr Mossman to the lift, and IMMEDIATELY after she finishes talking, perform a QUICKSAVE (F6). Once you restart from your quicksave you should find that she will walk into the lift.. follow her and continue gaming!!
sir_p2002 said:
OK, lots of people have come across this problem, and contrary to popular belief that you have a pirated game, it's actually because the AI fails to continue.

In order to resolve this issue:
Follow Dr Mossman to the lift, and IMMEDIATELY after she finishes talking, perform a QUICKSAVE (F6). Once you restart from your quicksave you should find that she will walk into the lift.. follow her and continue gaming!!
Oh thank you man!!! that really helps!!! :afro: