Eli & G-Man


Aug 4, 2005
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I'm sure this has been mentioned somewhere here before...

But...does anyone think Eli hired Gordon out for his services? Here are some things I was curious about:

1. In Half-Life 2, in the Black Mesa East chapter, Eli tells you all about the Portal Storms and even Dr. Breen. Why would he tell you this? Everybody thinks you've been on Earth this entire time, and nobody else EVER tells you what's been going on in the world. Unless he knows Gordon's been in stasis for 20 or so years, he has no reason to tell this to Gordon.

2. In Episode One, in the very beginning, Alyx remarks that Eli was "so sure [she] wouldn't find you here." Why was this? Alyx survived the reactor explosion, didn't she? Then again, he may have expected that...but maybe Eli KNEW Gordon was to be taken away after he killed/defeated Breen...because that was what G-Man agreed to?

Also, in the conversation with him on the screen at the beginning of EP1, he says, "You found Gordon?! I don't believe it..." Even more interesting is a line not used in-game, but can be found in the GCF: "That's...that's impossible..."

Why is this impossible? Why is it so unbelievable? Alyx survived...why wouldn't Gordon have?

3. The Vortigaunts say that "the Eli Vance was [their] first collaborator." So, they obviously have some sort of special relationship.

Perhaps the reason Alyx was saved by the Vortigaunts was because Eli told them to save her. How'd he know she was going to die if not saved? Maybe it wasn't in the papers or whatever Eli was given when he signed a deal with the G-Man. Gordon was to kill/defeat Breen and G-Man was going to take him away. The G-Man didn't care about Alyx.

But Eli couldn't have his daughter get killed by a nuclear explosion. He planned ahead and sent the Vortigaunts to come get her. But why did they save Gordon? If Eli sent them to get both Alyx AND Gordon, then he'd have no reason to be surprised to see him during the beginning of EP1. So, the Vortigaunts may have saved Gordon as well for their own reasons. Perhaps to repay Gordon? Or maybe this ties into the theory of the Vortigaunts saving you in the beginning of Half-Life 1 in the same way (a thread a bit down) for unknown reasons.


Well, there's my theory. What do you think?
Great theory.

Notice how when Breen describes Gordon as a 'fine pawn for those who control him', Eli gets angry and yells out 'No!'
Sounds like he may know who does control him.

And the whole idea of 'the right man in the wrong place' - was the right place Eli's lab? And doesn't someone (Alyx?) say 'I guess it didn't occur to him to give you a map' - him possibly being the G-Man? ...perhaps thats a bit too crazy, but meh.
I don't believe he 'told' the Vortigaunts to rescue Alyx. Sure, he was heading to a Vortigaunt camp in one of Breens capsules but he wouldn't have had time to get there in order to inform them. I'm sure the Vorts figured it out for themselves.

I agree though - Eli and the Vortigaunts are well aware of Gman. The probability being the Vortigaunts are the ones who hired Gordon in the first place, working with Eli in order to aid the resistance. Eli is never really suprised to see Gordon, and his interjection in Breens office down to the "You...found Gordon?" pretty much shows this.

Planeforger - Alyx was talking about Kleiner and how he didn't realise Gordon didn't have a map. And the right man in the wrong place is simply Earth in general.
The vortigaunts figured out where Alyx Vance was through Gordon Freeman.

I think Eli is at least aware of Gordon's being hired out, though perhaps not necessarily through whom or why. He definately knows Gordon had a contract and the resistance may or may not have been paying something for his services, but as to whether he knows about the G-man, or if Eli himself actually had a hand in the bargaining, I'll remain skeptical on that.

Eli fills you in because he knows you haven't been around all this time. The original Vance scene was describing the events of the past 20 years (I believe this was back when it was Captain Vance and not Eli, I can't recall). Thing is though that when Eli first sees you at BME he's actually pretty surprised...he talks about the moment after the resonance cascade and remarks that Gordon hasn't changed one iota. I think if he knew Gordon was in stasis he probably wouldn't have made such a comment. But then again Eli's a bit of a joker so maybe he was just being humorous. Really hard to say one way or another.

But yes, he is at least aware of the bargain, and so is Alyx. In fact I'd imagine most of the core cast is aware of it...everyone but you, Dr. Freeman.
No. Actually, Alyx is the top leader. That's the reason why those vorts saved Alyx, rather thane saving Gordon only. Alyx's really not helping that much in the whole revolution. Those vorts don't save other rebels but Alyx, 'cos Alyx is their leader.:p
Wow, you've opened my eyes! Well, it's pretty clear that the resistance hired Freeman (proof: Dr. Kleiner in Red Letter Day says 'so soon, i would have expected more warning' and not 'WTF? Gordon Freeman is here?!?') and Eli is the most important scientist and de facto leader of the resistance, it's only logical that he would make the deal. Also, Breen's pawn comment and Alyx and Eli screaming 'don't listen to him Gordon!' tells me that they pretty much know about the deal. This leads me to the two following revolations.

1. Eli is suprised Gordon is there because the deal the made with Gman stated that after the Citadel is destroyed, Gman would take Gordon back. Add to that, ALYX KNOWS THIS TOO! Go back and play the last chapter of HL2 knowing that Alyx knows you're a pawn and will be put back into stasis by the Gman. It completely changes everything. The emotion Alyx is showing toward you isn't out of love, it's out of pity. She feels bad because she's using you and knows that you're gonna be handed back over the Gman. Love you? How could she love you? Her guilt wouldn't allow it and why would she bother getting attached when she knows you're going back into stasis anyways. Something always felt wrong about the 'love story'. It's like they present it as it may be occuring, but never give any conclusive evidence, leaving you to make the leap. The relationship between Alyx and Gordon just doesn't FEEL like love, there's more chemistry between Gordon and Barney. I think this is intentional, because there IS no love. This game is way to well written and acted for us to have to say 'it doesn't feel like they're in love, but, i guess they must be, it's vaguely hinted at all the time.'

2. The Vorts rescued the Freeman on their own, without Eli's knowledge or approval (he doesn't expect you'll be found). This means that the Vorts are not working for or with the resistance, but doing their own thing and they want the Freeman around now for their own ends.
imagod284 said:
2. The Vorts rescued the Freeman on their own, without Eli's knowledge or approval (he doesn't expect you'll be found). This means that the Vorts are not working for or with the resistance, but doing their own thing and they want the Freeman around now for their own ends.

I agree with you, partially. The Vortigaunts did steal Gordon from the G-Man without Eli knowing, but perhaps not for any possible purpose that could help them in any way even if he could potentially do more damage to the Combine if he were to remain on Earth. The Vortigaunts had been waiting for the correct time to intervene and set Gordon free from the G-Man's grasp and when it finally was, they did. They felt it necessary to do the same thing for Gordon as he had done for them nearly two decades earlier when he set all of them free from being slaves to the Nihilanth. They could have taken him from the G-Man at the very beginning of Half-Life 2, but the time wasn't right.
Your argument has merit, Calhoun; remember, the Vortigaunts don't see time the way we see time...
Hm. Pity love from Alyx and repayment of debt from the vortigaunts. Seems like no one truly loves poor Gordon Freeman.
Darkside55 said:
Hm. Pity love from Alyx and repayment of debt from the vortigaunts. Seems like no one truly loves poor Gordon Freeman.

Well, according to one online scholar, he IS a bumbling idiot.
This is a very good theory. Probably the best and most thought out I've seen. My thoughts and theories about the G-Man.

He could very possibly be a 2 faced employee and not just a bureaucrat looking to do things for himself. He says at the end of HL2: "You've done so well, in fact, that I've received some interesting offers for your services." I dunno about you all, but this gives me impressions that people are trying to buy Gordon Freeman from the G-Man for a period of time. Maybe HL2 was the story of being bought for Eli and the Resistance. But it also seems he is mingling with the Combine, I'm sure most of you have seen Wikipedias picture


Why would he be in Breens office? Mingiling with the Combine? Perhaps getting offers for Gordon on their side?
Vass said:

Why would he be in Breens office? Mingiling with the Combine? Perhaps getting offers for Gordon on their side?

I think you are looking too much into that - Combine background is just regular for the T.V boradcasts, and I'm sure G-man just isn't actually there.
But yes, he did mention other offers and judging from his rather sinister smile at the beginning of EP1 he'd taken one of them, and was about to brief you when the Vorts intervened.
Samon said:
I agree though - Eli and the Vortigaunts are well aware of Gman. The probability being the Vortigaunts are the ones who hired Gordon in the first place, working with Eli in order to aid the resistance. Eli is never really suprised to see Gordon, and his interjection in Breens office down to the "You...found Gordon?" pretty much shows this.
The resistance deifinitely hired Freeman although I don't know why you say the Vortigaunts?
I'm just interested to know what they offered the GMan in return. Also how he'll react to getting, as the kids say, pwned.
gordan freeman was shoplifted lol

EDIT: Calhoun, I like your theory muchly - it makes a lot of sense.
Because a meagre human resistance couldn't come into contact with Gman on their own, and the Vortigaunts have a far greater connection to him. You see one of them talking to him on T.V, and simply because it is so much more plausible for them to do the contracting. Both the Vortigaunts and Gman operate outside of time and space.

The Vortigaunts are part of the resistance (very much so), so yeah, the resistance did hire Freeman, and I'm sure the Vorts talked it over with Eli first but there is no way Eli could have come into contact with the Gman without the Vortigaunts - who are already well aware of the Gman.
I thought everyone noticed the subtle hints that Eli and Kliener both knew a little more than they let on ...

At anyrate, does anybody remember that through a sight seeing telescope you could see the G-Man talking to Cubbage?
I don't think the Vorts bought out Gordon Freeman. I think they simply want him to beat out the Combine so the Vorts can happily live free. The Vortigaunts praise Eli Vance, so saving his daughter would be the rightful thing to do, right?
Very damn interesting. I honestly didn't think this deeply into it, but it makes perfect sense.
TheGMan. said:
The Vortigaunts praise Eli Vance, so saving his daughter would be the rightful thing to do, right?

The vortigaunts also probably have a really good relationship with Alyx Vance herself. She seems to have a good rapport with the vortigaunts, working with them in the field and conversing with them. Many times when you speak to Alyx in HL2 she'll tell you about something the vortigaunts told her or showed her, or that she's been out with them. And because Eli Vance is the oldest human friend to the vortigaunts (oldest in terms of years of friendship, not age), Alyx was raised around the vortigaunts. They watched her grow. They likely have a soft spot for her not only because she is the daughter of their friend the Eli Vance, but because the Alyx Vance is also their friend, and with all the time she has spent with them growing up they might even view her as a child of their own, in a way. When they look at her they might still remember the small girl who used to tinker around with things and run around City 17, and ask about her father and her Uncle Kleiner's lab work. I think that's more than enough motivation to come to her aid, even without thinking of Eli.
And i really doubt that Eli was able to CALL the Vorts for help from the Citadel. And i really doubt he anticipated the whole Alyx, Gordon and myself get captured, then Judith sets us free and Gordon and Alyx take down Dr. Breen but are too close to the ensuing explosion scenario. The vorts are totally acting on their own.
1. In Half-Life 2, in the Black Mesa East chapter, Eli tells you all about the Portal Storms and even Dr. Breen. Why would he tell you this? Everybody thinks you've been on Earth this entire time, and nobody else EVER tells you what's been going on in the world. Unless he knows Gordon's been in stasis for 20 or so years, he has no reason to tell this to Gordon.
No, no he doesn't. All he says is
"Breen; he's the administrator of this whole mess now"
I think he was just blurting that out out of anger.

2. In Episode One, in the very beginning, Alyx remarks that Eli was "so sure [she] wouldn't find you here." Why was this? Alyx survived the reactor explosion, didn't she? Then again, he may have expected that...but maybe Eli KNEW Gordon was to be taken away after he killed/defeated Breen...because that was what G-Man agreed to?

Also, in the conversation with him on the screen at the beginning of EP1, he says, "You found Gordon?! I don't believe it..." Even more interesting is a line not used in-game, but can be found in the GCF: "That's...that's impossible..."

Why is this impossible? Why is it so unbelievable? Alyx survived...why wouldn't Gordon have?
The "That's impossible line" is interesting but it was cut, so doesn't matter in the least. He doesn't have to have hired Gordon to know about the g-man though. The Vortigaunts could have told him things.

3. The Vortigaunts say that "the Eli Vance was [their] first collaborator." So, they obviously have some sort of special relationship.
I don't see how that supports your theory at all.
It's a great theory, but I think the Eli quotes are being taken out of context.

And Alyx ... the reason it doesn't feel like real romance is because it's a computer game. That, and the fact that there are more pressing concerns than kisses and cuddles - like not getting killed.

IMO you can pretty much justify any theory by reading too much into game, but I suppose that's what makes conspiracy theories fun.
But this is Half-life, and that is how its story is told - by giving the player the option as to whether or not to look that little bit further. Thats Half-life.
Yeah, being ambiguous was a great move in terms of plot. Definitely makes the game stand out and stick in the mind. I suppose the only way to resolve the questions the game raises is by finishing the series, but I seriously doubt that the answers will be laid out for us on a platter.
No, no he doesn't. All he says is
"Breen; he's the administrator of this whole mess now"
I think he was just blurting that out out of anger.

Actually, he says, "Dr. Breen. He's the administrator of this whole vile business now (?). He ended the Seven Hour War by managing Earth's surrender. The Combine rewarded him with power."

Dr. Breen's the ruler of Earth. If Gordon was around during the War, and the years following, I'm pretty sure he'd know this already. That's too long of an explanation to be out of anger.

The "That's impossible line" is interesting but it was cut, so doesn't matter in the least. He doesn't have to have hired Gordon to know about the g-man though. The Vortigaunts could have told him things.

Yes, it was cut, but there is still the "I don't believe it..." line. As I said before, why wouldn't he believe Gordon survived if Alyx had survived already?

I don't see how that supports your theory at all.

I'm saying that, because Eli was the Vortigaunts' first collaborator, they must have some sort of special bond or whatever (the Vortigaunts honor him or respect him greatly.) Therefore, they would do something like save his daughter from a nuclear explosion for him.
Actually, he says, "Dr. Breen. He's the administrator of this whole vile business now (?).
He ended the Seven Hour War by managing Earth's surrender. The Combine rewarded him with power."

Dr. Breen's the ruler of Earth. If Gordon was around during the War, and the years following, I'm pretty sure
he'd know this already. That's too long of an explanation to be out of anger.

I know lots of people who state (and repeat) the blindingly obvious while they are having a conversation.
Even when they assume you already know what the converstation topic is, they will go over essential points
in their own head out loud, as a lead in to a later comment.

Of course to be contrary I could also point to the "Gordon Freeman, you look like you haven't aged a day"
quip when you first enter the lab.

Yes, it was cut, but there is still the "I don't believe it..." line. As I said before, why wouldn't
he believe Gordon survived if Alyx had survived already?

Gordon and Alyx both went after Breen when the reactor blew. Eli already knew that Alyx was okay because
she had contacted him as soon as she got her bearings. He may not have been aware of how close together
they were at that moment, and assumed that Gordon had been caught alone in the explosion.
The point at which you start the game appears to happen a couple of hours after the portal explosion.

I'm saying that, because Eli was the Vortigaunts' first collaborator, they must have some sort of
special bond or whatever (the Vortigaunts honor him or respect him greatly.) Therefore, they would do
something like save his daughter from a nuclear explosion for him.

The Vortigaunts would also have been aware that Gordon is/was a friend of Eli before the Black Mesa Incident. Friends of the Freeman may be given special recognition on that scale as well.
WOW! This thread opens my eyes! I gotta say, the yelling by the Vances in Breen's office didnt seem like anything other than background noise until now!
I always thought that the Vortigaunts work for the G-man because i think i remember a Vortigaunt say "We serve the same mystery" I think it goes something like that
this thread is so....mysterious...i mean it makes me think :hmph: o ya this thread is ther best i have seen its eye opening and gives you strange thoughts like what will happen to gordon, is gman real, does alyx LOVE gordon or pitty him, and when will the next episode come out :p i love this thread
I always thought that the Vortigaunts work for the G-man because i think i remember a Vortigaunt say "We serve the same mystery" I think it goes something like that
It was a plausible theory before, but since the vortigaunts take Gordon from him, they're probably not working together. That's not to say that they didn't work together in the past, though...and perhaps turned on him...

I've always thought they were talking about something else entirely though, like the vortessence. "The same mystery" being the path they've chosen, where the vortessence is leading them. It could also be a 4th wall thing, "serving the same mystery" as in being directed by the player's actions. Gordon is directly influenced, and the vortigaunts help him (and therefore you, the player). Serving the same person. The mystery is that they don't know who you are, exactly, and there are so many players. It could even refer to Valve.