Eli's sweater...


Feb 10, 2005
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A very minor detail, but one of the first things I noticed about Eli upon meeting him in HL2 was that he was wearing a Harvard University sweater, with the logo showing clearly and the name only slightly obscured by his jacket.

However, when you see him again in Episode Two, the logo and name are strangely gone.(yes, my computer sucks)


Why do you think this has been changed? Maybe Valve received some legal threats from Harvard and decided to remove the name and logo quietly?

I didn't check if he has the Harvard stuff in Episode One, but you only see Eli on a tiny black-and-white screen there so I doubt it even appears.
Heaven forbid a man have two different sweaters. :p

The pattern's different as well. Man changed his clothes. Don't read into it too much.
I hate to think, do you wear exactly the same clothes every day...

Anyway, yeh I did notice that slight difference, and I liked it but I didnt deam it important enough to make a thread about. I mean what is there to discuss...:D
He changed his clothes? We MUST alert the church elders!!!
Hmm...I didn't notice the change in patterns. I guess that puts a pretty big dent in my theory. >_>

Still, pretty weird that that was the only article of clothing he decided to change.
Episode 1 had original Kleiner and Eli models, so no change in detail, skins or HDR, because they were only on a black and white screen for several seconds. Apart from Kleiner of course. But he still hasnt changed his clothes since HL2, all he has now is a shiny head and blurry glasses thanks to the reflections.
He changed his clothes? We MUST alert the church elders!!!

Hey Pheobe.

Yeah, I never noticed the shirt, but I suppose Valve have been pretty odd about the wadrobe of HL2. How does Kleiner keep those glasses on all the time? The world will never know.
He was expelled from Harvard University for his dangerous experiments. It's true, Laidlaw said that.
This is the biggest news to his this sub-forum since the opening of the Episode 3 forum.
I noticed that the first time they released a pre-release EP2 shot that had Eli in it :p
Hey Pheobe.

Yeah, I never noticed the shirt, but I suppose Valve have been pretty odd about the wadrobe of HL2. How does Kleiner keep those glasses on all the time? The world will never know.

Heh I dont know whats sadder, me quoting phoebe from friends or you knowing it was phoebe from friends :(

*wails* Ohhh the shame!!!
Heh I dont know whats sadder, me quoting phoebe from friends or you knowing it was phoebe from friends :(

*wails* Ohhh the shame!!!

Our shame collapse's into eachother. But still, I don't really see a problem in watching Friends religiously... hmm.. gonna have to rethink some basic principles.
Eli's not a character in The Simpsons, he can change his clothes if he wants to
It's a shame that Valve stopped short of giving Eli a Bill Cosby-style Sweater of Doom.

"You see the Combine, they listen to the Breen-Speaking, which gives them the Brain-Operatin'. With all their radio blipping and blopping, their grenade clicking and a clocking, they don't know what the Resistance is all about! You see, the Human Resistance is all about Warm Apple Pie. No, it's more about tasteless pornographic film... No! It's like HEV technology. It'll be around forever! Hur Hur Hur".
acctually, within the events of Half-Life, Harvard gets a football team, and Eli is a huge fan. Unfortunetly, the team is full of scrawny geeks, and loose to everyteam they challenge. Distraught, Eli decides to burn his Harvard shirt.

Didn't you know? Valve hinted to it the entire time.
I just got off the phone with Valve, and they answered my question: Eli's Harvard sweater is the G-Man, so he couldn't wear it in the presence of the Vortigaunts.
I knew there was something different about his shirt in Episode Two, but I could never figure out what it was..
I think the op may have a point.
Every other piece of his clothing remains identical. Isn't it a little suspicious that the only piece to change is the "labelled" one?
In HL2 development times, Eli has different sweater too ^^