Elite 4 (working title)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
The space sim genre is virtually extinct. We've had two major releases in two years, and neither of 'em were totally pleasing. X2 The Threat imo was boring and rather plain. Freelancer was OK, but quite 'lite' in a lot of aspects.

The daddy of 'em all, Elite, is preparing for a comeback. Frontier Developments, the company of Elite-creator David Braben, is hiring people, and there is an Elite 4 FAQ on the site.

I hear the trolls on this forum whisper: vaporware. Might be. The site has been last updated months ago, not a good sign. But I am hoping. We need a new space sim.
I want a new game. Not one that's 10 years old. First Encounters came out before some of the people on this forum were even born!
Frontier was jaw dropping.. I loved Elite and would play it for years.. When Frontier came along, regardless of the speed issues on the old Amiga with it, I just couldn't believe what they'd done.. It was games like that that got me into the whole huge gameworld and exploration thing.

I remember back then nobody would admit if there was or wasn't a Thargoid mothership in Frontier, but you'd always go exploring into deep space litterally where no other gamer might have gone before. Trying to find the wormhole bugs in the game so you could travel even further, building up your ship with all the equipment needed for deep space travel, then your hyperspace engine crapping out on you and dropping you between systems lol.

I didn't much like First Encounters though, too much of a game to it hehe.