Empire Earth 2 sp demo


Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
For those who don't know, the Empire Earth 2 demo is out (sp). I'm still downloading from fileshack. I cannot wait, i haven't been this excited about a game in ages.
Played EE1... that game rocked.. too bad no one plays it anymore. :(
Anybody else having trouble with this game locking up on them? The soldiers and stuff keep moving but I have no input. Ctrl.alt.delete doesn't even work.
I remember when RTS games were actual 2D sprites. Now they use full-scale 3D engines with real-time effects like reflections and shadows..Haha.
Works (more or less) fine for me (it does start to lag after an hour of playing the demo though... mem leaks?)
Definently noticed that. Really gets on my nerves.
They just need to streamline a few things and overall make it a tad simplier.

I caught on within an hour but... Heh games like starcraft are soo easy to catch on but can be real hard to master.
I loved the first one, but this one kind of sucks. They overcomplicated everything and it seems like the computer cheats again, oh well.
Actually they have said the computer does not cheat.

If you keep on playing you will really see how uncomplicated it is. At first I could barley take on a comp at all...
(I got mine with PC:G magazine earlier than those who didn't get it :) ). Today I played N i owned. I had a 75 minuteman army ready.

They had declared war on me so I finally got a small 10min alliance with one(No vision\Units but trade) plus a bunch of minerals. Eventually this led us to take down the koreans. After the 10 minutes were up I had built a bridge, sorrounded myself with a gate.

I like how it handles technology, no longer is it one big thing based on your resources.

Quite nice once you get the hang of it.]

If it wouldn't get laggy for no reason then I would really love it..but now it's ok.
It reminded me a hell-of-a-lot like a cross between Age of Mythology and Rise of Nations. Aom for the battles and Ron with borders and other.

I first started playing with everything set to the highest the game would allow but then it started to lag heaps 10-20 mins in, so i turned it to "fastest" .

It was so funny when the fog started up, I could hardly see anything. lol

At the very start of the game, against two computer controller players, I was having trouble trying to figure out what to do. 'cause of how they use different icons and such for buildings and for the other things (obviously) and as i was starting to get use to the controls one of the teams had already taken over half the map. This was when it started lagging.

But, this is where the fun sort of goes out of the game like in Age of Mythology. All you have to do is continuely border off the parts that you control and then continue to take one base at a time moving around the map. I continues this way throughout the game and towards the end the enemy seemed like they had given up, even though they still had about 6 territories left.

Rise of Nations was a lot more changing in that regard, it took me about six hours to finish a map with 2 players on my first go because the computer would continue to send wave and wave of enemies at you.

I assume the game really is built more for multiplayer than single but i'm not really a big fan of mutli to be honest.

I had fun though, hopefully the full version will have a lot more stuff to do, in terms of units, buildings, tech trees etc

did anyone know how to get the crowns? i never played the first ee.

sorry about long post.
This game is a disapointment to me. Sadly the graphics seem the same as the original. Funny thing is I just got done looking through some Age Of Empires 3 screenshots


I know graphics are not everything, but I was still hoping for some major changes. Gameplay seems basically the same to. Might as well be an expansion. This is one title I will most likely not be buying and I recommend not downloading the demo. I'll just wait for Age Of Empires 3 thank you. Also seems like Dungeon Siege 2 will be a disapointment. Again it looks the same as the original with some new water effects. I think they are rushing games to much these days and are basically pooping out rehashes of old stuff.
Sadly the graphics seem the same as the original.
Have you seen the oringal LOL.

Ron with borders and other.
Actually it uses quite a diffrent border system than RON.

so i turned it to "fastest" .
I can't change my speed?

did anyone know how to get the crowns? i never played the first ee.
Crowns were a bit new. It's called reaseaching. You build universities, put 5 civilans inside them so they research faster. Then your little lightbulb thingy(Resource) goes up. then you can click the resource thing and reserach thing. Theres also a button that will give you 50% more research for 60 seconds and it takes like 3 minutes to refresh. Once you get like a whole imperial\economic\etc.. thing then you will gain the crown and click on top right and you can choose the thing.

Gameplay seems totally diffrent than the oringal for me. Once you get the basics down the game becomes so much clearer and 10x funner.

Saddly from what I see here most people arn't willing to put the time in for a steep learning curve.

The war planner and civilan manager come in handy. The PIP comes in soooooo handy.

The Research is quite a nice idea. There does seem to be a lot of resources but you are not really mandatory to get all of them nor is it hard to.

Just keep trying at the game and eventually once you get the basic concepts down ecsepcially about technology it becomes very very fun.

Quite an oringal game if you ask me. Territory, PIP, amazing amount of diplomacy options, etc.. Get it down and its sooo much funner.
Remember graphics don't mean everything else 126,000 people would not be playing starcraft right now while Cs:S and HL2DM combined arn't over 32 thousand right now.

Also while Sc is also beating Cs, cs has 86k.

Graphics do not make the game.
Minerel said:
I can't change my speed?

I meant with video settings, they have three (???, fastest and highest - forgot what the other was)

Minerel said:
You build universities, put 5 civilans inside them so they research faster.

yeah i did this. i had a fair few civs in the universitys that i had but maybe i didn't have that many. the others teams were going off like crazy. i ended up with none, the others had 5 and 10.

Minerel said:
The war planner and civilan manager come in handy. The PIP comes in soooooo handy.

With the war planner, i sent an ally a war planner because i was interested with how it worked and all. It took them a while to follow the plan, about 10 minutes later and it was really cool to see them follow it to plan. I love when you send the plan and it overlays on the mini-map. Awesome!!!
If it really is easy to follow and understand it is a fantastic gameplay addition.
I also liked were you could hold the mouse over your resources list and it would you how many civillians you had idle. Then you could click on a specific resource to tell them to go there, definetely handy.
I meant with video settings, they have three (???, fastest and highest - forgot what the other was)

If they polish it up, uncomplicate it a little bit(Tweak the interferance to make it smoother), make it a tad more streamlined and it could be one very very good game.
Hmm.. i was unimpressed, and highly confused. I hate this kinda game (not RTS'es, just complicated ones like theese)

Though i suppose it's better against real players online.
I've been playing the original over LAN for a couple of weeks and its quite a good game even though it can take up a whole day(sometimes a good thing) it did crash on occasions. i'll definatly be downloading this demo
Hmm.. i was unimpressed, and highly confused. I hate this kinda game (not RTS'es, just complicated ones like theese)

Though i suppose it's better against real players online.
Why wont people just possibly play a game with a steep learning curve.
Cuz once you get past that learning curve it is INCREDIBLY FUN.

This is why there arn't as many Wc3 mappers as there could have been(Still alot). But those who actually try and learn the editor they could have created amazing..breathtaking..games..

Just *TRY* and learn, unless you learn real real real slow.