Empires 2.1 Released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
The Empires 2.1 client is now available as both a patch and full install. This new version mostly fixes old bugs but they also include new features like the heavily requested infantry research which is now available to upgrade Grenadier RPGs.

  • Added: new wall models for both teams
  • Added: walls now crumble when destroyed (the debris lasts for 15 seconds)
  • Added: vehicles automatically drive out of the vehicle factory when built
  • Added: "Upgraded Grenadier RPG" and "Advanced Grenadier RPG" research items within the Chemistry->Improved Warhead Compounds research tree branch which upgrade the grenadier class' RPG damage (+15 and +25)
  • Added: when both teams reach 1 reinforcement on commander maps, a CV sudden death timer (default is 5 minutes; "emp_sv_stalemate_countdown" cvar controls the time with 0 turning it off) starts and counts down to 0, and upon reaching 0, both CVs become permanently spotted and will die in one hit; this is to prevent prolonged stand offs when there are no reinforcements

You can read the full change list here and for the download links you can look below.[br]
Download Links:[br]
Empires Version 2.1 Client Full Install (754 MB) [br]
Empires Version 2.0 -> 2.1 Client Patch (41 MB)
This is definitely the best and biggest HL2 mod atm - see you on the 46 player Mittoes server!
Just started playing this recently with version 2. Definitely a must-play if you like Natural Selection and the whole RTS/FPS thing. It has a few issues with not being that accessible to new players (manual is definitely a must read unless you enjoy puzzle-solving to find out exactly what you're supposed to do), but if you can overlook that and the basic graphics it is a very fun mod.
the basic graphics
There are some graphical updates in the works, and once the EP2 engine sourcecode comes out it'll be ported over to that. (CINEMATIC PHYSICS **** YEAH)
Did it fix the DirectX 9-related crash-to-windows for maps like Cyclopean? (x1900 user here)