Empires map preview


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
The Empires team have just updated their site with three new images of a new swamp map and a drivable Imperial jeep. You'll probably get it stuck in the mud within 10 seconds but it sure looks pretty.[br]
oh my ****ing god... now i can see how good the mods of hl2 will turn out to be!!!!!!!! lovely fecking car, hope it drives well :p
I hope this mod is not MP because HL2's netcode for vehicles is terrible. It lags so bad whenever you get into a vehicle AND no one can see your player model when you are driving.
i think you can easily fix the invisible driver issue, but you have a point about the netcode. nothing seems to work really good :/
Zeus said:
I hope this mod is not MP because HL2's netcode for vehicles is terrible. It lags so bad whenever you get into a vehicle AND no one can see your player model when you are driving.
Hmm... Think it's multiplayer... But hope that will be fixed... Either by Valve or the Empires Team. :)
Best of luck to the Empires mod team! Looks great guys. :D

Can't wait to play.

Empires is a multiplayer-only mod. There are no plans for any single-player version in the future.
I don't see what's so sexy about this. I mean, not to bash on the Empire's team (I can't even use SDK and if I ever learn, I will suck) but it is just 3 pictures of an ATV/APC near a building and water. Now please flame me for having an opinion.
I don't see why mod teams need to advertise for such a little thing, why can't they wait for bigger updates ?

Good map.
If you look on their website you see that they stated just a small update for their fans on their website. How HL2 fan websites take this news it is up to them.

Zeus said:
I hope this mod is not MP because HL2's netcode for vehicles is terrible. It lags so bad whenever you get into a vehicle AND no one can see your player model when you are driving.

The netcode can be fixed, Battlefield 2 uses hl2 engine so... :thumbs:
TrippyG said:
The netcode can be fixed, Battlefield 2 uses hl2 engine so... :thumbs:

BF2 doesn't use the HL2 engine....
TrippyG said:
The netcode can be fixed, Battlefield 2 uses hl2 engine so... :thumbs:

what are you smokin? :farmer:
read: where the hell did you hear that?
All information sent over the network can be controlled in the code, so it shouldn't be a problem to optimize it.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Isnt empires that crappy RTS for battlefield?

Empires was a RTS/FPS mod for Battlefield 1942, but the BF1942 engine was not made for that kind of game so the mod became as stable as nitroglycerin in a mixer. When it did not crash it was really fun though, cant wait to see it on the source engine.
HunterSeeker said:
the mod became as stable as nitroglycerin in a mixer. When it did not crash it was really fun though
lol, The pics look quite nice and sounds like a fun mod too. *wishes he could have talent :( *
Wow! I love that jeep! Reminds me of that farcry vehicle, the 8? wheeled one.
Adrien C said:
I don't see why mod teams need to advertise for such a little thing, why can't they wait for bigger updates ?

Good map.

Well its better than a collection of weapon model rendered at settings so high they no longer represent the quality of the game graphics what so ever.
Both Empires mod, and Eternal Silence used to be mods for BF1942. Seems we are getting alot of migration from that engine due to the non-existant modding support EA/Dice offered. I was looking forward to them then, and I am looking forward to them alot more now... infact there are so many mods I am looking forward to for HL2 now - at least one of them HAS to be good :P
Empires was one of the most innovative mods for BF 1942.But it didnt really work,because the BF Engine sucks.But the HL2 Engine is the best moddable Engine atm.They will do a good job with this Engine....I feel it :P
To have such huge tires and obviously intended to be an off-road type vehicle it looks to me like it needs more ground clearance. Maybe it's the angle of the pics.......looks very nice tho.