Empires Mod Preview and Interview


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
The popular Battlefield 1942 mod, now in development for HL2, Empires has been interviewed and previewed by FPSCentral.[br]
Q: Krenzo, since you are the leader, please do a brief introduction of Empires for those that haven't heard of it before. [br]
Duke: If I may insert some things here, the original creative idea for the Empires world came from me thinking about a similar world 2 or 3 years prior to the start of the mod. I always wanted to do something with the idea, and when BF1942 came along, it provided an opportunity to make something of it. From there the idea culminated into what it is today. [br]
Krenzo: Well, essentially, Empires is our foray into the mixed genre of RTS and FPS. We're trying to make a mod that'll combine the positive aspects of the RTS genre, strategic thinking and huge battles, with the aspects of first person shooters, immersion and suspense. Anyway, Battlefield 1942 was where Empires originally started.
[br]The media is stunning, and we can expect more of the same quality from the experienced team.

You can read the full interview here.
So this is going to be a mod for HL2 or BF1942? I'm confused.
This is my mod of choice. I've been following this once closely for a while.
It looks really impressive.
yah - used to be for BF now for HL2.
We used to be a Battlefield 1942 mod, but now we've moved on to Half-Life 2.
ok, edited.

Comeon... I thought more common sense existed out there :p
If i'm not mistaken it planned to move to FarCry for a while... I am friends with someone who was involved with this project.
Yes, Empires was planning on moving to FarCry but with the lack of support from CryTek (and the SDK), it was decided that Half-Life 2 and the Source engine would be a better move for Empires.
hey Krenzo, remeber me? (my other online aliases : LeXo5, LX5, Nytmarezz) I was one of the first people to get a stable server up for over 3 hours when the alpha was first released for BF1942.

i had a lot of fun the week that i played it. it was awesome to be able to build bases and stuff (the assault/heavy trooper's gattling gun owned)

but the community kinda died so i stopped ....... i have farcry but i'll be really psyched when you goes go to HL2

I will certainly support this modification... I'm don't really like the BF42 environment.... Sweet. WWII mod with Source engine (when it matures), destructable etc, 5.1 w00t.

EDIT*** Wait, its not a WWII mod.... wtf lol :confused:
This is the kind of genre that I have been looking forward to in a game, either as a mod or as a stand-alone product. I really want to see a game that has the up-close action of an FPS with all kinds of complex strategic elements. I hope they take the time to make it the best it can be and I hope the Source engine can handle it! :thumbs:
I've never been a fan of BF1942, but maybe this mod will make me change my mind :)

There are so many great looking mods for HL2, I can't believe it.
You don't have to be a fan of BF1942 in order to be a fan of Empires. :)
this mod seems a bit too ambitious.
but i hope it works out, becuase if it does.. this will be the best mod ever.

I'm not sure if flying vehicles will work too well though. I sent an email to gabe about if you could do flying vehicles ala bf1942, and he said possibly, but mappers would have to be careful or the framerate would plummit.

good luck guys. i wish the best for ya
it sounds something like NS (natural selection) in that you have a commander, and you can also play as ground forces.

that is brilliant, because although NS is somewhat boring (since it is only troop and resource/building orientated) Empires seems to be taking on the whole RTS feel. (vehicles, resources, buildings, weapons, etc)

Damnit, it's mods like this that make the wait for Hl2 so damn hard.
HOLY SH*T, THOSE RENDERS ARE AMAZING. I think this has a Tiberian Sun air to it, I can't wait till it's complete. :bounce:
SubKamran said:
HOLY SH*T, THOSE RENDERS ARE AMAZING. I think this has a Tiberian Sun air to it, I can't wait till it's complete. :bounce:
Yeah, I really like the whole design too. I've played the BF1942 version and it was fun but also a lot of bugs causing frustration. But the Source engine is a lot more flexible than the BF1942 engine so I think this is going to be a great and very wonderfull mod.
it sounds something like NS (natural selection) in that you have a commander, and you can also play as ground forces.

that is brilliant, because although NS is somewhat boring (since it is only troop and resource/building orientated) Empires seems to be taking on the whole RTS feel. (vehicles, resources, buildings, weapons, etc)

There is a little-known game, called Allegience, that was released by Microsoft in about 1997 I think. This game was a combanation of a space flight/shooter with an RTS, and there was a lot of RTS in it, for example building different sorts of starbases, collecting resources with automated miner ships, researching new ships, better weapons etc.

This game has since become open source and is available completely free at www.alleg.net - I would highly recommend at least looking at it. It's difficult to get to grips with initially but when you do get the hang of it, there's nothing quite like being part of a fleet of 15 or so ships protecting a bomber trying to destroy the enemy base whilst the enemy is throwing everytihing & you and the bomber to protect it.... awesome stuf.... :)
How should whe call this gametype? RTFPSS (Real-Time First Person Strategy Shooter) looks cool :P
was browsing the website of this mod.. definitely looks cool :cool:
hm.. could turn out to be a massive mod too.. :thumbs:
I think the mod is somewhat ambitious and the gameplay will not work as well as they think. I am just going by information from the website. Good luck none the less.
yea, farcry screwed up delaying the sdk and not telling the people on a weekly basis what was going on. but the sdk is out now. and the support is actually the best ive ever seen from any company. they have crymod.com, a new patch came out, they are even updating their engine. it could be better, but its still the best ive seen. and theres no garuntee we'll get the hl2 sdk any time soon, which i didn't really care about , till i saw what source could do with those bloodlines screenshots. man that game will pwn.