

Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Which enemys would you like to see in Aftermath?

personally, I want to see:

Combine Assassins
Gonarch (maybe)

I think thats it.
Archintaus (spell?) Those aliens from Star Ship Troopers.
I suppose copyright laws don't exist in your corner of the world?
First and formost Chumtoads
Gonarch with it's lair in Ravenholm (come on we nead bosses)
Real Combine
Crab and Mortar Synths
Antlion Queen/King (another boss)
Antlion King!! I knew I forgot one
and the Crab and Mortar synths, ok three, I forgot three.
yeh deffinetly see my thread on my theory bout why they WILL be there
Jandor said:
Antlion King!! I knew I forgot one
and the Crab and Mortar synths, ok three, I forgot three.
antlion king, isn't that "asscheeks" or something from Raising the bar? :LOL:
LOL yeh ^^^ it looks like a giant ass worm.

edit: to clarify not a worm that burrows in ur ass, a worm that LOOKS like an ass
weren't those supposed to be like 60 feet high, think I read that gordon fit in between their toes or something
Push the other cool synths to the top of the list

EDIT: Antlion king ripping up C17 would be cool, then the Citadel falls on him ;)
i wanna see some of the aliens from hl1 and opf remade for source in it
Freinoplu? Their Valve-given name is, and has always been, "Mr. Friendly".

-Angry Lawyer
haha, i read the story behind mr friendly, he wanted to have.... offspring with the player... you know what I mean, you could even see his.... organ
A massive enemy robot teleported to C17 like the scarab from Halo 2 but which you damage.
here's the idea. You must blow up it's legs with RGP blasts to make it fall over. Then you must climb inside and kill it's crew (who are a new enemy). From then on you will be fighting the new enemies as the Combine teleport them in.
MarcoPollo said:
LOL yeh ^^^ it looks like a giant ass worm.

edit: to clarify not a worm that burrows in ur ass, a worm that LOOKS like an ass
sig'd, thanks 4 that i needed a good laugh
haha, it would be scary if he could rip through the HEV suit and get in your ass.... eww.

let's see, how about some headcrabbed combine and vortigaunts
i would rather see new enemies like synths and new combine tech (perhaps those mechanical suits which were discussed but obviously cut) than things like chumtoads or any of the lame enemies that gearbox added for op4. i loved the expansion but hated the new enemies.
I dont like your opinion in regards to Chumtoads, I do like your signature ;).
CREMATORS! please please please. I really would love to borrow their gun or see them burning stuff up. awesomeness!
Gargantua (!!!)
Ichthyosaur (But this time I hope you fight it)
Alien Grunt
Mortar Synth
Crab Synth
I think the synths from the citadel are a shoe in. Ant lion king is a big worm? Presumably in some kind of desert area. Almost certainly sensitive to vibrations...

Can anyone else say Dune? Or Tremors?

I do want to see bosses though, large scripted events for unique creatures that are a real challenge are so rewarding. I'd also love to see some sort of plague of small creatures, imagine hundreds of baby antlions swarming after you, a tidal wave of death covering the landscape behind you while you're driving away as fast as possible, looking into your rearview mirror (on the new improved vehicle) to check how close they are now. Imagine using physics to get away, shooting out supports to knock out towers and racing underneath the falling structure before it crashes down behind you. Making holes in water towers to sluice away the enemy when you see the area ahead is full of them. To kill them? Maybe the petrol is pouring out of your vehicle and its a race to last as long as possible and then when you run out of gas you light the area behind you and see them all go up in flames :)

OK, I typed to much :).
Id like to see i few new weapons come out of this expansion pack.
The huge zombies from Opposing Force which mutate from staying in the dark, underground and toxic?
The blue aliens from Opposing Force which have those claw sort of things on their hands.
The aliens with claws on their hands!
oh I know, I would like Valve to show some kind of genetic monstrousities much like the stalkers, maybe aliens from other worlds they've been experimenting with. Like say an organic being that's half machine
How bout those weird robot things from in the Citadel while your in that body train thing and there somethin you havent fought and there on a conveyor belt. I will try to make a pic.
I would like to see that huge creature that we saw on the Citadel ( i dont know the name, but its four legged and looks strong).
And maybe of course, the Hidra (the concept worked in zelda 64, i dont see why it wouldnt in HL2) But overall, i dont think we will be receiving a lot of new guns.
^^^Is it green, and was it on a conveyor belt. And did you see when your on the train type thing?
I'm pretty sure anything we saw at the end of HL2 in the Citadel is in this game.

I want (in order of wanting :)):

Not really a monster, but...I want to launch some Headcrab pods!

The things on the convyer belt, the small thing and the four legged thing are called Syths. In my oppinion they are Synthesized, Copied from something.
what are crab synths and mortar synths??!?!?? someone plz tell me.. I thought the only true combine was gunship/dropship/strider/strider scanner
I just want to fight me some BUllsquid and them Hounds, that'd make me a happy camper... oo aswell as some bosses. :)
The whole thing about the gate to City 17 opening and it getting overrun from the wasteland creatures screams an excuse to get Xen creatures back in the game. Packs of Houndeyes and Bullsquids seem likely to me. I imagine Gargs are also on the cards. As the antlions are confirmed to be along for the ride, perhaps the King Antlion will make an appearance... A new type of headcrab or perhaps an evolved zombie form (like the ones from Op4, but perhaps not the same) could appear perhaps.

Aside from that, more Synths will be in for sure, though the ones at the end of HL2 did look a little pants. We'll probably also get Stalkers, but as Enemies i'm not entirely sure... Assassins are a possibility. But what about the Hydra? I don't think we'll see it, which is a major shame. And to round it all off, I hope that Valve create something that wasn't in RtB!
Hmmm. Im thinking:

Cremators: Cremating things
Synths: Both Crab and Mortar varietys.
Hydra: Looks damn cool.
Stalkers: They shoot lasers from there head!
Bullsquid: Good old HL.
Houndseye: Same as above
Antlion King: 60ft tall! Damn.
Gonarch: Well, why not? Would look good in Source.
Gonome: Just because.
Snarks: Make a good weapon to.
Chumtoads: Just hopping about zapping birds or something.
Advisors: Hmmmm, maybe. maybe not.
Tentacles: Source Tentacles. fighting Antlions.
Antlion Grubs: Something to step on and make 'squish' noises.
Combine Assassins: Leaping around, shooting silenced pistols. etc.
Archers: Some underwater enemies please.
Ichtyosaur: Same as above, maybe eating Archers.

Hmmm, I think I'm done.