
Jandor said:
Hmmm. Im thinking:

Cremators: Cremating things
Synths: Both Crab and Mortar varietys.
Hydra: Looks damn cool.
Stalkers: They shoot lasers from there head!
Bullsquid: Good old HL.
Houndseye: Same as above
Antlion King: 60ft tall! Damn.
Gonarch: Well, why not? Would look good in Source.
Gonome: Just because.
Snarks: Make a good weapon to.
Chumtoads: Just hopping about zapping birds or something.
Advisors: Hmmmm, maybe. maybe not.
Tentacles: Source Tentacles. fighting Antlions.
Antlion Grubs: Something to step on and make 'squish' noises.
Combine Assassins: Leaping around, shooting silenced pistols. etc.
Archers: Some underwater enemies please.
Ichtyosaur: Same as above, maybe eating Archers.

Hmmm, I think I'm done.

Archers? Advisors?

What are these please?! :hmph:
Archers: Small fish cut from HL or one of the expansions, cant remember.
Advisors: The big green slug at the end of HL2.
I'd like to see...
-The cremator
-AI'd Icthy
-Those two mystery synths
-Vortigaunts helping in combat
All that stuff was shown in Hl2, but never really entered gameplay. So they are the the most likely to get added into this new volume.

Second most likely to show up are the cut things shown in Raising the Bar that could have been fixed.
Out of them, I'd like to see the hydra and the female combine.

The least likely thing we'll see are going to be creatures from the original games, although those shown or mentioned in HL2/RTB have high potential.
Out of them, I wanna gonarch, garg and bullsquid.

And I know it'll never happen, but: RACE-X PLZ K THNX
Jandor said:
Archers: Small fish cut from HL or one of the expansions, cant remember.
Advisors: The big green slug at the end of HL2.

Ahh I see. I did know what the advisor was but it's been a while since I played HL2.

Archers... any pics? I've googled, couldn't find anything :|
Advisors are likely to be in, though I doubt we'll fight them. That raises an interesting point: well Breen be back, will someone else take his place, will it be all out Human/Combine war or will it it just be a case of initating the escape from City 17 with no combine war?
GMan and Alyx. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. :>
hmmm... Well HL1 Main Boss was the Alien Baby from Xen.. But what about the Alien Father from Xen :naughty: 200x Bigger than Ninny (Cant spell its name :p) and much more harder to kill :p
I want that big creature in OP4 which was huge and shooting pink energy balls at you and explodes when you killed it (very hard to kill BTW)
Jandor said:
I dont like your opinion in regards to Chumtoads, I do like your signature ;).
well it appears that we can agree to disagree. :)

hooray for independent opinions!
Super-strong headcrabbed combine zombies, trans-human stalkers, all our buddies from xen and the synths :bonce:
Imagine this, you're running through the streets, fighting all Xen creatures and Combine running around. You're near one of the walls of City 17, and suddenly you hear a burning sound. You look towards the wall, suddenly the combine stop shooting you and aim towards the wall. All the Xenites clear the street. No music, just silence, maybe footsteps and sounds of people running. Suddenly the portion of the wall crashes down as a Garg comes bursting through followed by even MORE Gargs. The collapsing wall of course somehow creates a new path and keeps you from getting in the way of the Garg batch except for that one that sees you, and then BOSS FIGHT! Meanwhile you see Gargs destroying the city in the background. Having a few Gargs running around the city would also create chances for even more boss fights. Can you imagine the awesomeness of a Garg trampeling a strider? *drools*
Oh, so you all want another Xen Fraction.

Maybe the Vorts would be like HEY GUYS THE SQUISHY THINGS ARE ON OUR SIDE!
Rafa 5.0 said:
remember the supposedly "flying headcrabs".... *craps pants*

Flying headcrabs? Man that will be weird, or maybe not.

Anyway the enemies i'll like to see are:

-Crab and Mortar Synths
-Alien Grunt

That about it.
Sn4tcH said:
Imagine this, you're running through the streets, fighting all Xen creatures and Combine running around. You're near one of the walls of City 17, and suddenly you hear a burning sound. You look towards the wall, suddenly the combine stop shooting you and aim towards the wall. All the Xenites clear the street. No music, just silence, maybe footsteps and sounds of people running. Suddenly the portion of the wall crashes down as a Garg comes bursting through followed by even MORE Gargs. The collapsing wall of course somehow creates a new path and keeps you from getting in the way of the Garg batch except for that one that sees you, and then BOSS FIGHT! Meanwhile you see Gargs destroying the city in the background. Having a few Gargs running around the city would also create chances for even more boss fights. Can you imagine the awesomeness of a Garg trampeling a strider? *drools*

Due to the Vortiguants' alliance, imagine if they were on *our* side :O
jondyfun said:
Due to the Vortiguants' alliance, imagine if they were on *our* side :O
I think Gargs are considered wildlife - they're too dumb to have alliegences. Anyone dumb enough to stand up to a garg, Human or Combine is going to get fryed. I do see a very good chance of them being in though - the gargs will storm City17 and make it their kingdom ^^
Flying Snarks! And Combine Mawmen! That's about all...
Combine Mawmen/Zombies, Ichtyosauriourio and TEH CREMATOR! ME WANTS CREMATOR!
The Kingpin and Mr Happy. They were never used in HL and it would be interesting to see how they fight.
Well, the hydra was already advertised for HL2 (not the expansion) but wasn't in the game (false advertising) also there was a screenshot on planet halflife showing an m16 or something but also wasn't included in the game so after release it was taken off the site. if u ask me hl2 is a good game but overated. When u cut zombies in half they only get cut at the waist line. And when pick up stuff u cant see ur hands. And as 4 the tentacle well in the blue-shift manual it calls the barnacle a tentacle (i think). Do u mean that thing in the blast pit? Anyway there should be a hl2 opposing force and intead of hl2 blue-shift u'd play as shepard with the rebels. There should be more original enemies and the actual combine but this would come a year after so the citys are rebuilt. And zombies other than just humans. I dont think gargs would be a good idea but maybe bullsquid and hound eyes with those green collars the vortiguants had in halflife so that the vortiguants could make them on ur team.
I dont want robots lol, i cant stand fighting robots.

Ide rather fight pink fluffy bunnies with slingshots, at least their alive... that sounds quite sick, but i dnt like shooting robots on a video gam, anyone else not like doing that, just seems stupid for some reason.
idd like to see a alex drunk... with lots of beer.. and i want to see... uh.. lots of things, and a mirror ;)
Pfft Mirrors.

What key will it be to do Gordons hair while hes llooking at himself in the mirror AND NOT SAVING THE WORLD...!!!!

I would also like mirrors, and when u stand close to it, breath marks go onto it....damn straight
I'd definately LOVE to see the Hydra in there, maybe the Prowler from the concept art. Some sort of Ant Lion Overlord or something would be cool; some antlion type thing as big(well maybe not THAT big) as a strider. :E
Prowler, I forgot about him. Still, Cremators would satisfy me. Bullsquid and Houndseye as well.

The Antlion King was reportedly bigger than a Strider, 60ft tall or something. I would love to see it kicking some ass in C17.

I think Gargs where wildlife, then enslaved by the Xenians/Comine (whichever you prefer). They might be free again now. But personally I'm not fussed about seeing them.
I just want to see:

Ichthyoaur - A MUST HAVE.
And some of the concepts of combine soldiers being ingame would be nice too. :)
wackywack101 said:
if u ask me hl2 is a good game but overated.

I'll respect that opinion when you tell what FPS is better. ;)

Jandor said:
The Antlion King was reportedly bigger than a Strider, 60ft tall or something. I would love to see it kicking some ass in C17.

The only problem is the LOADING! If the thing is that huge (According to reports, Gordon fits between his toes.) I would LOVE to see it in game, but it seems like it can only realistically be done in CGI. Seriously, the thing would be so huge and then consider the destruction it would cause, not to mention its scripted AI. And don't doubt for a second that it wouldn't be killing things... Our computers would explode....
in the early gaming magazines they described mechanical suits that combine soldiers used and they sounded like they would be cool if they werent too rediculous. id have to see a concept art before i formed a judgement but i bet they would be very fun to fight.
Sn4tcH said:
I'll respect that opinion when you tell what FPS is better. ;)

Its still an awesome game but its not perfect. when ut2006/7 comes out apparently the graphics will look a bit like final fantasy the movie. (almost like real life) and gargs a not really wildlife because their robots :borg:

it really annoys me how hl2 needs internet to play. (ut is multiplayer but u dont need internet to play, let alone have to download crap)

actually i think tere already are real combine i think their those white soldiers because they have on eye. there arent any synths or whatever becuase they came down with the citadel. and the antlion king idea is just plain stupid. also there shouldnt be any antlions because its no longer ant lion season. ||maybe alyx will be working for the g-man too?||
sparks come off gargs, the have a red light for eyes, they explode..
At one point I always thought the gargs were robot suits piloted by Overseers. I doubt it though. And it doesnt just explode, the dam thing practically almost burts, dont think a robot would do that :p
gargs are some kind of synth like the striders and gunships...biomechanical...

they breathe,bleed and cry out in pain when dying..sparks also come off of armor..

gargs would be sweet,as would the cremators..hydra also
The hydra

Antlion King

More evolved versions of the zombies (although it can be argued the combine altered the headcrabs so they couldn't mutate past a certain point)

And some completely new stuff.....
wackywack101 said:
Its still an awesome game but its not perfect. when ut2006/7 comes out apparently the graphics will look a bit like final fantasy the movie. (almost like real life) and gargs a not really wildlife because their robots :borg:
Are you implying that UT2006/7 will be better than HL2 because it has graphics "that look a bit like final fantasy the movie"? What if those games end up about as fun as final fantasy the movie? Or the slightly more bareable prospect of a night-in with a serial rapist?

I disagree that Gargs are Robots, though them being biomechanical creatures still makes it difficult to see why they could be "wildlife" as such. Still, RtB suggests as much, with Gargantuas seen on a (now scrapped) train ride through the wastelands.