Enemy wheelbarrow spotted!


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Someone already posted this in another thread, but nobody seemed to care. I think it's hilarious! If you don't want to bother extracting, just play the attachement in WMP.

EDIT: I've attached a second one - for the squad leader. :D



I was hoping for a video to accompany it :(
The laughing at the end wtf? Lol..oh well, I got a chucle.
It's a .OGG, a music file.


EDIT: Oh I see, play the attatchment IN WMP. I thought you said "play the attatched WMP".

EDIT: Hmm, I don't have the proper codec for this apparently. What is this, an Xvid?
WMP = Winamp.

Rather funny, can picture a few MEC's pushing wheelbarrows with guys in them.
DreadLord1337 said:
WMP = Winamp.

Rather funny, can picture a few MEC's pushing wheelbarrows with guys in them.
Actually I think WMP is Windows Media Player...if im not mistaken...
I've seen a wheelbarrow on one of the maps... I think it was operation clean sweep, in the second MEC flag from the left. I'm gonna try spotting it next time i play :D
CyberPitz said:
Actually I think WMP is Windows Media Player...if im not mistaken...

Well it's always used in relation to Winamp files, and these are Winamp files.
Well, actually I meant Windows Media Player. I play the file fine there, tho it asked me if I'm sure because WMP is not sure whether it can play it...
Winamp files are .orgg, but they handle everything, so yours might read windows media files by default.
Yes I'm aware of Winamp using everything. But I'm just going off of what it looks like. WMP Windows Media Player

That's why I think it is that. Other than that..yeah...