Engineer Underated?


Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
There seems to be a big lack of people who play as engineers, I used to think the shotgun was useless; but the other day I played with engineer and got the most points on the server with lots of shotgun kills. Also a decent blackhawk team has to have an engineer, as well as som1 who uses armour often.
As for the AT mines..they can be hit or miss with teamkilling your own team. But often il use it kinda like a C4, and run up to a tank and dump the mine in front of it.
The shotgun's definitely the weak point of the engineer - anything other than close-quarter urban maps and it's completely useless.
enginneer with unlock FTW
i get so many kills with it - its real weakness is the length of time it takes to reload
the only weakness is idiots running over your sign posted mine and THEN PUNISHING
I play engineer allot, and it's probably my best KD ratio out of all of them.

I found interest in the Engineer when I was trying to re-earn my engi badge, since it hasn't been awarded to me in a few months. So while playing, I found out how awesome the shotgun was in both close and medium ranges, and how easy it is to bring a team to it's knees with mines. Depending on what map you're playing, vehicles can be everything for a team. No vehicles, no win. So if you're really good at placing mines so that idiotic team mates don't get them, but enemies do, then you can really rake up the kills. You don't know how satisfying it is to be flying around in a helo, and all of a sudden see you got 5 kills.

Oh and i've found that hopping in the passenger seat of a BHawk and dropping mines NEAR the roads is one of the best ways of getting AT kills. While flying over the roads, drop them fairly near the road, not ON the road. People tend to offroad as apposed to going on the road, since it attracts less attention and it's easier to sneak into a base that way.

IMHO, engineer rocks :thumbs:

EDIT: Guess my sig additions been up long enough. Time to take it down :(
I like the engie. Shotgun close range, pistol anything else. Then again, I love the pistol....
I play engeneer every time I want to take tank, engeneer+tank=god
Axyon said:
The shotgun's definitely the weak point of the engineer - anything other than close-quarter urban maps and it's completely useless.

If you ever encounter an enemy at range while on foot, you're not playing the engineer correctly. Engineer rocks at Karkand and pretty much the most valuable thing on a blackhawk team.
Pesmerga said:
If you ever encounter an enemy at range while on foot, you're not playing the engineer correctly. Engineer rocks at Karkand and pretty much the most valuable thing on a blackhawk team.

This one speaks the truth (for once). Shotguns used properly in close range can get you one kill for every shell- i prefer the pump action to the gas powered, because it sounds so dam awesome.
You guys are wrong. Engineer + black hawk owns. Today we had a full blackhawk and had a few engineers tossing land mines out the side...we could carpet an area as we flew over. Sure sucked for any vehicles below us!
Glirk Dient said:
You guys are wrong. Engineer + black hawk owns. Today we had a full blackhawk and had a few engineers tossing land mines out the side...we could carpet an area as we flew over. Sure sucked for any vehicles below us!

I did that once, one landed on a friendly APC and killed all occupants. :|
Its useless to be an Engineer IMO. Everytime I start laying mines to defend a flag, I give out warnings about them aswell, teammates say screw it and run them over. Since that day about 20 or so hours into my account, I haven't played it since. I have about 80 or so hours played too, lol.
Shotgun = teh sux
AT Mines = TK attracters

Yea, engineer suxorz.
15357 said:
I did that once, one landed on a friendly APC and killed all occupants. :|

And I always thought you have to ride over the mine :P
Unfocused said:
And I always thought you have to ride over the mine :P

sometimes I go deep into enemy territory and put some mines on vehicles. You can't notice it very well, and when they move the mine explodes.
15357 said:
sometimes I go deep into enemy territory and put some mines on vehicles. You can't notice it very well, and when they move the mine explodes.

Heh sounds like one of my favorite things to do while playing the NVA in BF:V.

Booby Traps were so funny. Even moreso on the helicopters. :P
I like the engineer, but yeah, retarded teammates riding into your mine and then punishing you are a pain in the ass. Today I placed a mine near the base exit, as many enemy APC's were invading it. After I placed it I saw a jeep, with two guys, honking at me so I get in. While running to the jeep I said through the voice com "watch out for the mine I just pu there". The next thing the driver does is drive next to my mine, close enough to detonate it though. I got punished (don't know whether the driver or the othar guy). :hmph: .
People are retarded like that. Only once have I ever had any success with an engineer. If you get 2 APCs to gaurd a base, put mines at every entrance and the 2 APCs with engineers in them sit next to eachother then your pretty much invincible. You both repair eachother when your close enough, and nothing can drive in.
Glirk Dient said:
People are retarded like that. Only once have I ever had any success with an engineer. If you get 2 APCs to gaurd a base, put mines at every entrance and the 2 APCs with engineers in them sit next to eachother then your pretty much invincible. You both repair eachother when your close enough, and nothing can drive in.

Good plan, there's always somethin though- mines wont stop those choppers...hehe