Engineers of Tomorrow


MosaD 22


I brought up this pretty cool idea a long ways back and thought i'd just mention it again for the hell of it just because the community is a bit larger at this point. This is what I like to call a mapper's mod. I am not a mapper, I am a modeler therefore this wouldn't be up my alley. And I would say there are about 371 times more mappers than any other position that has to do with mod dev so this should appeal to some and their creative side.

I'll start this the same way I did before. Do you remember a really old pc game called The Incredible Machine. The basic idea behind this game was to solve a puzzle using a bunch of given crap; like girders, monkeys on bikes, bowling balls, etc. Well this mod is nothing like that. The only way it relates is the idea of solving a puzzle.

Lets say for example we have a big room with the player on one side and a small door on the other. The whole point is for the player to do whatever he can physically do to get to that door. Its not that easy though. The whole room is one big puzzle so to speak. Lets say in order to get to the door for this particular puzzle the player has to pick up a crowbar hidden behind a box to break a piece of glass which holds a manipulator gun which is uses to pick up a barrel to throw at a piece of wood which is blocking a small lift needed to get to the door!

The whole idea behind the mod is for the mappers (the Engineers of Tomorrow) to create a series of maps that hold 3 puzzles each(or whatever) that get progressively harder as you go. I think it would be awesome practice for the mappers to stretch their creative ability, and think it would have a huge fanbase of mappers who also want to practice creativity.

You can even have a multiplayer where a bunch of people work together with manipulator guns and have to stack a ton of objects on top of each other to get to the door and hope that the stack doesn't collapse. Or whatever you can think of!!!

Whatever. I hope you think it's interesting ;]
that is an awesome idea! i remember that incredible machine game too.. that game was a blast!

Could be interesting. It will certainly be fun to see just what the entity I/O system in Hammer is capable of.