Ent Data Optimizer


Apr 17, 2004
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This program is made by my friend Tony Levi (Also HL Deaths Leader) anyway basicly it can cut down the size of your BSP's I highly recomend you try it out.

ChatBear forum thread

It is still in production with new versions being released frequently. Try it out I managed a 33% reduction in one of my maps.

Ent Data Optimizer download

Becuase this program is still in production with bugs being found every now and then people with a knowledge of coding may be able to help out.
That's really cool. How exactly does it optimize the data? does it just look at Ent data, or does it actually modify the .bsp?
It modifies the BSP. I just put it onto the end of my batch compile. I'll ask tony and get back to you at lunch (I'm at school at the moment)
It modifies the .ent data from ripents.

then you add it back in.

modifies the .Bsp what was I thinking?
Yeah I'd be the author of that app.
Alpheus has got it fairly right in the end - you need to use ripents to grab the entdata from the bsp and then again to add it back in. (one day, far off in the future, i might change that)

"g:\hldev\programs\vhe\tools\xhlt\ripent.exe" -export g:\games\HL\death\maps\train_t1
"g:\hldev\programs\vhe\tools\fragsperl\opt_entdata.exe" g:\games\HL\death\maps\train_t2 -delbackup -log -verbose
"g:\hldev\programs\vhe\tools\ripent.exe" -import g:\games\HL\death\maps\train_t1

That may or may not appear right. damn line wrapping...
EDIT: there are some spaces where there shouldnt be. the map is supposed to be train_t1 etc. im sure you get it
0.7 has undergone extensive testing has has been released under a beta monkier instead of alpha. That means I think its almost perfectly safe to use!

Go see the chatbear thread:

Or direct download:

Please post any bugs or suggestions on the VERC thread or alternativly e-mail me.

EDIT: 0.7 dosen't require use of ripent manually. Specifing a parameter makes the program run it by itself. See the doc if you give a damn. :)