Enter the Tribes, 1 year old mod concept looking for people!


Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Enter the Tribes is still going, its been a year since people last heard of us but we are still here!
Our reason for going low for a year's time was because of the half-life 2 release delay.

we have undertaken a new website change and a preview of the top can be seen here:


*Please note that only the top banner will be used

Enter the tribes is a new kind of Half-life 2 mod.

You will be able to select between 2 tribes (later on more) and then help your tribe grow in size, protect it against enemies and make it's technology better.

Enter the Tribes includes a ressource system (you have to chop down trees to build cottages, gather stone for weapons, gather poison for darts etc.)

Each tribe will have upto 8 different classes to choose from, which all are specific in a curtain are, ie. one is good at using axe's but not as good at using darts where another is good at using darts but not good at axe's etc.

We currently need: Jungle music composer, 3d modellers, animators, concept artists, c++ coders. (others may apply aswell since we always will take good people in )

Sorry for the quick introduction i usually make it longer but im currently at work and just got past this website so i thought ill make a quick post!

We will be located at http://www.enterthetribes.com and http://www.enterthetribes.dk

Interested people can contact me at: [email protected]
ALL interested people can apply and will get a reply back within 24 hours
Thanks for your attention.
Maybe you should consider a name change, Sierra might not be too happy.

(Starsiege: Tribes, Tribes II, Tribes: Vengance)
just because the name has a word used in another game title it cant be copyrightet. so they cant do anything about it unless i call it the very same or something really really close.
yea its not copyright, for example MASTER OF THE TRIBES rofl isnt copyright, sierra dont exactly own the word TRIBES
one whole year and you still don't have a team? ;)
i have a team its just not filled out =) and we have been inactive for a while because of the delay so some dropped off to work on hl1 mods instead
At first I thought the name "Enter the Tribes" implied some sort of jetpack-wearing bullet-time induced rampage...
hehe ;) well everyone has to get some surprises now and then
Hmmmm, How do you explain going inactive 1 year ago because you knew hl2 was delayed when you didn't know it was delayed. No one did. Not until september.
oh im sorry, almost a year then....

come on man does it matter ? you can find our old old old posts on planethalflife.com. im really really truely sorry it isnt september yet.

It could be copyrighted; I doubt it, but it might be. Any game with the syllable "tris" for example (which has a definition I think; it's not just random) is infringing on the Tetris copyright, the company won a lawsuit about it a long time ago.
Tribes is an Actual word though. Oh wait Windows is copyright and thats just a noun.
All i can say is: How much more f**ked up is the patent system going to make the world before some giant cataclysmic event throws this sort of crap out....out the Window(TM)?

It is getting a little insane. The system, like _beloved_ DCMA, was designed to protect the little people. Who is it working for now eh?
well tetris isn't a word you use in common talk. Since Tribes is a word that's used in other ways it can't be copyrighted
Kyo said:
Tribes is an Actual word though. Oh wait Windows is copyright and thats just a noun.

But that copyright doesn't say you cant make a title like "Looking through Windows" etc. its just for the name windows as a product name.