Entry / Art Contest #1: Toffee


Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Entered contest.

...so, I´m not allowed to do an eyeball skewerd by a pencil then? :P
Hah :P you'd have to draw better then everyone elses pencil skewered eyeball :P
righto, I thought I´d post this now, before anyone else thinks up an similar idea :P
Its quite horrible sketch tho, but nevermind, you´ll get the idea. :) That was something that just popped in my mind at first, but it isnt the final yet...
CREMATOR666 said:
Great to see you are in, Toffee :P
I wouldnt miss it! :P
I´ve never been in a competition before, so this will be interesting :)

crushenator 500 said:
Compared to my horrible sketches, that 'horrible sketch' is awesome :o
Oh, they´re not!! Its not that important how they look at this point, just people get the main idea, but thanks anyway, heh. :)


hmm, I´m working on another piece, what includes a man who draws his own head(or/arm/foot/something), with the pencil of course. There still will be the flying eyeballs (emerging from an omelett) because I still like the idea :P
I´ll scribble that later on.. I´m feeling a flu coming, and don´t really fancy sitting behind the computer all day.. :(
Keep working! Meanwhile, in the darkest corner of CREMATOR666's room, and evil plan far beyond anyone's imagine is coming together.... :P
CREMATOR666 said:
Keep working! Meanwhile, in the darkest corner of CREMATOR666's room, and evil plan far beyond anyone's imagine is coming together.... :P

..which includes a combine asassin and a half mechanic, half-organic eyeball. remember the pencil too :)
MaxiKana said:
Ooooo.. Looking good :)
thanks, its only one of the many ideas I´ve got..or its part of one..oh well, lets see what I´ll come up with :P
I should avoid too many details actually, as it seems to take so long to think up the most pleasing idea, and don´t know how long I can spend doing the final piece then.
I thought I´d do something different than just some floating heads, so heres another messy sketch. I think I´ll go with this one :)
I don´t know if this is surreal enough though, maby its more fairy taleish. :P
That orc-guy is drawing a ladder with the pencil incase your wondering..
Why do your "Messy Sketches" look so damn good? :p

It looks really cool to me, I haven't got the slightest idea about surrealism, when I hear it - I think "random". My piece isn't really surreal in the slightest - that's why I may bin it :P

I wouldn't call it fairy tailish, maybe if you give it a kind of darker tone to the whole scene - the cutesy little eyeball (:P) could be made into some fugly little bat-winged thing ;)

Just throwing around ideas :)

Great work :
JiMmEh said:
Why do your "Messy Sketches" look so damn good? :p

It looks really cool to me, I haven't got the slightest idea about surrealism, when I hear it - I think "random". My piece isn't really surreal in the slightest - that's why I may bin it :P

I wouldn't call it fairy tailish, maybe if you give it a kind of darker tone to the whole scene - the cutesy little eyeball (:P) could be made into some fugly little bat-winged thing ;)

Just throwing around ideas :)

Great work :

hehehe, I guess I made that eyeball look kinda cute, without knowing it :D
Well, I was actually about to give this one a more darker tone.
I suppose the final piece is going to look a bit different than first one :)
Did you draw that orc head? that looks amazing, and the fact you can do that so quickly and casually...
I guess living out in the middle of nowhere let's you concentrate on things ALOT better then living here in the stressfull city :P

Very nice sketch! Can't belive you draw/paint that well! I bet you will win the competition :)
Yes, I did Suicide42 :) And thank you, I´m glad you like it :E

aww, thanks Maxi :D . I don´t really care so much whos going to win. I´m more interested in seeing what others come up with :)
Yeah well, I dont really have a lot going on now after I ended my studys and moved back to the farm. But at least now I can concentrate on the things I want to do :)

I gave the piece a more darked tone now. I think that orc guy whatever he is, looks like nosferatu now though..meh
I can´t decide wich one I should work on tho. :/
The second one might have more surrealistic features than the first..oh well
One more. :) I hope this is going to be my final one. I actually had a dream where my
skin peeled off like that, thats where I got the idea :P
There will be a man carrying an eyeball on the staircase, but I have some
trouble to decide what to do with the pencil though. Well, I´ll probably think up something..
I´ll also give this some colour...
very nice, think Ill now go resign my attempts :P
Some excellent work Toffee. I knew talking you into this contest would raise the bar for everyone :)

I think you entering was high enough TDE :(
Wow! Very nice sketch again. TDEs right about Toffee raising the bar of the competition :)
Any more pieces for us to drool on, Toffee?

BTW, TDE, nice avatar, is it from JU-ON ? :P