EP 1 - Achievements


Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
2 of the achievements seem to be impossible to me. Anyone got those?

1. not killing any stalkers.
2. using exactly one bullet, grenade...etc. (1 rocket against the gunship, strider???)
Surely it's technically impossible to not kill a single stalker, since right at the start you have to reprogram a hopper mine to kill one, as a requirement to progress?
they're actually pretty easy. keep trying at it and youll get em. if it helps, watch a video.
Some of the achievements might be bugged like some of the Ep2 ones are (i.e. Neighbourhood Watch) and just may not be possible to do.
Also for the second achievement you've mentioned there it means only firing one bullet but you use grenades, rockets, crowbar and the gravity gun.
I got both of them on my copy (I had all games exept portal on the PC before I bought it for the 360 for the achievements) and they are both fairly easy. The stalker one is incredibly easy , you just have to time it right so they don't send you into the pit below in the core. The second one you have to use that one bullet on the lock towards the end of lowlife , other than that you can get through using the gravgun and RPGs alone.
Which padlock is it talking about? I can't remember which one they mean.
The stalker one. You have to reprogram the core (or whatever) without killing any stalkers. So it's just the two guys down next to the core you have to avoid killing, which is fairly easy. I have done it (on pc though).
In the very beginning of Lowlife, you have to unlock an electric door. You crawl through some vents, and Alyx talks about how you and Barney always used to have competitions when Kleiner locked himself out. You drop down into the room, and get a pistol and shotgun. Then you shoot the lock off the chainlink fence.
Ah yes, I remember that now. It's been a while since I played Ep1!
Some of the achievements might be bugged like some of the Ep2 ones are (i.e. Neighbourhood Watch) and just may not be possible to do.
Also for the second achievement you've mentioned there it means only firing one bullet but you use grenades, rockets, crowbar and the gravity gun.

i got neighbourhood watch?
How? The objective is to save ALL the buildings and one gets destroyed no matter how fast you get there. :|
How? The objective is to save ALL the buildings and one gets destroyed no matter how fast you get there. :|
You just have to be really quick dispatching the second group. You know where they're coming from by now, so get a few sticky-mines out of the dispensers before the fighting starts.
You just have to be really quick dispatching the second group. You know where they're coming from by now, so get a few sticky-mines out of the dispensers before the fighting starts.

I never thought of that! Now I know how to do it.
Yeah i got the Neighbourhood Watch watch achievement. The best way is get several strider busters ready for the second Strider then wait near to were it come. The first Strider will come to you and he takes a while before destroying the building, blow him up, then grab another for the second Strider you should be near to his spawn point have just enough time to fire the Bomb and shoot it. You only get one chance with him you miss and you've had it.
Note that you can save and reload as many times as you like without effecting the outcome, and it can be achieved on lower difficulty settings too.
I'm an achievement whore so when I didn't get it the first time I went back and did it :|
oh, I envy you all who have found them easy!

Another one I tried to get yesterday was to get all the civilians safely out to the train station. I got so frustrated that they either got in my way to kill the combines, or standing still there to be killed. No matter how I pressed the command button to direct them to move to a safer spot, they'd just keep standing.
oh, I envy you all who have found them easy!

Another one I tried to get yesterday was to get all the civilians safely out to the train station. I got so frustrated that they either got in my way to kill the combines, or standing still there to be killed. No matter how I pressed the command button to direct them to move to a safer spot, they'd just keep standing.

Don't bother commanding them they won't listen. Instead just focus on taking out the Combine, after a couple of tries you'll know where they spawn and be ready for them.
I don't bother going after achievements (mainly because I don't have an xbox so they're only available in Ep. 2 and Portal, and because the combination of hl2 being on my laptop and my home network being installed before I got said laptop means I'm all but forced to play in offline mode) but now that I've finished this overly long intro?

Is the "Neighborhood Watch" achievement possible? Sheesh, on the easiest difficulty setting, I can't stop them from blowing up the sawmill.
It is, but I can't get any achievements in offline mode and the limit on the games in which they're available limits my incentive to chase any of them.