EP1 threads / spoilers appearing in non EP1 forums

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Dec 13, 2005
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I know that you can't help having retards that can't read, or use simple logic ("my thread is about EP1, so logicly it would go in the....EP1 forum!") posting on your fine site, but could someone please move the endless flow of EP1 threads that are appearing in other forums, like the HL2 and Help & Support - All Source Games ones especially. I am getting EP1 when it is released retail here (15th June) - I just like having a shiny disc for my money- and it's getting rediculous with all the spoilers popping up everywhere (but the EP1 forum it seems)- even in the titles: "I thought the Citadel was meant to blow up?" or "Help im stuck on ________" or "Wow - who else didn't see __________ coming!!".

Please move the threads to the EP1 forum, and keep an eye on this sort of thing, for everyones sake. And an insulting message or two to the author of each offending thread would be nice.

There's really not much we can do but warn them. Everybody learns from mistakes. :)
99.vikram said:
There's really not much we can do but warn them. Everybody learns from mistakes. :)
Not much we can do, but if you had read my post properly, you would see I was asking if a mod would kindly move them.

All us non-mods can (and should) do is abuse and insult them untill they learn that even the simple rules a 5 year-old could follow still matter and are there for a reason. Anyway, even if it wasn't a "rule", common sense should scream "post your EP1 crap in the actual EP1 forum!!!"
Shasta said:
Not much we can do, but if you had read my post properly, you would see I was asking if a mod would kindly move them.

Is it possible for you to post something without making accusations like "you didn't read my post correctly"? I read your post. By 'we' I meant everyone incl. moderators. By the time such threads are removed, ppl would have already read the spoilers.

But I'm really not in the mood for a fight, so I'll drop it.
I've already played through it but I definitely agree
This should be a high priority for mods

Good luck not reading anything too revealing :)
99.vikram said:
Is it possible for you to post something without making accusations like "you didn't read my post correctly"? I read your post. By 'we' I meant everyone incl. moderators. By the time such threads are removed, ppl would have already read the spoilers.

But I'm really not in the mood for a fight, so I'll drop it.
Why do you have such a defeatist, "oh well, not much anyone can do" attitude? And no, I'm not rying to start a fight either.

Anyway, there is plenty that can be done, IF the right people can be bothered.

Ikerous - thanks!
There's always the option of not visiting the forum until you get it. Not trying to be gruff, but I don't think the mods really care if you read spoilers or not enough to have to constantly move threads.

I may be wrong.
No hard feelings :p

But I think the mods are already trying their best.
The mods don't really have anything better to do...
And the topics belong in the episode 1 forum anyways

And theres nothing that sucks more than reading spoilers, especially to hl related games
I'm sure the mods can sympathize with that
99.vikram said:
No hard feelings :p

But I think the mods are already trying their best.
Maybe they need more staff members?
*nominates veggie*

God.. this site is running like shit for me
Anyone else?
vegeta897 said:
There's always the option of not visiting the forum until you get it. Not trying to be gruff, but I don't think the mods really care if you read spoilers or not enough to have to constantly move threads.

I may be wrong.
Why should everyone that is yet to play EP1 avoid an entire website just because a few retards can't post their crap in the right forum? Do you think the mods job is to tell people not to come here? Next you will tell me that the mods don't need to worry about moving any threads, and that really they do nothing, so we don't need them. Maybey you don't think they need to delete goatse links, and if people don't want to see any goatse, they shouldn't come here either.

You are a moron. If it didn't matter where people posted things, there wouldn't be seperate forums for different things.

I'm sure it will not be easy for the mods to keep up, but hey, life is hard sometimes. A few harsh punishments and warnings might make people wake up before they post a new thread in the wrong place.
What the hell is wrong with you.

I was trying to be nice, and offered a suggestion. I didn't say you were whining, I was simply letting you know the likely outcome of you suggestion. Did you completely ignore the sentence immediately following? If you know me at all you know would know I'm not an asshole, and would never say "If you don't like it, leave."

I think now it's safe to say that you REALLY need to leave this site. If you're going to over react to the slightest thing and insult people who were trying to help you, you need to spend less time on the internet.
Shasta said:
You are a moron.
A few harsh punishments and warnings might make people wake up before they post a new thread in the wrong place.

1) Attack the argument, not the person who presented it.

2) So n00bs will never return to this community again?
vegeta897 said:
What the hell is wrong with you.

I was trying to be nice, and offered a suggestion. I didn't say you were whining, I was simply letting you know the likely outcome of you suggestion.
Telling someone not to visit an entire website just because there are game spoilers spilling all over the place, when it could be solved and all the spoilers / EP1 related stuff shoved back in the EP1 forum where it belongs, is not a suggestion at all, or being nice. At best, it's promoting laziness, and a defeatist attitude. (another one!)

I'm just sick of retards ruining a game that I am soon to play, just because they can't post in the right place, and the mods don't seem to be doing anything (even just moving the damn threads to the EP1 forum).
Shasta said:
I'm just sick of retards ruining a game that I am soon to play, just because they can't post in the right place, and the mods don't seem to be doing anything (even just moving the damn threads to the EP1 forum).

News flash, mods aren't going to do everything Shasta tells them to do, do not visit the general HL2 section if its THAT bad for you. You act like its hard to do that, hell you were never around when the leak was first released. Nothing major is being posted in there.
Shasta said:
Telling someone not to visit an entire website just because there are game spoilers spilling all over the place, when it could be solved and all the spoilers / EP1 related stuff shoved back in the EP1 forum where it belongs, is not a suggestion at all, or being nice.
Telling? TELLING!?

There's always the option of

How is this telling you what to do!?

Seriously mate, I don't know if you are in a bad mood or something, but you are acting crazeh.

Ah, Disturbed was kind enough to do a favor for me and post what something gruff would look like:

DiSTuRbEd said:
News flash, mods aren't going to do everything Shasta tells them to do, do not visit the general HL2 section if its THAT bad for you. You act like its hard to do that, hell you were never around when the leak was first released. Nothing major is being posted in there.

Note the extreme differences between his post and mine.

Edit: And now you are posting duplicate threads...

Shasta, this is a completely friendly warning, but you may get banned if you continue this. If you value your account here, I would stop. I'm just trying to help you.
vegeta897 said:
Shasta, this is a completely friendly warning, but you may get banned if you continue this. If you value your account here, I would stop. I'm just trying to help you.
How is trying to get some order in here, and limit the damage of spoiler posts, a bannable offence?
Shasta said:
How is trying to get some order in here, and limit the damage of spoiler posts, a bannable offence?
I know what you are saying, mate. But the mods don't like duplicate threads... Also, you are acting pretty rowdy.

Please don't take any offense from me, if you look at my posts you will see I'm only trying to help you here. Don't confuse me with Disturbed :S
Yeah, I know, I'm not trying to fight with you.

I just get pissed off when morons post stuff like that (spoilers etc) in the wrong place - they just sneak up on you and then BAM, another part of the game is ruined for you.

And the people the actually defend these morons... I just don't know what to say. "Hey, I LIKE people sh*tting on me, and ruining a game I will be playing soon because they are too lazy / dumb to post in the right forum! Leave these idiots alone!". I just don't understand that mentallity at all.
Can you apologise for calling me a moron then :(
Yes. Yes I can.

Maybey when I calm down a bit. Funny thing is, I'm more pissed off with the morons that are defending the retards that caused me to start this thread in the first place. The people that posted the EP1 stuff in the wrong place have clearly done something wrong, especially the spoiler stuff, so how / why would anyone defend that kind of blatant stupidity? It troubles me that there are people like that out there, not just online, but everywhere.

sorry for calling you a moron
Shasta said:
Why should everyone that is yet to play EP1 avoid an entire website just because a few retards can't post their crap in the right forum? Do you think the mods job is to tell people not to come here? Next you will tell me that the mods don't need to worry about moving any threads, and that really they do nothing, so we don't need them. Maybey you don't think they need to delete goatse links, and if people don't want to see any goatse, they shouldn't come here either.

You are a moron. If it didn't matter where people posted things, there wouldn't be seperate forums for different things.

I'm sure it will not be easy for the mods to keep up, but hey, life is hard sometimes. A few harsh punishments and warnings might make people wake up before they post a new thread in the wrong place.

Damn, not another flame thread.
We're already moving Ep1-related threads to the right place. Sometimes, this might not happen instantly - that's just something you're going to have to live with.

Shasta - your attitude is unhelpful and unwelcome. Dial it back a notch.
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