Epic Speaks AGAINST Revolution


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
As you can see, Epic really just cares about this:
"Both of the next-generation consoles are great machines. They both have lots of power and they both have lots of memory... I don't think anybody's going to be disappointed with either of them.""

"He went on to say, "I guarantee you there's going to be lots of people who say the whole reason for this game is this controller, we made the perfect game for the controller. And all it'll be is about the controller, and not necessarily a great game.""
Well now he just ****ed up here. As far as I know, Nintendo has only givin the controller to close Japenese Developers, and not even released the Dev Kits..
yet Epic seems to say
"we made the perfect game for the controller"
Yet....as you can see.... If the dev kit's arn't out how can they make such a game?
As you can see, Epic are Microsoft and Sony's bitches. As far as I can tell they would be getting paid to say such comments when ever other developer I have ever seen has basically commented against it. Plus im doubting epic of even touching the controller in the first place.

btw http://theinquirer.net/?article=27276, WoW will not be for 360 so any rumors about that is false.
At Blizzcon though Blizzard will be giving an hour long presentation with Vista.
hmm, seems a bit stupid to me really. There is a chance of what he described happening though. It's just the way he says it makes him sound more like a sales rep then a developer. Similar to ninty people saying that 360/ps3 will be bad because they've just focused on making the graphics better, etc. I prefer to see feedback more like the stuff gabe newell gave, where he actually sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
Well they do have a track record for putting their feet in their mouth. It was probably the same conference where they remarked that graphics were absolutely the number one priority and always should be. Of course their definition of graphics seems to differ from the norm somewhat (includes a lot of environmental aspects), but thats still a god-awful stupid thing to say.
I half expected to read a quote of "zOmg Nintend0 sux!1!".
Minerel said:
As you can see, Epic really just cares about this:
"Both of the next-generation consoles are great machines. They both have lots of power and they both have lots of memory... I don't think anybody's going to be disappointed with either of them.""

"He went on to say, "I guarantee you there's going to be lots of people who say the whole reason for this game is this controller, we made the perfect game for the controller. And all it'll be is about the controller, and not necessarily a great game.""
Well now he just ****ed up here. As far as I know, Nintendo has only givin the controller to close Japenese Developers, and not even released the Dev Kits..
yet Epic seems to say
"we made the perfect game for the controller"
Yet....as you can see.... If the dev kit's arn't out how can they make such a game?
I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly, but I don't think he's saying that Epic have made the perfect game for the Rev's controller.

I read it as if he's saying that other companies who make Revolution games will have things like this on the front of their games boxes: "The perfect game for the Rev's controller!!". He's saying that companies will be claiming that their games have the best controls for the new controller, instead of actually making a decent game.

But some of the stuff he's saying is pretty lame. I'd ban him from giving any kind of interviews EVER. I don't think he can say much about making great games either, Epic hasn't made a truly good one since UT1, and UT2004 was just 2003 with vehicles (of which the code was already in UT2003).
I read it as if he's saying that other companies who make Revolution games will have things like this on the front of their games boxes: "The perfect game for the Rev's controller!!". He's saying that companies will be claiming that their games have the best controls for the new controller, instead of actually making a decent game.
I read it a few times, got confused so thx fot the correction.
But to go with on with yours, well games might do that with the revolution, but hey with the xbox360 and ps3 "We have the most l337 gfx buy uss" instead of actually making a decent game.
Same exact thing there really.

Anyway, companies arn't going to do that obviously. Companies will each make there own diffrent unique game in it's own genre to fit the controller. Just as companies wont tell you to buy a game based on graphics. They may use the controller or graphics to lure you in and that will get some people, but a good amount of people will decide based on the actual game itself and what it offers compared to other games.
He is just scared, when have epic EVER gone away from generic shooter archetype? Or the 'omfg look at our graphics' kind of games.

Or maybe UE3 does not run on the rev, so it's pretty much useless for them.
His whole argument falls flat on its face because of his childish behavior.
I understand what he's saying, but he's also the wrong guy to comment on it, as his company seems to focus more on engines they can sell instead of games now. It's a valid point, that people will focus more on using the controller to silly extremes rather than making fun games. Epic can hardly talk, though, as it's been pointed out that they seem to focus a lot on games that are nice to look instead of fun.

Minerel, you're arguing the wrong thing there. He's not saying he's made the perfect game for the controller, he's just trying to make a point about developer hype for it.
Minerel, you're arguing the wrong thing there. He's not saying he's made the perfect game for the controller, he's just trying to make a point about developer hype for it.
Stardog already corrected me.
Of course there will probably be a bunch of gimmicky games on the Rev that try to take advantage of the tech and fail miserably, but that is true with any controller on any system really. Its not like the Rev controller is going to be a weirdo peripheral like congas or maracas or something--its the actual controller, so of course there will be some crap made for it. The attention being paid to this comment is undue imho.

Mark Reign here reminds me of Sean Astin on the Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers commentary because he is always talking and loves to hear himself make jokes or insights that only he really appreciates but that also alienate the audience to an extent. He should probably think just a tad more before he speaks because he makes some pretty flippant remarks about some pretty important decisions these console companies have made.
I think he's being a jackass, but he does make a poignant point. There will undoubtedly be some very gimmicky games. However, I'd say that the possibilites that serious games present far overcome those drawbacks. And it's only 200 bucks... it's not a huge amount of money to risk (considering the prices of the XB360 and PS3). He's not going to change my mind.

Thems fightin' words!

If anything, the revolution is the only one that even comes close to anything "next-gen". The other's (while i admit im getting a ps3 and not rev) are just graphical, and hard drive improvements.
MrWhite said:

Thems fightin' words!

If anything, the revolution is the only one that even comes close to anything "next-gen". The other's (while i admit im getting a ps3 and not rev) are just graphical, and hard drive improvements.

Agreed and Disagree but you just reminded me of a friend i have in real life. :dork:
Minerel said:
Well now he just ****ed up here. As far as I know, Nintendo has only givin the controller to close Japenese Developers, and not even released the Dev Kits..
yet Epic seems to say
"we made the perfect game for the controller"
Yet....as you can see.... If the dev kit's arn't out how can they make such a game?

If you watch the video he was saying that pretending to be a japanese developer and criticizing the controller for being a gimmick.
Minerel said:
As you can see, Epic really just cares about this:
"Both of the next-generation consoles are great machines. They both have lots of power and they both have lots of memory... I don't think anybody's going to be disappointed with either of them.""

Technology spurs innovation. God forbid they care about such a thing. :rolleyes:

You dolts equate praise of technology to praise of visuals and visuals only. It can do more than produce graphics easy on the eyes.
Actually, they made it pretty clear in the video. They're looking for the visuals.
Wow... Biggest moron ever to have a PR job. At least hes the worst that I have ever seen so far.

Although its kind of funny really. I think a majority of people are going to want to distance themselves from his believes after this which will really mean more support for the Revolution.
Absinthe said:
Technology spurs innovation.
This is very true much of the time, but other times it takes a really innovative and creative mind to come up with dreams that cannot be realized by current tech and then build the tech to achieve those dreams. This is the innovation I admire the most--not "Here's a new piece of technology, now what can we do with it?" Kutagari (please don't flame here :P) made a comment to this effect and I thought it was a wonderful sentiment. Being limited by your own creative vision and not the technology is a consumation devoutly to be wished.

Absinthe said:
You dolts equate praise of technology to praise of visuals and visuals only. It can do more than produce graphics easy on the eyes.
It happens a lot, to be sure, but somewhere on this forum, someone mentioned how very immersive games might be due to the innovation demonstarted by Nintendo with their new controller and used the example of a Silent Hill-type game where you actually controlled the flashlight with the remote-looking controller--how immersive and scary and utterly fun would that be?! The visuals can stay the same for all I care--to have the feeling of walking through a game environment where my movements are recognized would be extremely gratifying. One step closer to virtual reality...should be good for RTSs too. :)
The fact of the matter is that any idiot can increase the graphics and hard-drive space and etc. It's been happening continuously since Pong.

Currently, all consoles have done is play off of ideas that are 'safe'.
Better graphics, internet multiplayer, etc. Either they're obvious universal selling points or things that have already been tested on PCs.

Better processors and graphics aren't impressive. They're the norm. Just like the dual-shock controller (much as I like it) is the norm.
Mechagodzilla said:
Just like the dual-shock controller (much as I like it) is the norm.
But it wasn't always... :cheese:

Of course a vibration function is not actually that good of an example of innovation--that's more like an upgrade. The new Rev control is changing things the way the original NES controller did. That one laid the groundwork for the worldwide accepted standard layout for controllers that can still be seen on any controller today! A perfect implementation!
Ya, that's what I meant. The current controllers aren't very far off from the original NES one, which is itself just a more portable version of the first game pads ever.

In terms of controller design, the only 'revolution' up until now has been thumb-stick joysticks.

Otherwise, the only big changes have been in ergonomics and number of buttons.
Wow, that's a great image to give you're company. You think they had a meeting one day and were just like, "We need to appeal to more of the smacktard teenagers out there. Why don't we make childish jabs at our competitors?" If I ran a company, and one of my people said crap like that, I'd probably fire them right then and there.
Ok, just to clarify, I think Epic was taking a jab at developers, not Nintendo or the Revolution itself.

That... I don't know his name, but that one guy, who says that some games are going to exist solely to use the Revolution controller. Anyway, he says what he says, and to me, it seems like he's saying that developers are the problem. Since the R may very well be the "next big thing", a lot of developers are going to hop on the bandwagon and develop games around the controller, rather than developing games that effectively utilize it.

Okay, bad explanation. Think dynamic lighting. While it's cool, and can add atmosphere, over-use or over-indulgence in it can make it very gimmicky. Some games use it to great effect, and other games (Doom 3) over-use it to an unnecessary degree of saturation. It's the same with Revolution software. Some games may use the controller to great effect, like RTS games using it for unit manipulation, or shooters using it for better camera-look controls, while other games will abuse the controller and use its functions for every little thing, over-justifying its existence and just making the game annoying to play.

End rant.
In terms of controller design, the only 'revolution' up until now has been thumb-stick joysticks.
And what console was the first to show that they would have it!
In which Sony then added 2 to there Playstation.
he doesn't know very many gamers if he thinks it all boils down to graphics.. he also rubs off as an arrogant know it all.
I hate resurecting old threads but I don't think this update warranted a new thread of its own:


Basically Mark Rein regrets saying what he said. He was trying to make a point and it came out completely wrong according to him. Also in the article it looks like Epic may actually be interested in using UE3 on the Revolution. If the system is capable of that then the systems power may be greater than some people think.
Epic "OmG look yoU cAN aIm Wit Dat ContrOlLER kekeeke, buy our game ^_________^". and anyway, so what if nintendo has some gamers dropping acid under observation to come up with ideas. Some of their ideas are sweet and i think its cool they are at least trying to be really innovative. Oh yeah and i think the controll looks really cool, i hope it works out good
The Mullinator said:
I hate resurecting old threads but I don't think this update warranted a new thread of its own:


Basically Mark Rein regrets saying what he said. He was trying to make a point and it came out completely wrong according to him. Also in the article it looks like Epic may actually be interested in using UE3 on the Revolution. If the system is capable of that then the systems power may be greater than some people think.
Also, according to Nintendo, they hadn't shown anything to the guys at Epic, yet. So, all he had to go on was, basically, the same stuff we've all seen. Maybe he finally had a chance to see/use it and changed his mind. Who knows?
Person 1:"Hoe do you feel about women's suffrage?"

Person 2"God i hate women's suffrage, why should they have to deal with that???" *goes to google, womans suffrage* "oh shit, thats womans right to vote..."

I hate people like that...

nintendo either invented or was the first to impliment the:

control pad --you know that thumb pad in the shape of a +
shoulder buttons
analog control stick
start button
controller vibration

I guess those ideas were cheap and gimmicky? lawlz

Now granted Sony and Microsoft weren't inventing controllers for this entire time but I remember the PS1 came with a digital control pad only, and after the N-64 came out, with its analoge control stick and rumble pack vibration, Sony;mid-stream re-released their PS1 controller to include these features

Give me a F N break. How can their revolution controller not be a marvel?

Who knows if every company will be using whatever technology Nintendo puts in their revolution control in the future--as has always been the case with every other controller they have come up with.

so far, its been 100% follow in nintendo's controller design foot steps since the beginning
VirusType2 said:
nintendo either invented or was the first to impliment the:

control pad --you know that thumb pad in the shape of a +
shoulder buttons
analog control stick
start button
controller vibration
Don't forget:

multiple buttons
first-party wireless controllers
64DD* (precursor to the Xbox and PS2 HDDs)
modem* (allowing multiplayer over the Internet and game updates/expansions if combined with the 64DD)
mouse* (for mario paint)

* Albeit, they didn't actually do much with it... because it wasn't very popular.