Episode Two Problem


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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The first cutscene with G-Man when the Vortigaunts are healing Alyx it goes only like 3 FPS, it's stupid because in HL2 and EP1 I run it at max settings and it goes perfectly fine, even the start with the Vortigaunts in EP1 it goes nice and smooth, and there are like 20 of them, but in EP2 it starts at 3 FPS when the first Vortigaunt changes colour. Even when I run EP2 in windowed mode and EVERYTHING at the lowest possible settings, it still goes 3 FPS, what is the problem?
The first cutscene with G-Man when the Vortigaunts are healing Alyx it goes only like 3 FPS, it's stupid because in HL2 and EP1 I run it at max settings and it goes perfectly fine, even the start with the Vortigaunts in EP1 it goes nice and smooth, and there are like 20 of them, but in EP2 it starts at 3 FPS when the first Vortigaunt changes colour. Even when I run EP2 in windowed mode and EVERYTHING at the lowest possible settings, it still goes 3 FPS, what is the problem?
I had that problem too...I solved it by buying a new computer LOL!
I just let it sit for about an hour, and it got through the cutscene (took the whole hour), and I lined EP2 down, put on firefox, then put it back up, and it went about twice as fast (about 5-6 FPS).

It went slow the second the Vortigaunt turned purple after eating the larva right to when the next level loaded, once the next section finished loading (when you step out of the house or whatever it is) it was just fine..

It's something to do with that particular cutscene, although I haven't played past after it loaded yet, the only problem so far was that one cutscene..

I should also mention that there was no sound during the whole slow-ness, either..

Oh yea, I should also say that I got OB installed, so I just played Portal today along with EP2 for the first time, and Portal runs great, pretty much everything set at max.
A lot of people had this problem.

The solution was (from memory) to go to your Episode Two launch options (right click on EP2 in steam games --> properties --> set launch options). Now put "-heapsize 256000" without the quotation marks.

Hope this helps.
Zephos is right but I would like to recommend to set it to half of your system memory (for 512mb ram, heapsize -256000, for 1gb ram -heapsize 512000, for example).

But you probably have 512mb anyway.
This problem ruined my first playthrough on my old computer.
THANK YOU ZEPHOS. It worked (my mem is 512, btw).. Thank you! Now I can enjoy the game all the way through! (I watched the cutscene - it was kickass.)
Yes, that cutscene rocks. So what do you think about the game?
I think the game is amazing, although it didn't have as many 'easter-eggs' as HL2.. You're in the forest alot, there is alot of hiding places, and there are no dead bodies or secret weapons stashes anywhere (pretty much) besides the under the radar ones, and even then, there are only 5.. They should add more atmospheric things like that.. Like in HL2 when you are overlooking the combine base before the bridge, there is a dead body with a crossbow, it makes you think, maybe he was there to assassinate a high ranking combine, maybe with was just scouting, then again, how'd he die? There aren't much things like that in EP2, mostly just empty random buildings with a supply crate here and there.

The ending, however was fantastic. It was really cool and rewarding to launch that missile, after all you've been through. Loved the entire last episode.
It starts getting awesome after Freeman Pontifex.