Era of Legends is set in the popular Fate Sworn universe, the universe in which the Half-Life modification Mastersword was set. [br]</br>
Era of Legends is a Persistant Role-Playing Game, in which you create a character and explore the gameworld either offline or online, selecting a class and skills and levelling your character up through the acquisition of experience earned by completing quests, killing monsters, and discovering new locations. [br][br]This is among a handful of teams creating a RPG element with the Half-Life 2 engine. [br]</br>
Visit their site at http://eol.fragism.com/.
Era of Legends is a Persistant Role-Playing Game, in which you create a character and explore the gameworld either offline or online, selecting a class and skills and levelling your character up through the acquisition of experience earned by completing quests, killing monsters, and discovering new locations. [br][br]This is among a handful of teams creating a RPG element with the Half-Life 2 engine. [br]</br>
Visit their site at http://eol.fragism.com/.