Era of Legends Update



Era of Legends is set in the popular Fate Sworn universe, the universe in which the Half-Life modification Mastersword was set. [br]</br>
Era of Legends is a Persistant Role-Playing Game, in which you create a character and explore the gameworld either offline or online, selecting a class and skills and levelling your character up through the acquisition of experience earned by completing quests, killing monsters, and discovering new locations. [br]

[br]This is among a handful of teams creating a RPG element with the Half-Life 2 engine. [br]</br>
Visit their site at
IMG tags disabled in this forum or why are the imgs black streeks?
It's the news script. It's a bit nackered at the moment.
Renders of weapons don't interest me... and that's all I've seen of most mods. Gimme some buildings, action shots etc :sniper:

Better than nothing tho :dozey:
well weapon renders are the easiest thing to do. most mods are pretty damn far from gameplay shots.
I'm actually in the same camp as you slain, but we have to take what we can get. :dork:
yeah you got to give them time. I wouldn't expect in-game shots from anything other then fps mods that aren't changing much.
Actually, we already have some internal stuff that includes a LOT of progress from our coder, including character creation, most of our new (more RPG style) GUI, and we're pretty close to getting these weapons ingame and working, so expect some better stuff from us soon.

Thanks for your interest in the mod. :)

And for the person who posted earlier on: it's Master Sword, which is still being developed nowadays but by a new team.

Check it out sometime. Current version is basically unplayable because steam broke it a lot, but the next release will be very, very good (I should know, I'm testing it).

-Dan "Lanethan" Bruington
Director, Era of Legends

Your mod looks very intrieging but as a piece of constructive critisism I would say that the hilt-texture on the throwing knives doesn't look very good at all, the rest is nice though.