Error Using Internet Explorer


Aug 4, 2003
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Okay, this is reeeaaallly weird...
Everytime I open Internet Explorer I get this error (click at link beneath)
It's in danish yes, but I've seen the same one in english before. I've tried reinstalling Internet Explorer 6.0 but it doesn't help. Right now I'm using my RealPlayer as a browser.
I've just checked something else, I can easily use a folder as a browser....
PLease help me!
is there any chance that you could translate that so us english speaking folk could help you out? thanks. :)
IEXPLORE.EXE has discovered an error and shuts down. We're sorry about the inconvience.

If you were in the middle of something you might have lost the files you were working with.
Inform Microsoft about the error. We've made an error-report that you can send us so you can get help fixing IEXPLORE.EXE. Blabla...
are you using Windows XP? you could try rolling back your system to yesterday or something, it usually fixes any problems you have.

failing that, google the problem to death and see if anything comes up.
I'd say that, or then it's time to do a format!
BWhahahhahahahh hahahh hahahhah hahaha

Looks like a drunk swede typed that :D

Sooo funny :)

Anyways... the error could be whatever... it really dont say anything interesting,
Or send an email to the dear folks at microsoft...

Håber du får problemet løst :)
Dedalus said:
are you using Windows XP? you could try rolling back your system to yesterday or something, it usually fixes any problems you have.

Cool, I've done that before...but can't remember how...
Don't punk me for going off-topic, but how does a sober swede behave like? I only encountered drunk ones :-/...
Champ said:
Don't punk me for going off-topic, but how does a sober swede behave like? I only encountered drunk ones :-/...

The only point to go to Denmark is to buy cheap beer and get drunk.
Majestic XII said:
The only point to go to Denmark is to buy cheap beer and get drunk.

Tuborg, Carlsberg...we've got it all...

Okay, I've fixed the problem myself. I clicked the blue link in that error window and then it said something about Superbar, and that ****ING PROGRAM(!!!!!) has a folder in my Program folder and it can't be deleted. So instead I deleted all the files that were delete-able... it helped...
But I still feel like killing my HD. Isn't c:format the easiest way?
But am I right about c:format?
It's been while since I've last formatted my computer...
Frank said:
Tuborg, Carlsberg...we've got it all...

Okay, I've fixed the problem myself. I clicked the blue link in that error window and then it said something about Superbar, and that ****ING PROGRAM(!!!!!) has a folder in my Program folder and it can't be deleted. So instead I deleted all the files that were delete-able... it helped...
But I still feel like killing my HD. Isn't c:format the easiest way?

Best thing to do is use a Win 98 startup disk, and use FDISK.exe

Delete the partition, create a new one, and format it...
Oh right, ok...

I formatted the other week cos my computer failed to boot up, but it's having some weird problems with corrupt files etc so I'm gonna have to do it again, ah well just as well I haven't added anything to it so far except Steam and the HL games!
I only want Max Payne 2, Halo and KOTOR on my computer...
This is realy weird, I have got almost the exact same problem. I'm using Mozilla to at the moment.