Error when creating server



Hi guys, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but anyway, everytime I try to create a CS:S server, the game will crash with a Windows error saying that the problem is caused by a "scenefilecache.dll" file. Does anyone else have this problem? How do I solve it? I am currently running Vista with the latest drivers, I have also tried to uninstalling and instally CS:S but with no avail. The problem is not on other Source games.
Random one, but have you downloaded the Source SDK Base? You can get it from the Steam Client (View > Tools > Look for Source SDK Base).

It might also be worth disabling the ingame Steam Community and seeing if that helps, as this issue has been related to that a few times. (File > Settings > "In Game" tab > Untick "Enable Steam Community In Game").
Hi there, thanks for the reply, it still does not work though. The SDK base was installed already, I de-activated Steam Community when I joined a server, but still no cigar.
Ah sorry to hear it didn't work. I'm not sure what else to suggest except to ask if you've verified the relevant .gcf cache files? You could also try adding the following to the launch options:

-window +mat_forcehardwaresync 0

Whilst you're looking for help I'd suggest lodging a support ticket with Valve. This error has cropped up a few times in the last week, so they may have The Fix!
Do I add the launch option at the desktop shortcut? How to I "verify" the files?

I asked Valve 2 days ago both as a bug and a support ticket, but they have not replied.

Edit: I added the launch option to a desktop shortcut but still no luck