Errors while playing HL2 in Steam Console.

  • Thread starter Thread starter GTGear
  • Start date Start date


So, today I was playing HL2 and decided to have a look in the console, and found these errors.

CSceneEntity breen_collab_lcs unable to find actor named "camera_tv_breen"
Late precache of models/props_combine/combine_mine01.mdl
Late precache of sprites/glow01.vmt
Failed to load sound "buttons/button34.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "buttons/button35.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Loading game from //MOD/SAVE/d3_c17_10a.HL1...
ERROR: couldn't open.
Late precache of models/combine_strider.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib1.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib2.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib3.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib4.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib5.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib6.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib7.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_head.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_weapon.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_left_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_right_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_back_leg.mdl
Late precache of sprites/physbeam.vmt
I find all these errors very WIERD. Do these actually mean something? Because my game runs perfectly with settings all on high..
Well precaching means it keeps information it might need in a few minutes ready, so you don't get any "lag" (stutter) if you suddenly have to load lots of information at once. The "Failed To Load Sound" means the sound isn't found in a certain .GCF file (the files Steam uses to store its game data), but it is probably found in another one.