So, today I was playing HL2 and decided to have a look in the console, and found these errors.
CSceneEntity breen_collab_lcs unable to find actor named "camera_tv_breen"
Late precache of models/props_combine/combine_mine01.mdl
Late precache of sprites/glow01.vmt
Failed to load sound "buttons/button34.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "buttons/button35.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Loading game from //MOD/SAVE/d3_c17_10a.HL1...
ERROR: couldn't open.
Late precache of models/combine_strider.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib1.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib2.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib3.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib4.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib5.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib6.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib7.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_head.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_weapon.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_left_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_right_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_back_leg.mdl
Late precache of sprites/physbeam.vmt
I find all these errors very WIERD. Do these actually mean something? Because my game runs perfectly with settings all on high..
CSceneEntity breen_collab_lcs unable to find actor named "camera_tv_breen"
Late precache of models/props_combine/combine_mine01.mdl
Late precache of sprites/glow01.vmt
Failed to load sound "buttons/button34.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound "buttons/button35.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Loading game from //MOD/SAVE/d3_c17_10a.HL1...
ERROR: couldn't open.
Late precache of models/combine_strider.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib1.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib2.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib3.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib4.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib5.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib6.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_gib7.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_head.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_weapon.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_left_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_right_leg.mdl
Late precache of models/gibs/strider_back_leg.mdl
Late precache of sprites/physbeam.vmt
I find all these errors very WIERD. Do these actually mean something? Because my game runs perfectly with settings all on high..