Eternal Silence 3.0 Nears Release


May 6, 2005
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The Eternal Silence team have revealed that the latest version of the mod will be released on June 6th, to celebrate that fact there is a whole host of new information. First off we have this great new video for the mod. The trailer shows off some intense ground combat along with some stunning space based combat. Secondly there is this in depth ModDB preview of Eternal Silence 3.0 which is well worth a read to get some idea of what it is all about.[br]<div align="center">[url='' ]
url] to find out everything else about this mod.
Great mod, lucky the press launch of this mod a few days ago has allowed us to already sample it! Really is a finely polished article 3.0
I really can't wait to play this! Been looking forward to it since the last version. Nothing like a good space combat game :D
Yeah, lags are in the past. We stress tested the game with 30 people on linux and windows server. Works and runs smooth now.
The game is also very balanced and coordinated. It is also very team play orientaded. So lone wolfs will not succeed in this. I am hoping that we developed something Clans cna pickup and challange each other in tournaments. I hope this goes Esport, cause thats how it felt to me. Its very challanging and from watching our last trailer, you can actually seperate people by watching their fly-skills. Cause everybody has different movements and maneuvers in space. You can tell but just watching them. Its pretty awesome. I hope you guys spread the word and I also hope that you enjoy the game.
We definitly did by making it!
