Eternal Silence Beta 2.0 soon...


Jan 7, 2005
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In space no one can hear you scream, the Eternal Silence - the vacuum of space. The Space Combat mod, Eternal Silence has announced a hopefully release for their second Beta. Also a couple of screenshots from their new map es_asteriod were included in the update. [br]

This news update is to announce that we have a final release schedule planned for Beta 2.0. We have (finally) hammered out a final feature set and we are working towards a final release candidate for this weekend. We are aiming to release the following weekend (January 27th) barring any unforeseen show stopper bugs.
  • A few of the new additions to the Mod in Beta 2.0:
  • Major hitbox optimizations to infantry to provide more accuracy
  • Addition of the SMG Turret to replace the Railgun Turret
  • The addition of two new ship classes, the Heavy Fighter and the Gunship (note the gunship will not have player controlled turrets in 2.0, HP and maneuverability will be increased to compensate)
  • The new Beta also includes a handful of new maps.
  • New map: es_asteroid: Space scenario where players battle for space supremacy over 5 asteroid bases {pictures above}
  • Updated map: es_aethra: Now featuring larger hangars and a true Aethra model to replace the asteroid base. Destroyer layout was restarted from the ground up for better performance and scalability.
  • New map: ngm_cruiser: Infantry only scenario in an NGM Cruiser ship.
To read more about this new Beta, visit ES's blog, found here or their main site , but till the 27th enjoy blasting through the silence of space with the original Beta.
Have they added massive player-controlled destroyers yet?
This is great, I hope they get more players with this release because ES is still one of the best HL2 mods!
I got mighty annoyed in Australia, due to their only being one server with the 1st Beta - and it was never full when I was on... hopefully that'll change with the 2nd Beta!
Well talk to some other Aus players and try to get one set up down there :)

One thing we're going to promise is to release WAY more often from now on and we also have more maps so the community should actually survive whereas before we sort of let it die.

Obviously, I'd also like to say that this is still a beta so again not everything will be perfect, but we're hoping with the physics/net code rewrite that things will be much smoother.
Hell, any ES is good ES - i'll try and get some of my mates to play it, but don't know if they'd like it...

Iced_Eagle, can you keep me informed about a AUS server? Cheers.
I'll keep my ear to the ground but it's really not our call :) Hopefully we get more Aus fans so somebody down there can set you guys up a more dedicated local server!