Eternal Silence RELEASE DATE and Trailer


Apr 23, 2004
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Hey guys,

I'm going to keep this short, I haven't showered or slept much in 3 days. We're pushing hard for this release date, and all systems are go. John keeps suffering misfortunes however, last week his laptop exploded, this week his cable modem popped and he had a near death experience... In any case

ETERNAL SILENCE: September 23rd

Dedicated server will be available starting on thursday. I brought you guys this nice screenshot and a TRAILER:


Download the official ES trailer here

Download is courtesy Trailer is all real gameplay footage recorded during playtesting by Marc.


I've been waiting for this FOREVER... well ok, since it was announced for HL2 at least.
Yeah, been waiting a long time..hope it was worth the wait.

The video quality wasn't that great, and the particle effects look a little meh(although I read that they are spicing them up for a patch later on.)

Other than that it looks good.
That trailer was totaly pro. I loved how the count-down went with the beat of the song.
Well our sound guy composed and created that song, so he knew how to do it ;)

I agree Video Quality wasn't the best... That's what we get for running FRAPS though. You get the general idea though.

Particles look much better while in-game. I'm sure at some point we will improve them.

One thing to note is that also we will be adding a lot more graphical goodies as time goes by. We are not including any maps with HDR or any of the new stuff introduced with the latest Source SDK stuff, that will come in a patch.

Spread the word guys! :) I'll see everyone on the battlefield!
So it's comming out THIS saturday? Like, I'm not even kidding..I've been waiting fo this since your website first came up.
Haha yes... This Saturday. As in less than 4 days from now roughly.

<3 TCs

I hope it can live up to it's claims, as I have wanted a good space combat game since the old Star Wars legends.

EDIT: After watching vid...

Looks outstanding, the only things that bothered about the flying is that the ships looked "slow," but perhaps the player was just in a fat-assed ship :D. The boarding looks like amazing fun, reminds me strongly of what the l33t players (myself one of them) used to do in the BF1942 mod Galactic Conquest.
Looks a bit bland, but I guess you turned down the settings for Frappage. I don't care how it looks though, as I love the concept and it looks as if you executed it well. By the way, what is the size of the mod?
This looks like great fun, you definitely have my download.
I like how you said "THIS SATURDAY" instead of "september 23rd". makes it sound like a big party event rather than a release date, and increases hype.

Some people are oblivious to dates though, and if we give them a date, they won't know when it is and may forget... If we say "This Saturday" there is no way you can screw it up ;)

Settings aren't on all-high due to FRAPS sucking up frame rate. It looks cool in-game.

The player is actually going fairly fast... There is also a boost command that you can use that also limits your rate of turn however.
Unless you see the notice NEXT week ;)

But congrats on the release!!! Trailer looks very cool, can't wait to try it..
Good stuff, impressive to see the versatility of the engine and a mod team using it.

I enjoyed the music too :)
I can wait. Looking forward to this hopefully kickass mod :)
I look forward to this mod with great anticipation. If the space combat is awesome, I can imagine spending MANY hours cruisin the cosmos :D

I can't say I was terribly impressed with the trailer though. The music, while well-timed with the action, didn't in itself generate much excitement. That wouldnt have been a problem if we could actually hear the game sounds, but those are so muffled just about all we have to go on is the music.

One quick question for the ES devs (if any are reading): Did you guys scale the world to make space bigger, or are all the maps still the 4096X4096 maximum size? I seem to recall the old HLRacer doing this to allow for large maps, seems like it would allow for some nice giant space areas.
I wonder what happens when you want to fly 'outside' the map. Crash into a invisible wall?
Wait midnight eastern meaning tonight? Awesome, I was thinking I would be waiting until like midday tomorrow :D
I wonder what happens when you want to fly 'outside' the map. Crash into a invisible wall?

You get turned around to face the battle.

3 hours and 50-ish minutes until release...

Can I have it now Iced :( I hate lines :(
To give you guys an idea of how fast and hard people hit it... Within minutes, SpawnPoint had over 10,000 downloads... Yikes! That was like an hour ago too, so by now only god knows what it's at...

If anyone can give me alternate mirrors, please post them.
So it's already released. :frog:

Officials downloadlinks works fine for me

edit: have to download the source sdk to play the mod?
Indeed. I am downloading it off fileplanet right now.
Cuz it's Saturday

It was probably released at Midnight on in some timezone.
It was released at midnight EST time. :)

You need the Source SDK Base to play... This will be the norm for every mod to follow (you no longer need HL2 installed, just the Source SDK Base to play mods).

We're the first mod to push the new Source SDK Base thing I suppose, so there's bound to be trouble.
What are everyones first impressions of it?

Server was laggy so gettinga decent impression of the actual game was hard, it pretty much looks like the video except all the fuzziness is gone. Particle effects like I said..meh. The thrusters on the ships(the cones) could use some work...way to big and way to bland. Just white cones. They used the default explosion and hit sounds from HL2, suppose they are going to replace those eventually. Yes, I know it's a beta.

All in all...I see it ending up as a pretty cool mod. But for now I don't know how much I'll be playing it, I'll have to try and find a decent server before I say too much about the gameplay.
We know about the lag, and it should be fixed in a soon to be released patch (no timeframe though).

Details here:

Also, a lot of the effects are temporary (like the white cones) and will be replaced later on... Along with other sounds.

It's sort of like we're building two games in one, so it's like twice the work.