Eternal Silence Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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Generally speaking, when I am sifting through all of the modification updates I recieve, the ones that show off coded and newly designed models are the ones that get me the most excited. Map screenshots are okay by themselves depending on the quality, but other mods should take a note from Eternal Silence. They are showing off models, weapons, and maps during an actual in-game shot, which means they are far in development. [br]

[br]Eternal Silence takes place in deep space, putting the player in the hands of either the United Terran Forces or the Neo Galactic Militia. The developers plan to implement their battles in various ways, such as:
  • Large scale battle between Capital Warships with Open-Ended game play, allowing multiple outcomes. [br]</br>
  • Fast and Furious dogfights between Fighters in the air. Protect your fellow bombers as you escort them to deliver a powerful payload against the enemy’s warship. [br]</br>
  • Strategic planning of critical strikes. Issue orders to your wingmen and bring down the enemy’s critical systems with your heavy bombers. [br]</br>
  • Stealth. Infiltrate your enemy and commence special operations from within, allowing the possibility of boarding the ship without requiring brute force. [br]</br>
  • Action-Packed ground battles. Seize decks of your enemy’s ship, controlling or disabling their power, navigations, weapons, etc. Fight off the enemy and work as a team, fulfilling the role of one of many classes with an array of unique weapons at your disposal. [br]</br>
  • Decision making. Control almost every aspect of the ongoing battle as your ship’s Captain. Indirectly control defensive and offensive systems, waves of fighters and bombers, and plans of attack. Your decisions impact the outcome of every battle.

From the looks of the shots, it appears as if they have the Stealth aspect coded, and they have told that they have begun coding Deep Space. [br]</br>To find out more about Eternal Silence, go to their website.
Looks absolutely lovely.

Keep it up, you're doing a great job.
this is the game I always dreamed of playing
Too bad it looks like it's built off a 5 year old game engine.
Oh god....this is why i didnt want to become inactive on the team. That marine animation looks...floaty....ack
I'm still not that impressed, I'm not sure quite what it is, but ingame it just doesn't look all that good.
Kester^ said:
I'm still not that impressed, I'm not sure quite what it is, but ingame it just doesn't look all that good.
Well it'll all be refined before the mod comes out.

And it's not all about graphics. The gameplay will most likely rule :)
Kester^ said:
I'm still not that impressed, I'm not sure quite what it is, but ingame it just doesn't look all that good.

Have a look at the Screens Straight off the ES site in their Gallery.There is a noticable difference in Quality from the screens on the Front page.

It looks shaper and cleaner then when ya open the links for the Screens in this thread.

As for the overall quality I think they look great,But before I pass total judgement(getting close now) Id want to see it in action.

And as for Gameplay,Its the same as above really however if its anythnig like Planetside(Or EVE:O for that matter) I think this game will definatly be a good laugh.
The screenshots hosted here at are compressed versions of the raw screenshots.

Too see the screenshots with 100% detail, you need to view them from our gallery. :D

Anyways, it's been a hard road getting to where we are. Considering pretty much everything you see is 100% ES-team made, we are proud of what we done (and we also improve things that we need fixing). Heck, we even coded in custom accuracy stuff, so that there was a little more skill in shooting and not hold down the button and hope you hit something.

Right now the gameplay is pretty fast and really fun.

Oh, and the flamethrower is a stream of particles, that is very responsive to mouse movement. You might also see flames sitting in the hallway, and that is napalm lit on fire (it's great for blocking doorways when you are capturing a subsystem)

I'm glad you all like them, and the quality is getting better and better every week for our playtests! :)
Iced_Eagle and the rest of the team... great work. It's looking wonderful, and I'll be willing to bet that even though it doesn't/won't get a tenth of the press and attention of Dystopia... I'll like ES better.
Ennui said:
Iced_Eagle and the rest of the team... great work. It's looking wonderful, and I'll be willing to bet that even though it doesn't/won't get a tenth of the press and attention of Dystopia... I'll like ES better.

Thanks man :)

Post on the forums btw, new wave of testers are coming soon. I've just trimmed out old testers, and I'm working on a new list!

"I'm is making a list.. checking it twice. I'm going to find out if you can test or not"

It's not Christmas yet, I know... I'll save those silly things for later I guess. :imu:

But in all honesty, all the fan support we receive is really great! We've received lots of great comments from fans who posted in our forum, and 99% of the times, you will get an answer to your question (whether you like it or not ;) ).

Again, thanks for all the support! Spread the word! :)
It needs a lot of work but the hud, weapons, characters and concept are pro!
Cant wait to play this mod, good luck!

Oh btw, I love the flamethrower. Its hard to make, but it looks like you people did a great job.
Don't get me wrong, I've always been a fan of this mod, and the gameplay sounds great, I just don't think the screen shots look all that great, I think it's mainly the map that's letting it down though.

The actual brush work needs improving, at the moment it's a little bland and could easily be run on the HL1 engine, remember you have so much more you can play with in Source, and it should be utilized. Flat ceilings are boring, you could try and add some variation to them, take that shot for example the entire ceiling is just a flat brush, try and break it up give it some more awe factor.

The lighting also leaves a lot to be desired, I'm seeing a lot of white lights with not much variation and that's about it. You could try using a few harsh spots here and there, and throw in some reds and blues in different areas. I know you have some blue, but it's bland and doesn't have any definition to it.
This mod looks great, esp the gameplay.

Can't wait till this mod is released (and I get a better computer)!
Iced_Eagle said:
Post on the forums btw, new wave of testers are coming soon. I've just trimmed out old testers, and I'm working on a new list!
*scampers off to the forums*

God damn you. If I start whoring another forum because you told me to, this is going to be the end of me. I already post regularly (and excessively) on this site, Hetairia, the Forsaken boards, Interlopers, my clan forums, my local lan center forums, forums, my mod Xenos forums, forums, and more besides. My entire firefox shortcut bar is forums...
^ :lol: Used to be the same with me. As it is, I'm still a mod at like three or four forums that I don't even know the URLs to.
Iced eagle don't do nuttin but talk :P ( love ya ;) ) but the reast of the team great job.

but in all honestly, i don't look forward to this game for anything other then flying ships and space combat. thats what i want to see. This FPS stuff is good but its the vehicles im really interested in
Don't worry; now with the infantry codebase mostly complete, we're focusing on your beloved vehicles.