Eternal Silence


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
It's an ambitious concept for a mod: space war. The whole kit and caboodle. Capital ships trading white-hot death from a lightyear apart; interceptors flitting through silent firestorms; twisted corridors echoing with the gunfire of boarding parties and you, right in the middle, controlling and commanding. After a long but not Eternal silence, the team released the media below:[br]

[br]Has the team bitten off more than it can chew? Is it possible to build such a game in source? Will the trickle of media slowly dry up until the mod falls into an...Eternal Silence? Only time will tell, but if it works, it could be wonderful. For now, you can find the full newspost here and the full design document here.
PS: I know this news is a few days old. I've posted it for two reasons:
- old news is better than new news and this looks interesting.
- I only recieved the e-mail 13 hours ago.
Love the FPS screen! Not sure on the ship designs. Great quality though! impressed!
Hope the Source engine can take the immense space "capture the capital starship". Especially the dogfighting of small crafts.
Engine-wise this might be a problem unless they create a "horizon".
O well, hope it works out!
A space-combat/infantry combat combination sounds great and really ambitious!

o, and is it me or are you guys getting ad popups when you visit their site??
Eternal Silence looks fantastic. It's probably the only mod (aside from ZM) that I'm actually interested in playing.
Looks really nice.

The HUD needs some work though. Takes up waaay too much of the screen right now.
Im really looking forward to this. Hope they can pull it off.
Ya this is one of the mods i really want to play. Probably top 3. Really hope they pull it off.
First screenshot looks a bit... Freudian... times 2. But they do look good :D
First of all, I'm very very sorry for the pop-ups. We didn't put them there (look at our site's source code if you don't believe me), so we are going to check with the affiliate's pages, and see which of those is causing pop-ups...

Thanks for the comments guys :) We are definetely on our way, and getting closer to our goal, which is a complete space/infantry combat mod. We'll post more news soon.