Ethernet card or onboard?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
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i got the motherboard you are looking at getting and I have no problem with the onboard ethernet. I would say just stay with the onboard unless you want to waste a PCI slot. Just install the drivers that come on the cd and you will be fine.
All right. Thanks a lot. That will save me money. Now, I can now put more money into upgrading everything else. Thanks once again.
The thing is I am not going to be plugged directly into a router using an ethernet cable due to me being 2 stories higher than where my router is. I do not know if using a wireless adapter through the usb port would work as good.
I am not sure what my router is since I did not make the purchase. Someone in my family bought it and hooked it up. So I really do not know how many mbs it is. It is a Netgear though.

Edit: It says on the bottom of it NETGEAR Wireless Router MR814v2.
Wireless internet= sucked in my opinion...but then again my dsl modem sits 1 foot away
I can't help it. I mean I could try and run a 120 foot wire to my room, but that won't happen. I am forced to use wireless. Its not my choice. I mean I can try and make them buy a new router so my wireless signal is a lot stonger, but that might not happen either.