Eurogamer Reviews Half-Life 2

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Our friends over at EuroGamer have posted up their Half-Life 2 review and, as expected, scored it a massive 10/10. Here's a snip:
If Half-Life 2 achieves one single thing, it's to put into sharp focus how far gaming has come, and more specifically how far behind some of its competitors in the FPS genre really are. Some doubted that the Source engine could match the technical brilliance elsewhere, but it has not only surpassed anyone else's achievements, it has done so without forcing people to invest in ludicrously expensive hardware. Reports persist from amazed gamers with mid-range set ups that have been blown away by how well the game runs on their systems. That Half Life 2 looks more convincing, more understated, more realistic, more interactive and definitely more stylish than its peers yet manages it with far lower overheads is not only an impressive feat, but commercially a masterstroke.
I always enjoy reading articles from these guys so even if you're completely fed up of Half-Life 2 reviews by now (we must be approaching 10), give it a read, it's a good one.[br]
You can read the full review right here.
It doesn't deserve the title of "greatest game ever", but it certainly is the greatest 2004 PC game, so far.