Evans, get on that flank gun and take the tank out!

What engine should we use

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Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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Me and 3 other guys are making a game and we can not determine what enigne to use

Please do not post till you see the poll
Judging by your post topic, it sounds like a World War 2 game. If this is right, absolutely can't beat Far Cry's CryEngine, especially if it's set in the pacific arena (and even in Europe it could look amazing).
Upgrade your computer so that it can use Source. It is the future, and a worthy investment.
It isnt my computer Javert :) I can run Source but on low ;(

Iamanelephant, I only used that name because I didn't know what to call the thread topic :(


In the year 2178, the Earth's resources have been depleted and pollution has created an immense hole in the atmosphere. The United Nations, now with every country at peace have decided to make a colony of the military troops and the smartest people around can be taken to a different planet.

I was thinking we could have a tutorial set in the year 2178 in a boot camp like place since you will be a pvt in the military force. After the training you might be taken to a deep freeze chamber. The actual game starts maybe a few centurys or decades later you are awoken on a forigen planet and surpise surprise it is suitable to maintain life. Maybe after learning advanced controls and getting used to the different gravity (I might make it so you can jump maybe 2 as much higher) You are assigned to patrol the area with a small squad. Maybe your captian or seargent might see a small tribal like camp and your platoon go down to check it out. A small fight with many people on your side and you are the only one left in the platoon and you must make your way back to base (it will be a short trek) then the aliens might follow you to the base and you have a huge war. After recovering from the large fight you will go back into the spaceship. As you walk past through the dorms towards a quick breifing, you will see people in thier apartments panicking and crying. After the breifing you will be told to just walk around the place with some other soldiers as protection.

Character names and the rest of the storyline are to be determined
Confirmed things

-There will be cinematics
-It will not be a shoot everything that moves type of game
-There will be in order: Marine Campaign, Alien Campagin and another which is a secret to you :afro:
-Easter Eggs galore :D

(sorry but I coudnt edit this into my previous post in time :O)
So why use a quote from Pegasus Bridge in Call Of Duty?

On topic, use source. The battles on it can be much more epic (The humans vs striders scene anyone?)
Since Source won't run on our moddelers (I think he is the modeler) we might make he game in the Half-lfie 1 engine and then import it into the Source engine :)

keep disscussing and voting, this is a big help
the un doenst do anything, i if its in charge fo saving humanity, we are crapped.
What sort of a half assed modeller has such a crappy computer? I always thought that hard core modelling programs were resource hungry? I'm no expert, and in fact I don't know jack about modding, so I'm probably wrong. :afro:
Far Cry is more of an outside game/engine. Indoors isn't too bad but it won't look as good as some other game engines. The Far Cry engine is made for tropical islands.

Doom 3 is a dark game. This game has some cool lighting but no radiosity (bounceing light). That means the engine is dark by nature and is better suited to it.

Source doesn't seem to be specialised like Far Cry and Doom 3.

Which engin you should use depends on what you want to do and what "feel" you want for the game.
Yeah, its a tough choice. If you're looking outdoors for bleak environments, I would myself think that Source may be best suited, but whetever works is best.
Oh, and by the way its a "flak" gun, a German 88 if I'm not mistaken.
I'd go for source. Even though it can't run on one of your computers, its deffinately the way to go. Its gonna get far greater support than any other engine, including the original HL engine.

You won't have to upgrade a great deal from the sounds of it, and its vastly superior to most other engines.

I'd wait around though, and see what the Stalker engine has to offer. I do however stand by Source because we know it gonna get the most support from its developer and the mod community combined, over other games.
source, if you want big battles, and lush outdoor landscapes..though..

I've thought of somtin better than the Doom 3 engine!
Since it's pretty much open source you can edit to to fit your needs plus!
http://tenebrae.sourceforge.net/ - Out
It was oringally based off the Quake 1 engine, but since ID released the source code the community took it and pimped the hell out of it.
http://www.tenebrae2.com/ - Not Out

My recommendations.
¿Do you actually have the money to pay for any engine?

I´m going with no.

No offence meant, but this seems like a mod.
I know, but with that modified quake engine, you could release it as a stand alone, not require anyone to buy a game etc..

Of course i know the downfalls.
I guess all in all, go with Source. Just think of all the physics :).
Plus if one person can't run HL2 for source, then what makes you think they would be able to run Farcry or Doom 3? Source is made for low end computers to have good framerates. Last time i checked doom 3 and farcry's engine wern't geared tword that as much as source is..

With source, you could really have some fun. You see aliens running across a bridge, use breakpoints plus the physics you could blow each end of the bridge up and watch the aliens falls into the water and die ^_^.

Let your ideas go wild with such physics!
Gajdycz said:
the un doenst do anything, i if its in charge fo saving humanity, we are crapped.
Tru dat
I'd say Source, but what do I know.
Source or make your own (From a programmers POV I would say writing the engine is my favortie part of game making, dont expect an amateur engine being able to compete with the big ones out there).
the HL1 engine would be easier to use if ur making a game

the BF42 engine sucks imo, it doesnt have the 'feel' to it like other fps'
the guns all look, sound and act like toys....
the vehicles arent too bad but the weapons really do suck....
the massive landscapes are good too, but the weapons still suck
dont forget the simple phsyics effects are a nice touch, the weapons... ah...
Nep thats not the BF1942 engine. Thats BF1942.
We have been disscussing this for a few days and now we are going to:

Since our modellers computer is crap we will use the HL1 engine and then import it into the source engine and polish it later :)
No, he can't afford it. And he is making mod unless he's crazy.