Eventually:Half-life 3 & keyboard for 360?


Feb 3, 2005
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I hope so!! Way down the line, after the aftermath.... Half-Life 3 for xbox 360? It would be a clencher for certain.

As far as I know, with Microsoft's killer XNA technology, it would be relatively easy to port the game from the PC to the xbox360.

XNA info: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2004/mar04/03-24XNALaunchPR.mspx

Gabe Newell of Valve endorses XNA! :) :) :)
"On the PC we have tools like HLSL. On Xbox we have tools like PIX. These are both really powerful, and XNA combines the power of the PC and the power of the console into a best-of-breed platform," said Gabe Newell, founder and managing director of Valve Software LLC.

Here take a look

Also a keyboard may be a future peripheral. (why can't we just plug in our extra computer keyboards?)

It’s interesting to notice that in the list where Half Life 3 shows up, there are also games which have been confirmed for Xbox 360.
Yeah. I remember this. It was posted awhile ago, debating whether it was a '3' or '2'.
joule said:
Yeah. I remember this. It was posted awhile ago, debating whether it was a '3' or '2'.

oh no kidding? Oh, I appologize for the repost. I wonder how long ago? hmm well i myself was skeptical so i captured it and zoomed in. It clearly looked like a 2, but after zooming it in, it clearly looks like a 3. So who knows?

Anyway I would be very happy to see it come true :cheers: :D There isn't a chance in hell my PC will play HL3
I don't see a 3 anywhere. I tried squinting and zooming and dancing and jumping, but I still see a 2.
FictiousWill said:
I don't see a 3 anywhere. I tried squinting and zooming and dancing and jumping, but I still see a 2.

lol me too--well besides the dancing and jumping part. but I see a 2 and a 3 depending on zoom level. Certainly if there is one thing that is clear, it's that the image is not clear enough to be certain.

Anyway it doesn't even matter if it's a 2 or 3.

In my opinion (which is better than most) It's inevitable that it will come out for the x360 based on:

1 Half-Life 2 has just been released for Xbox and got great reviews
2 Head of Valve Gabe Newell saying great things about Microsoft's XNA technology
3 The fact that Valve could use a half-a-million or so in bribery from M$ to port it
4 maybe (by this time in the future) some 12 or 25 million begging x360 owners with money to spend
5 not to mention the fact that the xbox360, as powerful as it is would likely be great hardware for Half-Life 3
6 With the success of Halo, Halo 2 and xbox live, it's only OBVIOUS that a FPS of a caliber like Half-Life 3 would be a huge exposure and HUGE success, seeing as Halo 2 is one of the top 5 best selling games of all time and Half-Life is a MUCH better game.

Half-Life 3 would go from PC favorite to House-Hold Name!
Only time will tell. I'm pretty certain we will see it.
The only problem is that with Aftermath and many of the episodic releases after that (and there will be many--supposedly monthly), the consoles aren't up to handling that yet. The digital distribution methods just aren't there yet. I know Live is a great service, but the HDD space is the main problem. Once that is fixed, things might be very different, but the day that full games (let alone HUGE full games) are released online for consoles is still years and years away.

Also, HL2 for the xbox isn't as good as many reviewers might have you think. A LOT was lost in the porting: the load times, for instance, while mildly annoying on the PC, are completely unbearable on the xbox. The boat level lets you play 30 or 40 seconds and then loads for like 20! How annoying is that? Plus the textures have been seriously lowered because of RAM issues. Think about it: a game that is meant to be played with at least 256MB of RAM playing on a machine with only 64? Tough to manage to say the least. Its not wonderful by any means, but playable if you don't have a PC I suppose.

Plus, by the time HL3 is ready to come out (Lord knows), the 360 hardware will not exactly be top of the line anymore and might (as with xbox1) not be able to handle the load that HL3 puts on it. Plus, as much as Gabe sounds off about XNA, he always sounds scared and intimidated by any sort of talk of multi-threading of apps. He has never once sounded confident about it which leaves me feeling a little skeptical. I am sure they will master it eventually, but whether they get it for HL3 is up in the air and only time will tell.
It's a 3. View it up EXTREMELY CLOSE in Adobe Photoshop like 700% - 1000% the way the bottom of it curves, the pixels go to the LEFT. In a 2 they go to the right at the bottom. In a 3 they got to the left. Thus meaning it cannot be a 2 and probably a 3.

I use to have a higher res photo to make it extremely clear, but I believe I can still prove it with a lower res photo.

This is a zoomed in area of the 2/3.


  • HL3.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 218
Minerel said:
It's a 3. View it up EXTREMELY CLOSE in Adobe Photoshop like 700% - 1000% the way the bottom of it curves, the pixels go to the LEFT. In a 2 they go to the right at the bottom. In a 3 they got to the left. Thus meaning it cannot be a 2 and probably a 3.

I use to have a higher res photo to make it extremely clear, but I believe I can still prove it with a lower res photo.

This is a zoomed in area of the 2/3.

Yea thats why I said I saw a 3 also.

But, Instead of everyone starting to argue 2 or 3, how about we discuss HL games on the x360 in general, especially aftermath or HL3.

I don't know what requirements HL3 will use, but x360 uses ATI and direct3D so I think whatever HL3 looks like, it will run awesome or at least respectably on x360... that is.. if it comes out within about 3 years or less

Victimofscience says xbox had a meagre 64MB ram. that is just so incredibly low. well x360 has 512MB of fast ram, and has no OS to run or anything in the backround.
The boat level lets you play 30 or 40 seconds and then loads for like 20!
on my PC half-life2 has loading times of about 3 of the longest minutes of your life when loading new areas. I have 1024MB. I guess with 64MB (if what you say is true about xbox RAM) it has to load less info, but more often.

Im thinking if aftermath and games like that come out for x360 they will sell the expansion packs in stores, not downloadable. This makes it accesable to anyone, internet or no, and also they get to charge you extra. also the problem with the 20GB hard drive is no longer a problem.
I e-mailed gabe about it if it was about hl3, and he said, and I quote "bogus"

so its about hl2
Why the hell would we want a keyboard? Talk about taking a step backwards.
I e-mailed gabe about it if it was about hl3, and he said, and I quote "bogus"

so its about hl2
Then I declare someone misspelled something!
I'm surprised we can't plug in our microsoft branded peripheral, including our mouse and keyboard
By the time Half-Life 3 comes out the XBox 360 will be at the end of its life span (4 or 5 years) and PC's will be far superior in terms of graphical quality and physics capabilities so I doubt it.
mortiz said:
By the time Half-Life 3 comes out the XBox 360 will be at the end of its life span (4 or 5 years) and PC's will be far superior in terms of graphical quality and physics capabilities so I doubt it.
This man speaketh the truth!:thumbs: