Ever contemplated suicide?


Apr 18, 2004
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Has anyone here ever considered killing themselves? I'm just curious. I know sometimes I wish I was brave enough too, but I'm not. So I'm still here. Weather or not that's a good thing; I guess I'll find out.

Anyways, anyone here ever thought of it? And why?
Isn't it against your religion to kill yourself though? Or was that someone else with a similar name?
Yes it is. It might actually be considered worse than killing someone else..I'm not to sure on that though.

There are exceptions of course..in cases of mental disorders and such.
I just wanted to kill my other 5 personalities, does that count as suicide or as a hostage situation?
PvtRyan said:
I just wanted to kill my other 5 personalities, does that count as suicide or as a hostage situation?

Hmm, depends. Did you hold them against their will? :P
Hmmm... ooohh, what so say? what to say! I'm just about the only person on the forum who has a name beginning with the "s" word!

well... no, i haven't. But i get very depressed sometimes, and when i get depressed i think about the meaning of life, and how this world is just a spriralling, pointless, endless abyss of iscolation where the only person you really know is yourself, and you repeat the same routine over and over again, striving for elusive goals which don't really exist, before reaching the climatic and inevitable moment of your death. Upon pondering this, i always come out with the answer 42. Once i came out with the answer "love", but that didn't count because i wasn't depressed and it was day time. NIGHT TIME RULES!!!
I contemplate it a lot, I'm very depressed a lot of the time these days (uni, life, etc) but the defining factor that stops me is the pain that it would cause my family and friends... it's completely selfish and stupid, I know I'd never do it for this fact alone.

Life is a ciggarette you smoke till the end.
Well, to continue that analogy, I should point out that near the end you spend a fair bit of time plugged into machines and wondering what the hell the black crap is coming out of your lungs...

Most people find something depressing at some point (or all the time) in their lives. I suppose that, obviously, the main issue preventing suicide will be consequences, whether they be for relatives or friends or a suicidal individual of a religious nature.

Although I've come to terms with the fact that life is a horribly pointless exercise, suicide doesn't appeal to me. Who knows, things might get better, or at least get worse if I do die.
yeah a few time already but I dont wanna hurt my mama so I stay alive and try to get thrue school
i think suicide enters everyones mind when theyre feeling shitty...it has mine but never SERIOUSLY...just like a feeling of god i feel so crap, i'd rather be dead...

i HAAAAATE my life at the minute though...i'd say i'm down at heart but you'd never know to speak to me...i'd never suicide though because its very selfish. just think about everyone around you loves you and don't say no-one does cos there is always someone out there who cares for you
Well the way I look at it if I'm feeling depressed about exams or life in general is that at the end of the day, in a hundred or a thousand years no one is going to care what 99% of the population on this Earth did with their lives. If work's getting me down, who cares, it's only work right?

I'm just here to live my time, and that's that.
Doppelgofer said:
you make life sound like a jail sentence

I didn't intend to make it sound like that, I guess I was aiming for a "Just live your life, don't worry about everything so much".
Doppelgofer said:
i think suicide enters everyones mind when theyre feeling shitty...it has mine but never SERIOUSLY...just like a feeling of god i feel so crap, i'd rather be dead...

i HAAAAATE my life at the minute though...i'd say i'm down at heart but you'd never know to speak to me...i'd never suicide though because its very selfish. just think about everyone around you loves you and don't say no-one does cos there is always someone out there who cares for you

Yeah same, But then i think of how many things i'd be missing out of, and that there people that have huge disabilitys, People get in crashes and become paralyzed, blind ect, and they go on with life, live happy and here i am slightly contemplating suicide over something that goes wrong. I wanna live life to the fullest (active person), why waste what you have been giving and might only get once... anyway. Yes i have slightly thought of it
Life sucks, it wont get better, but suicide is just too much damn work.
i just don't have much of a life at the minute to be honest...i moved away from all me mates where i used to live probably about a year since now and i've just had no social life....AT ALL

the only social life i've had is pub after college from mid-day till 6 in the evening then coming home a bit drunk...and inviting some mates from college back to me house once about 4 month ago

plus i'm not drinking at the minute because theres something wrong with me stomach...can't wait until 6/7 month time where i'll be either working or at uni...still undecided as of yet

life is BORING for me at the minute and i hate my parents for moving us out even know they had to
thinking about ending it all is actually quite normal ..actually following through with it isnt

seek advice from a close trusted friend or see a doctor, it could be a medical condition
A few times, but it was never particularly serious, I never got even close to following through.

Basically I tell myself now that if life gets too unbearable and I end up being a complete failure I will instead of commiting suicide go into a self-imposed exile living as a hermit in the wilderness. It seems like an appealing way to escape from it all.
Ikerous said:
Life sucks, it wont get better, but suicide is just too much damn work.

Depends on the how you view it, For me to be living life at its fullest is just becoming and doing alot of different things but that is how i was brought up so its implemented on how i see it and my lifestyle...
I used to contemplate suicide quite frequently, I did it all through my teen years up until a point about a year and a half ago when I actually intended to go through with it, that's when I decided I needed help. Went on a variety of anti-depressant drugs and I'm now a much happier/calmer person than I used to be. There's my sappy story. :P
Never suicide. But always freedom...One day I'l be free, and I'l have escaped from the system. Call me mr stereotypical wacko, but I'm tried of being a part of this system we mislabel 'living'. When I look around at people, at my friends, I see them bowing to an existence, when they should be striding towards a life. They're going through the motions, getting the university education, going for the career and all the time they're fooling themselves into thinking that working during their time is ot only acceptable, but enjoyable. Most of them grow to hate their jobs, and they live for friday nights, for the weekend, for a short the term break away from boredom. All the time, people are telling me that "I'l have to do this" and "I'l have to do that" and the "real world isn't like that" but then when I ask them why, fundamentally, why its not possible for a person to live their life how they want to ... they can't answer me.

Oh, and if you're wondering...I'm an artist :P

CptStern said:
thinking about ending it all is actually quite normal ..actually following through with it isnt

seek advice from a close trusted friend or see a doctor, it could be a medical condition

It could even be your diet. Unhealthy living is major factor in depression.
i thought this was pretty funny but my friend (really fat) tried to hang himself but the rope broke. glad it broke or he would have been dead :( but i found it funny afterwards
johnnypoopoopant said:
i thought this was pretty funny but my friend (really fat) tried to hang himself but the rope broke. glad it broke or he would have been dead :( but i found it funny afterwards

Heh I remember I once said this when my friends had to go somewhere without me.

"Bah, who needs you guy. I've got my trusty rope, that'l never let me down..."

It was, I think too subtle, a reference to suicide. Maybe I should have said noose,
I believe that suicide is taking the cowards way out of life, life is supposed to have dramatic changes...
The point in my life I'm at right now, I feel completely useless. Honestly, if I died tomorrow I can think of 2, maybe 3 people who would "care."

My mom, and one of my cousins.

I seriously doubt I ever actually would commit suicide, it's more of a hoping for death type thing.

I hate my personality. It sucks, and I know it. Meh....my life is horrible right now.
Why would you ever commit suicide when you could just walk away from your life? It's only once you've lost everything that you can start living. Go help poor people, or go to Alaska, or set yourself some meaningful goals and accomplish them. Start some little niche skill that will have people posting videos of you on the internet. The only situation I could imagine suicide is if I was dying of some horrible degenerative disease or was quadripalegic or something.

If you ask me, unless you have a really good reason, suicide is a cowardly way out. It's saying that you are too afraid to actually live or do anything. If you were any more apathetic you probably wouldn't have the guts to even make that one life changing/ending act.

In the newspaper yesterday there was a story of a man who was planning to commit suicide by parking his jeep on the train tracks. He chickened out at the last minute but his jeep derailed the train and killed 10 people. People like that really disgust me.
I'm depressed quite often, but killing myself has NEVER crossed my mind. Only stupid, weak, pathetic people do that out of self-pity except in a few situations. Killing yourself is depriving yourself of life as a human, which is something extremely rare and wonderful...
6 billion lives, I wouldn't say human life is really "rare". It is rather counter-intuitive though. Millions of years of evolution working to allow us to survive the harshest environments of the earth and you **** it up by trying to kill yourself in an environment overloaded with resources food, shelter etc.
Maybe thats part of the problem. We're apparently suited to live in an enviroment, which actually, doesn't exist anymore. Not since the first major urban centres sprung up and the majority of people took on jobs which result in them not moving about much, and staying inside most of their time.
I suffer from depression sometimes. I think I get it from my mother, who is bi-polar. The thought of suicide has crossed through my mind on several occasions when depressed, but it wasn't an actual thought of myself wanting to do it. Its more like I was thinking about the idea of suicide, and pondering it through my mind, and reasoning with myself that it was a stupid idea.

So, its a complicated answer, but the simple way to explain it is that I have never ever thought about taking my life, but the thought of suicide has crossed my mind. However, it wasn't the thought of comitting the action.

Does that make any sense? anyone?
Some guy near us committed suicide because he was leaving University with no qualifications...

Which is basically a reflection on me as well..but there's no need to kill yourself and hurt everyone around you as well.
I've thought about it. I don't think I ever could though. There were times that I thought things would never get better but they did eventually. So here I am enjoying life.

Its funny how you mention evolution. I feel depressed mainly because I don't want to be part of the modern day 'system' ... I'd be perfectly happy living in a cave hunting deer for a living, I hate everything about the way the modern world turns humans into slaves for money.

Guess i'm just a primative at heart.
Try saying that when you're deprived of running water and sanitation and the bugs keep biting because you can't keep them off and you're cold and starving because you can't eat grass and you don't know how to make fire without a lighter.

If you really wanted to you could always go into the woods or go up to Northern Canada and try it, nobody lives there. Wouldn't cost you anything except you'd probably die or give up pretty quick
lePobz said:
Its funny how you mention evolution. I feel depressed mainly because I don't want to be part of the modern day 'system' ... I'd be perfectly happy living in a cave hunting deer for a living, I hate everything about the way the modern world turns humans into slaves for money.

Guess i'm just a primative at heart.

....Says the guy on the internet. :D