Ever wanted your car to look like it has been riddled with bullets?

if he thought of spending 20 grand on rims he should slit his wrists. And the fact that some groups think they send ANY message other than 'my car is a piece of shit' is beyond me.
Why in the world would I want my car to look like its been riddles with bullets :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Why in the world would I want my car to look like its been riddles with bullets :rolleyes:

Cause you're trying to be a gangsta
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Why in the world would I want my car to look like its been riddles with bullets :rolleyes:

I dont know, I dont understand it either.
Yay, now I like need to buy like this gangsta stickers, so like I can show off in my like High School parking lot. Like white suburbia is like dangerous place too, like yeah, totally.
Originally posted by EvilEwok
Its this same lack of insight that leads to the creation of these types of situations.

17 to 20 year old pop singers shoot their videos with there tits and asses hanging out of their cloths(or lack of), hump chairs, continuously work vulgar jestures into their movements, rubbing their bodies up against men who are just as scantly clad and a great deal older than they are, and they do this in full knowledge of the fact that their target audience is girls from 10 to 16 years old. They are just too ignorant of the world to have the insight to see that this sends a harmfull message to the people they call their fans, and are too selfish to give a **** in the first place.

They do this in the name of freedom of speach, and freedom of expression. At this point im not convinced that doing away with free speach all together would be such a terrible thing. Freedom of speach is a great ideal, but at the present mankind in general is just too ignorant and selfish to use it in a responsible way. Maybe a little bit down the road, when we know better, we can use it properly.

If we dont stop and realize that our actions have an effect on other people, and that the effects can lead to very negative turn of events in other peoples lives, then our society will continue its descent into immorality and corruption too fast for us to do anything about by the time we realized we ****ed up.

This guy selling these stickers didnt stop and think about the possible effects his actions would have. He just doesnt care, he wants the money and **** everyone else. Its this lack of caring and consideration for one another that leads to such a disgraceful civilization in which we were unlucky enough to have been born into.

Yea i agree with you on the most part. We will always be greedy and ignornant thats just how humans are. So we cant really get out of that, everyone is too caught up in trying to follow someone elses style, way of living or whatever instead of trying to think for themselves. People dont care to think for themselves anymore they just idle those overpaid ****tards who get paid for ****ing pretending! (talkin about actors btw)
Hell we have oscars, freaking awards given to people that can pretend really good, something all of us as kids did playing cops and robbers or whatever.

Not only that but most dont even know who won this years Nobel prize, hell we dont even pay attention to it. But inless we change our way of thinking itll never change. Once people start thinking for themselves and stop blindly following a doctrine, style or whatever then it might change.
What a spanner...
It amazes me that someone at CNN decided to write an article on this.


Where can i get them? j/k