Ever wondered who these guys are?


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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Haven't seen any discussion about this, but who do you think they are?
They're not combine, because they're fleeing from the Strider.
They could be resistance fighters and were replaced by the guys in white coats later on, but they're supposed to be civilian (I think) and these guys wear military uniforms. They also have some kind of gasmask like the combine, but they can't be combine because they're running from them.
Could they be the good guy police of military force of the country/city-17?
Another idea that comes in my mind that combine soldiers are biomechanised versions of these guys and they are turned into mindless zombie soldiers.

Well, it's all just speculation. :p
I dunno, maybe they were rebelling but than the strider came and they were like "ONOS!" and ran.
They look like Earth's Military resistance to me. The fact that they're retreating suggests to me that they're French.
It also could just be an early model for the combine/resistance. (more likely resistance as they are fleeing the strider). That whole screenie looks old to me, when compared to what we have seen in the videos. They could have changed the models a few times since it was taken. Maybe they originally intended the resistance fighters to be military, but then changed their mind. Or maybe they are a group we haven't heard anything about yet. We will all find out eventually, soon I hope.
And another thing that makes me think they're workers:

They have aprons, and they have no firearms, and there aren't any firearms on the ground. What's up with that?
I agree with Cunni. They look a bit on the basic side so were likely very early idea's or simply standin models at the time

But well spotted though, I don't think I've seen anyone actually point that out before, guess it was always just taken for granted.
Whoever they are there gonna get owned.

they look like cleaners to me, PVC suits, gasmasks, gloves.......

lol maybe there pesticide guys and the "bug" was just a tad bigger than the guy who phoned them had said!
Thier most likely old models, just look how plain the sky looks
me/ thinks their arms look funny :)
They're the combine bitchies....
They bend over every morning for the Strider. Now they're trying to run but their asses hurt..
niddhoggr said:
And another thing that makes me think they're workers:

They have aprons, and they have no firearms, and there aren't any firearms on the ground. What's up with that?

Agree with you there i do. Not only are they wearing aprons, but they are also wearing simple face masks. They are probably fleeing from the workshop that Dr. Kliener was fleeing from (A strider popped through at the end of the vid.