Everything PS3


Feb 3, 2005
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After days of searching for some real facts about PS3, i found a great site with several positive articles, including info about possible games for PS3 like;
H A L F-L I F E 2 ! Not excited about it in the least, becuase I've already finished this game several times, even on the hard skill level--but I should think alot of you will be

Technical & Games Info:

Old. Many of the general gaming sites like IGN and Gamespot have much better and more up-to-date info/media than this.

I don't expect to hear much big news from the PS3 camp until January at the CES unless they decide to announce something interesting around the time of the 360 launch (though I kind of hope they don't try to spoil it the way MS always tries to spoil the competition's good time).
if you wanna talk about a PS3 game to get excited about it's MGS4, or Killzone 2 (assuming the gameplay is better than the original and the battles are a bit more epic)
Icarusintel said:
if you wanna talk about a PS3 game to get excited about it's MGS4, or Killzone 2 (assuming the gameplay is better than the original and the battles are a bit more epic)
Yes! Or Warhawk! Or Fatal Inertia! Or The Getaway 3! Or MotorStorm! Or *gasp* the FFVII remake! This is assuming, of course, that each is given the attention it deserves so that it gives the gamers the experience they deserve.
The Getaway series = Meh.
MGS4 = Hell yeah babeh!
I won't be buying the PS3 til MGS4 is out for it.:)
VictimOfScience said:
Yes! Or Warhawk! Or Fatal Inertia! Or The Getaway 3! Or MotorStorm! Or *gasp* the FFVII remake! This is assuming, of course, that each is given the attention it deserves so that it gives the gamers the experience they deserve.
There is no current FFVII remake planned, at least that's the official line, unless you've heard something i haven't - it was just a tech demo to show off what is possible with the PS3

The new Getaway could be great if they focus on what made the original cool and improve upon all the stuff that didn;t work - mostly camera angles and character movement along with combat

And MGS4 is simply going to pwn every other game, the fact that the video shown uses the in-game engine (which is supposed to get even better) and the track record so far with the MGS games just makes me weak in the knees, also, just the simple fact that Hideo Kojima is still onboard is enough to ensure greatness
Killzone? MGS4? Laff.

VictimOfScience said:
(though I kind of hope they don't try to spoil it the way MS always tries to spoil the competition's good time).

Didn't they already do this by releasing a bunch of prerendered BS, resulting in the fanboys wetting themselves and pledging exclusive allegiance to Sony?
Icarusintel said:
There is no current FFVII remake planned, at least that's the official line, unless you've heard something i haven't - it was just a tech demo to show off what is possible with the PS3
I know, but I also heard that the team responsible for that tech demo were going to be announcing some very big FFVII-related news at E3 2006, so one can get one's hopes up, right? :E

Absinthe said:
Killzone? MGS4? Laff.
Why are you laughing? I don't doubt that graphics and gameplay like we all saw in both trailers are very possible with the PS3 and the 360. It may take a few years for the devs to properly code it, but it will surely come with a better understanding of multi-threading. Just wait.

Absinthe said:
Didn't they already do this by releasing a bunch of prerendered BS, resulting in the fanboys wetting themselves and pledging exclusive allegiance to Sony?
I don't see how showing off tech demos at a trade show can be interpreted as BS. Devs put together impressive demonstrations of what the new tech can potentially do. These are to be taken at face value, though many choose to extrapolate for themselves which can lead to flamewars and such as we have all seen.
MGS4, that is what you need to look forward to. Or the next GTA on it.
Absinthe said:
Didn't they already do this by releasing a bunch of prerendered BS, resulting in the fanboys wetting themselves and pledging exclusive allegiance to Sony?
MGS4 footage was confirmed to not be pre-rendered, and are supposedly going to get better before release, which I don;t doubt

Killzone footage was pre-rendered, but a little while ago the devs said they had gotten the graphics up to what was shown off in the vid
Icarusintel said:
MGS4 footage was confirmed to not be pre-rendered, and are supposedly going to get better before release, which I don;t doubt

Oh, I know the MGS4 footage wasn't prerendered. I'm still doubtful that you'll actually play anything looking like that in the near future. If the previous games in the series are anything to go by, the cutscenes will be buffed up to a nice polished sheen that is in no way equal to what you actually experience.

VictimOfScience said:
I don't see how showing off tech demos at a trade show can be interpreted as BS. Devs put together impressive demonstrations of what the new tech can potentially do. These are to be taken at face value, though many choose to extrapolate for themselves which can lead to flamewars and such as we have all seen.

It is BS when you show things like Killzone 2 and rally a significant portion of the gaming community to say "OKAY GUYS SONY WINS AGAIN". Hell, it even worked on Eurogamer. Then they throw around statements like "PS3 will be 1,000 times more powerful than the PS2" or some crap like that and the dunderheads swallow it. And considering Sony's penchant for lying through their assholes, I take anything they say or show with a truckload of salt.

I'm not even being preferrential here. I know Microsoft has employed its fine skills in bullshit artistry. I know they've fabricated things. I know they've propped their console onto a godlike pedestal and risk breaking their necks if they fall. But your notion that Microsoft are the only ones spoiling the fun for others is terribly one-sided at best.
Absinthe said:
Oh, I know the MGS4 footage wasn't prerendered. I'm still doubtful that you'll actually play anything looking like that in the near future. If the previous games in the series are anything to go by, the cutscenes will be buffed up to a nice polished sheen that is in no way equal to what you actually experience.
I doubt MGS4 is going to be available before late 2006, early 2007 which means it is entirely possible the gameplay will look like that, and typically they don;t make the cutscenes that much better than the gameplay, just a little bit more detail
Absinthe is right. Sony did what they've always done, and completely overhyped their product with shoddy claims and videos. Everyone bought into it, which is exactly how they wanted it to go.
Kangy said:
Absinthe is right. Sony did what they've always done, and completely overhyped their product with shoddy claims and videos. Everyone bought into it, which is exactly how they wanted it to go.
if it works, then it's just good business sense, and there's nothing wrong with that
Icarusintel said:
if it works, then it's just good business sense, and there's nothing wrong with that
Good business sense also includes things like price gouging, straight-up lying, and blackmail.

I don't care how well Sony is doing as a business. If they're going to pre-render nearly all of their gameplay videos and then try to pass them off as real-time game demos in order to get me interested in their console, then **** 'em.
Stigmata said:
Good business sense also includes things like price gouging, straight-up lying, and blackmail.

I don't care how well Sony is doing as a business. If they're going to pre-render nearly all of their gameplay videos and then try to pass them off as real-time game demos in order to get me interested in their console, then **** 'em.
the same can be said about microsoft
Icarusintel said:
the same can be said about microsoft

Although to be a bit more realistic, Microsoft has shown more games for their console. I don't want to hear any talk about how Sony is going to release theirs later so its an unfair comparison. That's just the bottom line. The 360 is showing gameplay at this point whereas the PS3 is not.

But really, Icarus, that's the whole point. Yes, MS does do a lot of smoke and mirrors. My entire argument was that Sony is no less guilty of this crime, and to portray Microsoft as the lone criminal who "spoils the fun" of other parties is ridiculous and does not match up with reality. As far as I'm concerned, every major player in the console war is trying to throw a stick into the other's wheels. That holds true even for Nintendo, although admittedly to a far lesser extent.

Why is it good business sense when Sony does it, but it's shameful and selfish for Microsoft?
Stigmata said:
I don't care how well Sony is doing as a business. If they're going to pre-render nearly all of their gameplay videos and then try to pass them off as real-time game demos in order to get me interested in their console, then **** 'em.
Can no one understand that not showing prerendered videos would have been a horrible decision for them? They're not at the same point in the development cycle as Microsoft. They're already releasing 6-12 months behind the Xbox in the USA... and even Microsoft, with the head start and everything, had to run their unpolished demos on Macs. Sony just wasn't ready. All they could manage was a few real-time tech demos and a bunch of prerendered footage. Still, even with the people crying foul on the videos, it would have been suicide for Sony to tell people "well, we can't show anything because it's not ready" and let Microsoft take the show.
Icarusintel said:
if it works, then it's just good business sense, and there's nothing wrong with that
anyone else find this incredibly amusing when people say this about sony and others, but they never think of microsoft this way ? but of course 'm$' is the devil.
OCybrManO said:
Can no one understand that not showing prerendered videos would have been a horrible decision for them? They're not at the same point in the development cycle as Microsoft. They're already releasing 6-12 months behind the Xbox in the USA... and even Microsoft, with the head start and everything, had to run their unpolished demos on Macs. Sony just wasn't ready. All they could manage was a few real-time tech demos and a bunch of prerendered footage. Still, even with the people crying foul on the videos, it would have been suicide for Sony to tell people "well, we can't show anything because it's not ready" and let Microsoft take the show.

That doesn't make their showings any less fake. Look, I don't care about the reasoning behind such decisions. It's the bottom line. Sony's display thus far has consisted of precious little substance.

But you've demonstrated my point entirely.

Still, even with the people crying foul on the videos, it would have been suicide for Sony to tell people "well, we can't show anything because it's not ready" and let Microsoft take the show.

So Sony had jack shit to show, but they didn't want Microsoft to walk away feeling good, so they stuck ther dicks in the cake and threw audiences off with a bunch of prerendered footage. Even if it would later be revealed it was a pack of lies, the mere attention they recieved from their little stunt stole a lot of the 360's thunder.

Call it whatever you want. Good business sense, being a dick to the opponents, both, whatever. At the end of the day, Sony did it and they're no different from any other large corporation that pimps their product at the expense of others.
Absinthe said:
Call it whatever you want. Good business sense, being a dick to the opponents, both, whatever. At the end of the day, Sony did it and they're no different from any other large corporation that pimps their product at the expense of others.
true, it's a major problem, and not just in the games world, but with corporations in general, greed seems to outweigh morals a lot of the time
Indeed. Of course, I have no problem with selling them tiny increments of my soul every time I purchase their products. :D
Absinthe said:
Call it whatever you want. Good business sense, being a dick to the opponents, both, whatever. At the end of the day, Sony did it and they're no different from any other large corporation that pimps their product at the expense of others.
Couldn't have put it better myself...
Absinthe said:
Why is it good business sense when Sony does it, but it's shameful and selfish for Microsoft?
What I was thinking about when I made my first statement was the way MS hangs huge 360 banners across the street from Sony events--tacky crap like that which is just annoying and petty.

The demos Sony showed off were brilliant and even though they weren't 100% gameplay, they were better than the awful gameplay footage that the 360 showed off at events like the hideous MTV event.

If I had the choice to show lackluster gameplay or stunning demos of conceptualized gameplay, I would always go with the latter. Sony are no slouches when it comes to smart marketing and its actually rather surprising that it took MS this long to realize what Sony has known for long time.
But at least MS seems to be doing ALOT more for gamers than Sony. If you see any of the video interviews with J. Allard, he seems to genuinely want to help developers make really great games by, according to John Carmack, making it finally easier to develop for a console then a PC. They also aren't inventing any ridiculous new processors and making it insanely hard for developers. MS has also always shown us lots of in-game footage and they aren’t imposing any ridiculous anti-piracy crap. At the end of the day, they both probably do dirty things to promote their console, but I find MS to be the lesser of the two evils.
VictimOfScience said:
The demos Sony showed off were brilliant and even though they weren't 100% gameplay, they were better than the awful gameplay footage that the 360 showed off at events like the hideous MTV event.

See this is what I don't understand. Sony's BS videos are considered brilliant and the 360, despite actually SHOWING GAMES, sucks by comparison? Think what you want of what the 360 has displayed thus far, but don't compare actual interactive titles to CGI shorts. There is no comparison there.

You want to go with concepts? Uhh... hey, whatever floats your boat. I'll wrap my hands around something tangible instead. Considering the amount of hot air that Sony has tended to blow into their "concepts", I can only expect myself to be disappointed like I have every other time.

Microsoft put up a 360 flag and Sony showed a bunch of nifty videos. Both are far more alike then you make them out to be.
operative x said:
I find MS to be the lesser of the two evils.
I guess you haven't seen this video yet then, huh? Might change your mind!

Bill Gates: "...PC really is the entertainment platform for the future."

Hmm, now its all fine and dandy that XNA makes it easier to develop games across different platforms (well, for their console and their operating systems), but you would have to be blind not to notice that this bridge is really just a means to make all gaming based on Windows. So by "caring about gaming", J. Allard is really just caring about helping his company achieve global domination once again. The EU and many other countries around the world have been smart enough to see through their crap, but gamers...well, they aren't proving that smart yet.
Ah... So would that be good business sense? Or what?
how has the eu been 'smart enough', by blocking them from bundling wmp with xp ?
Well i kinda like windows so i really don't mind. Besides, with the new windows OS coming out, they have already said they are going to make gaming even friendier on the new OS. That sounds great to me. All Sony has ever done is released cheaply made, weak consoles. All my friends tell me that their PS2s, PSPs are all cheaply made, they breakdown all time, and always have "disk read errors". I've never had ANY problems with my XBOX. And i don't have to spend 30 bucks for a 32MB memory stick when I have a built in hard drive. These are just one of the many reasons MS has always been much more gamer friendly.
destrukt said:
how has the eu been 'smart enough', by blocking them from bundling wmp with xp ?
Yes, its a start. And...

(9/2/04)Europe and Asia are ahead of the U.S. when it comes to government Linux and open source deployments. Munich, Germany, agencies in France and China are either in the middle of a migration or in the planning stages, while others in Russian, the United Kingdom and Brazil are exploring migrations. Source.

(5/29/03)The city of Munich said on Wednesday it would switch 14,000 computers from Microsoft's Windows operating system to rival Linux in a deal estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars. In the northern state of Lower Saxony, 11,000 police computers will be switched from Microsoft Windows to Linux from next year, according to the interior ministry. Source.

If you aren't into gaming, then you really don't need Microsoft for anything. Heck, even if you are, there are Linux ports of many popular titles nowadays. Open source software can provide you with every sort of productivity program that you can find in an expensive box and governments, always watching their budgets, are finally realizing the power of the open source movement.

Look, don't get me wrong. I am not totally anti-Microsoft. I do love their PC gaming platform. I am just not a fan of them wanting to horn in on the console business. I am a firm believer that they should stick to software, but obviously that doesn't matter at all.

I just don't want their monopolistic practices to overflow into the console world as well. If I had my druthers, Sony, MS, and Nintendo would each have 33% marketshare. The competition would be great and games would only be better for it. Hopefully things will even out some day....
if i was a large government i would be hesitant to switch to open-source [linux] because, aside from saving money and security through obscurity, i'd like to have the backing/support of a world-wide, billion dollar company, not a small group of unpaid coders from various parts of the world - yes, i may be over/under estimating in that statement.

microsoft has been fairly normal in the console market .. they aren't doing anything 'bad' so i don't mind, and the xbox is an excellent product, i prefer it alot more than my ps2.

yes, and a perfect world be nice. :)