EVGA GeForce 6800 GS problem


Jan 19, 2004
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recently, on occasion(few times now), ive been getting a weird message in windows after i bootup
i'll have to write it down the next time it happens but it goes something like:
your graphics card is not receiving enough power, make sure the supplemental power is attached, to avoid damage your card has been toned down, please check your manual
well, i dont have the manual, and it looks like the card only has one connection for the power supply so i dunno what they mean by supplemental
i checked all the connections the last time it happened, and everything looked fine... when i started it back up, it did not give me the message
i have a 420W thermaltake power supply that is less than a year old so i doubt that its faulty
any suggestions??
So you've got the card sitting in the slot on the motherboard and a cable (molex) plugged into it from the PSU, right? Maybe try plugging one of the other cables into it (you probably have a few to choose from), or simply plug it out and then back in.
ya ive got the card sitting in the PCI-E slot and its connected via a PCI-E power connector, not molex
and i have now learned that the PSU connection is whats called supplemental
its weird - its only happened a few times, and it doesnt appear to affect gaming performance
so maybe its just a software glitch :|