Evolution IS a blind watchmaker


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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A brilliant response to the old creationist strawman:

Science always wins because it's true. Love that video.

I like this one too.

I wonder if we can get to run that simulation ourselves.

Now off to making something similar in Warcraft 3, the only way i can actually code.
Why does the video freeze every three seconds and why isn't there any sound?
Awesome. I love evolutionary simulations. I am making one myself, but I can't figure out how to do selection criteria. I basically have a bunch of organisms that are either plants and photosynthesize, herbivores that eat plants or carnivores that eat herbivores. They have a 7-base pair genetic code that controls their speed, efficiency, number of children, color, etc. But unfortunately this doesn't give very interesting results. I should probably make them have more complex features.

If you're looking for a good evolutionary simulator you can try at home, download GenePool. In my opinion it is one of the best evolutionary simulations, it just takes a lonnnngggg time to get any results. I left it running for a few days and evolved some extremely effective, 18-legged spider creatures.

it's funny how, science pwns religion more each day, and yet they still believe in it.

i cannot comprehend the stupidity of those people.
it's funny how, science pwns religion more each day, and yet they still believe in it.

i cannot comprehend the stupidity of those people.

Indeed, its beginning to piss me off. I cant wait until my roomates religious parents come to visit for a week next month. They'll probably try to get me to go to church :LOL:

Ahh, much disagreement lingers ahead.
it's funny how, science pwns religion more each day, and yet they still believe in it.

i cannot comprehend the stupidity of those people.

Me too. I just can't understand how these people cannot face the truth.
Swimbots! I had one that was just a line and all he could do was swim down. :/

I blocked him with a wall and then he got hungry and I was like ohshit then I grabbed some food but right when I put it near his mouth he died.
Let's all run Gene Pool for a week and see what we end up with. D:
Well so far it seems that either life dies out or they all just become one species that rules the tank.
Well so far it seems that either life dies out or they all just become one species that rules the tank.

And that's conform evolutionary predictions :)

Life doesn't continue to evolve when there's no selection pressure, once a species gains dominance it doesn't evolve any more because apparently it's perfectly suited to its environment. This the case with sharks and crocodiles, they have hardly changed for millions of years because they're very well adjusted. But try changing the food supply or sex preferences and you create selection pressure which will favor mutations again and wipe out those that cannot adapt.
Crap, I went eating and when I returned 95% of my population had been holocausted... I'm going to trap the remaining few into a box I've created with the walls and feed them and do everything I can to ensure survival.

I'm way too deep into this.
Crap, I went eating and when I returned 95% of my population had been holocausted... I'm going to trap the remaining few into a box I've created with the walls and feed them and do everything I can to ensure survival.

I'm way too deep into this.

i'm going to sue you for virtual animal abuse! you bastard! :imu:
I started the Gene pool simulation, after a few hours everything was dead :(