Exam Results


Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Post your results! These are my standard grade results.

English - A
Physics - A
Biology - A
Chemistry - A
Computing Studies - A
Mathematics - A
Economics - B
French - B

Really happy with these, I was sure I was going to fail my english. This was a real suprise.
Congrats man!

These were my grades during school. fffffffff

Man those are some good scores. D: Edit: Congrats.


Understanding Christianity: C- (Apparently I don't understand Christianity at all)
English Writing: A+
English Comparative Literature: B+
World History: A-
C Programming: A+
Intro. to Economics: A0

Goddamn common curriculum. I don't know why they make me take Literature and Understanding Christianity, History, etc. etc. as required courses for my first year. I hate those stuff. Rather be learning Maths and Economics and Chemistry, etc. etc. I miss High School now. :(
Understanding Christianity? What in the hell.

Also, what's hard to understand about it? God, a split personality supernatural being sent himself down to earth to be born and asked himself to die to break a rule that he himself created. I know it sounds crazy, but it wouldn't have worked if it wasn't done in such a confusing way.
Lol yeah. YHWH is one crazy bastard. Well, at least I learned something, like how Jesus was tried two times, first by a Jewish court, and then by the regional Roman court.

But in the end, I simply gave up. It was just too confusing. What the hell is Tetragramaton? How is God 3 things and a single thing at once? What beliefs seperated Calvin and Resseau? What did John the Baptist do after Jesus's death?

And that's just the history part.
Rousseau was a pirate, wasn't he? I thought it meant 'red-beard' in French.


Shakespeare - 63
English Lit. 1100-1509 - 69
English Lit. 1509-1642 - 67
English Lit. 1642-1740 - 70
English Lit. 1740-1832 - 70
Joseph Conrad - 76
Principles of Film Criticism - 70
That there looks very much like a first... Haven't you graduated yet?
Yeah, it is, but technically I haven't graduated yet. You have to book a ceremony later on. I need to sort it out, but I'm not too bothered right now as a lot of what I'll be doing for the next few months does not require a degree.
Second year results:

Mathematical Modelling - 58%
Fourier Methods - 57%
Linear Algebra - 51%
Multivariable Calculus - 69%
Classical Mechanics - 68%
Introduction to Quantum Physics - 70%
Electrostatics and Magnetostatics - 80%
Introduction to Thermo and Statistical Physics - 57%
Introduction to Computational Physics - 81%
Introduction to Astro and Special Relativity - 47%
Experimental Physics - 70%
Experimental Methods - 69%

Total grade: 542 / 800 (That's a second class honour first grade, or a two-one, second best you can get in Irish colleges).

Those of you who are good with numbers will notice that there are twelve subjects in that list, not eight. Well only the physics modules count towards my grade. I can do as badly as I want in the maths ones (the first four) so long as I don't fail them. Which is just as well because I did worse than I was expacting in fourier and modeling (though better in linear algebra, god damn it I hated my lecturer for that subject, he's totally useless).
Wow. Those are a lot of courses. You must have your hands full all year long.

Also, you study awesome stuff. Envy++++++
Second year results:

Management and Management Science - 63%
Construction Methods and Materials - 59%
Structures - 59%
Geotechnics 1 - 51%
Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Systems - 66%
Professional Studies and SKills Development 2 - 65%
Thermofluid Engineering - 65%
Solid Mechanics - 68%

I got screwed over on construction methods. 33% of the mark was for some work done in a pair. My partner failed this year.

Average of around 62% so I'm still on a Masters. Might need to pull my finger out next year though.
But in the end, I simply gave up. It was just too confusing. What the hell is Tetragramaton? How is God 3 things and a single thing at once? What beliefs seperated Calvin and Resseau? What did John the Baptist do after Jesus's death?
Easy. The answers are, "YHWH", "quantum physics", "it doesn't really matter", and "corrupt the message of Jesus", respectively. :p
Math Modelling: 73/100
Fourier Methods: 58/100
Linear Algebra: 40/100
Multivariable Calculus: 75/100
Classical Mechanics: 69/100
Quantum Physics: 78/100
Electrostatics and Magnetostatics: 77/100
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: 84/100
Computational Physics: 67/100
Astrophysics and Special Relativity: 46/100 :eek:
Experimental Physics 1: 86/100
Experimental Methods 1: 90/100

No major disappointments except Astro (especially since I want to specialise in it next year), everybody did crap in that one anyway. (Our lecturer gave us hints but they were the WRONG HINTS!)

Total mark 597/800, that's a first class honour. In Irish colleges, >70 is a first, 69>x>60 is a 2:1 and 59>x>50 is a 2:2. In some we need over 40 to pass, but in others (most of our maths modules for example) we only need 30.
Trust me guys, you will forget your GCSE results nor care about them in about a year.

I remember the schools MP, whatshername, here in the UK considering scrapping GSCEs as they had such a low value, as pretty much everyone gets through to their A-levels and those that dont fall out due to their choice.

''I want to quit school now and become a plumber like my dad.''


BUT youve worked hard for those, so grats everyone.
Really happy with these, I was sure I was going to fail my english. This was a real suprise.

Yeah its always a surprise. I used to get brain boxes in lessons whining constantly about how they were going to fail, and they end up with like full marks, how convenient.
High grades indeed! But lets be honest, you're not the sharpest tool in the box Mellish.

She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead...
Management: A
Information Systems: A
Stat: A
Technical Writing: B

Technical writing was a BS class and there was 1 person who ever got an A on any assignment ever. That teacher was a shit grader.
Lol yeah. YHWH is one crazy bastard. Well, at least I learned something, like how Jesus was tried two times, first by a Jewish court, and then by the regional Roman court.

But in the end, I simply gave up. It was just too confusing. What the hell is Tetragramaton? How is God 3 things and a single thing at once? What beliefs seperated Calvin and Resseau? What did John the Baptist do after Jesus's death?

And that's just the history part.

Is that course required for all Koreans? I'm just curious because I have a few Korean friends who are very Christian and I was wondering if that was really strongly promoted or something. Maybe it's just coincidence.

Anyways I don't have any new grades as I'm not taking courses at the moment, but if I can stay awake til 5 AM today and finish editing my paper, I'll get a Masters degree and, more importantly, a publication.

Man I wish I had some coffee. I think I'm gonna make some sweet tea.
Had two courses last semester. (There are only three grades, from worst to best, U - G - VG)

The actors and institutions for European cooperation - G
To live in Europe: Work, Family and Welfare - VG
I passed everything last trimester.

In saying that, a majority of "everything" were 20 multiple choice question tests that the class finished in, like, 10 minutes a test. The rest of the stuff were just studio-recorded tracks or audio edits etc.

This trimester I gotta' make MIDI tracks.

The last? An EP.
