Exam Tommorow...

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Scary no?

Actually its just a History resit. British Foreign Policy during the period 1945-1969(I think, can't really remember but i know we don't include Thatcher) its on, most of the group did worst in that. I'm trying to get a few extra marks to bump my grade up so the A2 exams wont be such a drag. Basically i could write "I am a fish" 100 times and it wouldn't matter that much. Anyway i want to do well. Ive also got a computing exam on tuesday and another the following monday, so this next week is gonna be a pain.

Anyone else faced with exams this coming month?
Got a geog resit on tuesday, then A2s the week after till the end of January
Have you ever been in a situation where you have about 2 minutes left and you havent finnished or you dont hvae a clue what to do? I dont like just leaving it blank, i always have to write something, even if its just some made up rubbish about how i goy annoyed and pulled off my cats legs...
Good luck to you man, Mine start next week and they all about how to code Networks, CPUs, Computer's Memory. DAM its hard:(
I've got an Essay for Tuesday, and I've only written 10 lines......
mrBadger said:
No, I just leave it blank and look for a nice looking girl in the hall :)

So you can get caught for hiding a mobile phone in your trousers?...:naughty:
I got the ELA on Tuesday and Wednesday. That test is pages and pages of essays.
ELA= English Language Arts
The New York state gives it to all students.
Just imagine everyone in their Underp... oh, wait, nevermind.
i haven't got any exams untli june (got full marks last semmester so no retakes for me :D )

university exams aren't as tough as AS and A2 exams in my opinion. i thought i'd be rushing about trying to revise a million things, but it ends up being a multiple choice exam that you can take about 500 more times if you fail the first time. but i'm guessing the final year exams are just a leeetle bit tougher :(

anyway good luck those of you who have exams, just go in, do your thing and don't worry about it. exams aren't the be all and end all of your character.
I got an ICT exam on tuesday and a Physics on thursday, Physics is nice a straight forward so hopefully get an A for that :), however my bloody ICT exam is so crap, its as mrBadger has said computerised general studies, basicly it talks about how a computer effects people and crap and sticks complex sounding words in now and then to make it seem hard, which it does very well.... the bast***s. I might have to retake the ICT exam in january ;(
The teacher said we could take the IT exam (AS and A2) if we wanted, because it was easy, especially since we had done computing. However, we didnt want to bother with the coursework.
Oh well the coursework is very easy and doesnt consume much time at all but computing sounds really good i wish my school did it stupid crappy school :(