Exclusive ingame footage of C&C


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Just been over at www.gametrailers.com, and there is a Exclusive 'Debut' Gameplay video.

You can access this video through the C&C gametrailer link here

About the third of the trailer includes ingame footage and the other third includes a sorta intro.

I have to say, I am more interested about the way the story is conveyed this time round, than the game itself. It definately looks like this will be the game that ties the loss ends. :)
That looks so damn awesome, I don't care what anyone says.
Don't forget that there is also news on Blue Tiberium to be found on cncnation, and at the Leipzig Games Conference we will be receiving a massive C&C3 update with Nod info :D
Ooo.. an rts i can look forward to :)

now all that's left is Starcraft 2...
Hope I'm not as disappointed with it as I was Red Alert 2. I'm not saying it was a bad game, just I expected more. :(
Hope I'm not as disappointed with it as I was Red Alert 2. I'm not saying it was a bad game, just I expected more. :(

No, no... it's alright you can say it...
Red Alert 2 sucked.

Although, I personally hate the Red Alert series.
Tiberium ftw.
I loved red alert...it was awesome fun.

2 seemed more like they concentrated on teh graphix being better than the gameplay.

I mean, those mirage tanks were omgwtfbbq pwnage. plus the ones that shot the beam of electricty between each other. get 10 of those together you win. :(
Its not Franks, i emailed him some months ago asking him about this, he said that he has not been contacted regarding doing music or anything for the game :(

If you dont believe me, ask yourself at his site.
That music is from Tiberian Dawn.
Its not Franks, i emailed him some months ago asking him about this, he said that he has not been contacted regarding doing music or anything for the game :(

If you dont believe me, ask yourself at his site.

That music is from Tiberian Dawn.

And Tiberian Sun ;) its used in both.

Sorry if my initial statement wasn't that clear, but what Pi said is what i meant

But yeah that he hasn't been contacted for C&C3 is a bummer
Who's Frank? Is he responsible for Hell March? If so, I wub him.
Good to know they have their building destruction system working...

<3 Loke

Hope the C&C3 music will be good though
No, no... it's alright you can say it...
Red Alert 2 sucked.

Although, I personally hate the Red Alert series.
Tiberium ftw.

I liked both Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert 1, it was the sequel to both which I hated. But from what I've heard, they are shoving extra cards up their sleeves for this release, so I have high expectations.

It turns out that Craig Mullins, concept artists on this project, has an interesting past. It even turns out he worked on the film Contact :D
I dont wanna start one of those "yes it is, no its not, yes it is, no its not" but...it is :D In my edition it is atleast, im very positive that it is, like 100000% sure.
That music is from Tiberian Dawn.

The music accompanying the intro was from Tiberium Sun. I have never heard the music accompanying the ingame footage however.

And besides, I don't think Its from Tiberium Dawn, not enough cheese included :thumbs:
The vid doesn't even go near the AI which has been the one failing of every C&C game to date. Great music, great graphics, great casting and acting, stupidly laughable computer opponent that monotonously and incessantly sends small groups of troops running at your base along the same route like they're on rails at 3 minute intervals only to be fried by towers of light or exploded by the horde of grenade throwers behind your wall until all the tiberium runs out at which point the computer just sits there helplessly waiting to be nuked into oblivion or until your graphics card wheezes it's last breath as it tries to draw the particle effects from the tracks of your squadron of 59 billion tanks.

And I love it to bits. :cheese:
The video made the game look slow and sluggish, kinda like Age of Empires 3 felt and if thats the case then meh, it'll probably suck imo. Also the way the orcas were just floating there while being shot at was abit shitty.
The music accompanying the intro was from Tiberium Sun. I have never heard the music accompanying the ingame footage however.

And besides, I don't think Its from Tiberium Dawn, not enough cheese included :thumbs:

It was definitely from TD. I'll listen to the soundtrack CDs and find out which one it is.
The video made the game look slow and sluggish, kinda like Age of Empires 3 felt and if thats the case then meh, it'll probably suck imo. Also the way the orcas were just floating there while being shot at was abit shitty.

It's probably an early version of the game, I don't think it's really anywhere near release just yet.
Check out the newest videos that IGN have

Evo said:
GameVideos has the Nod vs. GDI 15 minute multiplayer battle from the Leipzig conference available at the above link. It gets quite chaotic with the GDI team evenutally crushing the Nod side.

Sub-tabs: Instead of selecting different 'Primary construction buildings' you have a sub tab for the appropaite unit build type to chose where they are built from. Demonstrated best by the capture of a Hand of Nod and with the change of tab enabling Nod troops to be built from there. This seems however to stop the ability to build different sides troops from non-faction buildings
GDI Carryall: All GDI Infantry and some armour units have a 'pick-me-up' feature. At the press of a button in the bottom right with the unit description you have the ability buttons. Pressing one of these allows a GDI carryall jet appear and pick up the troops. This is a one use feature so when you have dropped the troops off the carryall disappears until you request a new one.
Cover: Developing further on the squad system when a GDI Rifleman squad was sent next to a wrecked building, they adopted defensive positions receiving an armour bonus. On the same theme, when the GDI Rifle squad came under fire from some Nod light-tanks they went prone and started trying to crall away...they got owned needless to say.

Wtf is the Titans and wolverines??? And why does GDI have 2 different tanks? They never even had 1 tank in the original games! WTF?

Titans and Wolverines wouldn't really suit the C&C3 environment which currently seems very flat i.e tank territory

And yes they have two tanks, what may i ask is wrong with GDI adapting their tech in the 17 years or so since TibSun to something more useful in 2047