exo suit

Man that guys hyperactive, I hope he gets someone else to sell it to teh military.
Does that thing actually stop bullets and fragmentation shits?
Does that thing actually stop bullets and fragmentation shits?

Well if it didn't it would be kind of useless wouldn't it...

Here's an idea, combine this


with this


And voila exosuit
saw that before

but that japanese one is awsome
I'm a huge fan of Troy. It's a ****ing shame he does not get the attention from our military that he deserves. His suits and materials would have saved many lives, I am absolutely certain.

He's eccentric and over the top, but a top class inventor and passionate about saving human life.

While they didn't show much of the trojan taking punishment, there's footage of his earlier designs taking enormous beatings and extreme damage without compromising the safety of the individual inside.
I'm a huge fan of Troy. It's a ****ing shame he does not get the attention from our military that he deserves. His suits and materials would have saved many lives, I am absolutely certain.

He's eccentric and over the top, but a top class inventor and passionate about saving human life.

While they didn't show much of the trojan taking punishment, there's footage of his earlier designs taking enormous beatings and extreme damage without compromising the safety of the individual inside.

I disagree completley. The guy is a crank and his stuff is not just eccentric, its stupid.

That suit doesn't look like it would survive one second under the armor piercing steel rounds used today. Maybe he tested it with a 9mm, but I seriously doubt it would hold up to those rounds we sawt he dragonskin taking.

Sure, the helmet has a fan, but the rest looks extremely uncofortable and hot, not very manuverable. There's a reason people in the military don't wear full kevlar bodysuits: its heavy and uncomfortable.

That helmet looks like it decreases visibility dramatically. The slits on that thing are tiny, and look like they would easily get dirtied and fogged up.

I could see something like this used in a riot situation, but not in the military. This isn't halo, and no solider should have to wear body armor, especially armor that is big, clunky and probably doesn't work.
Our military doesnt even let our troops put life saving, donated, sheet metal into the floor of their tanks to protect them from explosions because it messes up their gas mileage. I highly doubt they are going to start buying these suits anytime soon. Its definately a shame though, this kind of thing could change the very way this war is being fought. Very awesome.
he should sold that to civilians

I want my own hev suit
I disagree completley. The guy is a crank and his stuff is not just eccentric, its stupid.

That suit doesn't look like it would survive one second under the armor piercing steel rounds used today. Maybe he tested it with a 9mm, but I seriously doubt it would hold up to those rounds we sawt he dragonskin taking.

Sure, the helmet has a fan, but the rest looks extremely uncofortable and hot, not very manuverable. There's a reason people in the military don't wear full kevlar bodysuits: its heavy and uncomfortable.

That helmet looks like it decreases visibility dramatically. The slits on that thing are tiny, and look like they would easily get dirtied and fogged up.

I could see something like this used in a riot situation, but not in the military. This isn't halo, and no solider should have to wear body armor, especially armor that is big, clunky and probably doesn't work.

Wow, way to know absolutely nothing about the man and spout a knee jerk bullshit reaction to an aesthetic you are not comfortable with.

The suit has withstood high powered rifle rounds in testing, and Hurtabise was confident enough of his suit that he was willing to let someone shoot him while he was in it. Unfortunately, no one was willing to do it and he went bankrupt with little military interest in his suit.

The man sacrificed his own financial stability to create something to better protect our troops at war. Perhaps show a little respect for his efforts.
Dude, TOG is from Texas.

I dont see what that has to do with anything.

Look, I think its cool and a good idea to make body armor, but this thing looks like its made of thin plastic. I'd really like to see it take some rounds to the chest and especially the head. I also fail to see how the laser pointer is useful at all, and can't imagine when a solider would use the pepper spray except for opression and riot situations. (because Iraqi's aren't going to come at you with freaking machetes. They are going to sit on a roof and hit you with an AK47 or sit on the side of the road with a bomb).

He doesn't have to talk to the military directley. He should just try to get in with one of the military contractors.
He gets points for mentioning that his new suit is Star Wars and Halo inspired

He gets points for mentioning that his new suit is Star Wars and Halo inspired
i think halo should take a cue from him. i cant even count the times ive been on lockout staring at my crotch wondering what time it was.

seriously tho i think some sort of body suit, possibly using that dragon skin, is an awesome idea and that military contractors should look into it further.