Exotic Supercar Concept

Ok. Wut?
Oh I see, It's a car... Is that real? :O
Woah, that's sweet. Any chance of some more angles / perspectives?
Thanks for the compliments! Yes, it's 3D. I'm rendering a low-res (800x600) of the rear right now, but mostly I'll render more angles after I get my new computer (compare below), which will probably be 20+ times faster.

AMD Athalon 2000+ XP, 1GB DDR, Geforce 6200 256mb, etc (overclocked 1.67 to 1.8 ghz)
THIS Overclocked 2.4 to 3.5 GHz
This is the 7th version of a design I've been working on for quite a while. I never settle for good, great, or even awesome! :) There is more I could do to this design, but I need to work on another design or two before coming back to this design / style.

Previous Version 7(top)and 6(bottom) at same angle

Older Version . . .
http://www.gryphonauto.com/vehicles/Enigma III/old.htm
looks like those cars made by unknows companyes,you should eliminate the spoiler
Wait, how was this made? I find it hard to believe, more angles please?
Since people are insisting on getting more angles, here are some screen-shots from what the model looked like in Rhino 3D (it's obviously not not final render quality, etc . . . but you get a good idea fo proportions, other features, etc).


Check out the link below for numerous picture of version 6 (the pic at the top of this thread is version 7) . . gives you a general idea of the style.
http://www.gryphonauto.com/vehicles/Enigma III/index.htm

so did a group of people work on this I would assume?
so did a group of people work on this I would assume?

I doubt it... probably worked on just by him. People model cars all the time. It's easier when they do their own designs too, because they don't have to conform to the actual design of another model.
I did everything you can see in the picture: design, modeling, rendering, and even the environment. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.
you should eliminate that spoiler and not so round
Everything is pretty nice, except for the side mirrors. They are very CG, mostly because its a perfect cylinder with a elongated sphere on it :). Also, there should be some way it connects, since it just looks like the cylinder penetrates the sphere, which isnt realistic.

You should try your hand at modeling a existing car to see how good your skills really are. I just started on a Cadillac XLR, hopefully it will turn out good.
Everything is pretty nice, except for the side mirrors. They are very CG, mostly because its a perfect cylinder with a elongated sphere on it :). Also, there should be some way it connects, since it just looks like the cylinder penetrates the sphere, which isnt realistic.

You should try your hand at modeling a existing car to see how good your skills really are. I just started on a Cadillac XLR, hopefully it will turn out good.
I'm really not trying ot show off my modeling, I don't really have any reason to. Modeling a real car is simple compared to my design work; I can model it once and I'm done, versus my design work where every feature is remodeled at least 10 times, often as many as 25-100 times.

Here's a Corvette C6 I modeled right as the very first photos were released. I only had a very select few reference photos at the time, meaning no blueprints, no great perspective shots, and I couldn't even find dimensions. (the front bumper, and sideskirt are custom, but I did model the original ones) I could do much better these days, but I usually don't have much of a reason to model existing cars.

http://www.gryphonauto.com/vehicles/C6 Raven/index.htm

I am constantly working on improving my modeling technique, and even though I've been at this for about 6 years I'm always learning stuff and developing new techniques. To me it's important that I be able to model any conceivable shape with perfection. IF I want surfaces to flow a certain way, they damn well better flow that way.

What it all really comes down to is the style, which the modeling techniques merely allow me to achieve it faster and more accurately. Even some of my much older works I think are rather attractive, even though the modeling techniques limited me a lot and imperfectiosn are quite easy to find.

Great stuff!

For how long have you been modelling (not this car; in general)?
I've been modeling for about 6 years. For the last year I've been employed as a render artist & I just switched tasks to max-scripting (3ds max programming) . . . things like creating tools for artists and special effects.