Experiencing problems with the Portal Gun Hack in HL2


Nov 15, 2010
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I was not quite sure whether I should post this in the Portal sub-forum or here.

As the headline suggests, I'm experiencing some problems with the Portal Gun Hack in HL2.

I followed this guide: http://www.primotechnology.com/2007/10/17/half-life-2-portal/

But all the d2_coast maps are gone, aswell as the prison maps and a few town maps. When I try loading them in the console, I get the message that they are not valid BSP files, which is kinda weird, since i extracted them along with the other maps that works just fine (trainstation, canals, citadel, etc). Also, there seems to be some sound problems. For example, I can't hear the combines firing bullets at me (but oddly enough, I can hear civilians shooting just fine), which leads to another problem: they don't deal damage to me either. The last problem is that all kind of dialogue is gone.

Does anyone have any kind of answers? Anything would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Well one explanation is since that article was posted HL2 and Portal have both been updated for Mac compatibility. Could have messed something up. First thing you should do is simply double check that the maps you extracted are actually in the folder. I know you said you extracted them at the same time but something weird could have happened that messed them up.

Also, check that you have the newest version of GCFscape. I of at least one occasion where an update to a Source game caused GCFscape to stop working properly, until it was updated itself.

As for the Combine not shooting, I have no idea, sorry. :(
Well one explanation is since that article was posted HL2 and Portal have both been updated for Mac compatibility. Could have messed something up. First thing you should do is simply double check that the maps you extracted are actually in the folder. I know you said you extracted them at the same time but something weird could have happened that messed them up.

Also, check that you have the newest version of GCFscape. I of at least one occasion where an update to a Source game caused GCFscape to stop working properly, until it was updated itself.

As for the Combine not shooting, I have no idea, sorry. :(

Thanks for the reply.

I doubled checked again and all the maps seems to be there
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\account\portal\portal\maps
I checked "reslists" aswell and everything I extracted via GCFScape is there.

I also have the newest GCFScape version (18.2)

I was not quite sure whether I should post this in the Portal sub-forum or here.

As the headline suggests, I'm experiencing some problems with the Portal Gun Hack in HL2.

I followed this guide: http://www.primotechnology.com/2007/10/17/half-life-2-portal/

But all the d2_coast maps are gone, aswell as the prison maps and a few town maps. When I try loading them in the console, I get the message that they are not valid BSP files, which is kinda weird, since i extracted them along with the other maps that works just fine (trainstation, canals, citadel, etc). Also, there seems to be some sound problems. For example, I can't hear the combines firing bullets at me (but oddly enough, I can hear civilians shooting just fine), which leads to another problem: they don't deal damage to me either. The last problem is that all kind of dialogue is gone.

Does anyone have any kind of answers? Anything would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
khazzler this must be a problem with the extraction, maybe you could tell us what program you use to extract it, maybe if you're using Steam, it didn't fully download it, or maybe this isn't a legit HL2 we're talking about, I've heard of non-legit downloads missing some files, with Steam too, if you're using Steam, PLEASE NOTICE: Steam sometimes won't fully download games like HL2.

Besides, you shouldn't be hacking anyway, it's against gaming rules.
khazzler this must be a problem with the extraction, maybe you could tell us what program you use to extract it, maybe if you're using Steam, it didn't fully download it, or maybe this isn't a legit HL2 we're talking about, I've heard of non-legit downloads missing some files, with Steam too, if you're using Steam, PLEASE NOTICE: Steam sometimes won't fully download games like HL2.

Besides, you shouldn't be hacking anyway, it's against gaming rules.

I have a legit CD for Half-Life 2, and i downloaded Portal via steam. Oh well, I'm just gonna try and re-install it again and see if it works this time around. Oh, and I use GCFScape (v18.2)
I just installed Half-Life 2 and Portal again (and made sure I deleted all the content before doing so) and the same errors are still there. The maps I couldn't play before are still invalid, and the sound problem is there too. I made sure that Portal got downloaded completely through Steam. Seriously, am I the only one with this problem? I just spent hours searching for it but couldn't find anything similar to this. Perhaps there is a problem with the newest GCFScape version. I'm gonna be on the lookout for a newer version. Over and out.
I would suggest you give up on this, there is an evident incompatibility issue. That guide you are following is from 2007 and HL2 has been updated significantly since then, including an update to the newer engine. This probably changed a the format of some of the maps to support HDR and other new technologies breaking old mods. This happens a lot with mods and is a major complaint of mod makers in the community.