Experimental Gameplay


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Found this site today I actually can't remember where cause I was having so much fun at the site!

Basically, these guys release new, original games every week. Some take longer, maybe due to the fact they show off these things at trade shows, to show that people should think outside the box. Here's quote from site.
The Experimental Gameplay Project: create 50 to 100 games in 1 semester. New games every week.

The Rules:

* each game must be made in less than 7 days
* each game must be made by one person, including all art, sound, and programming
* each game must be based around a certain "toy" ie. "gravity", "vegetation", "swarm behavior", etc.


Extremely fun/original games here folks, don't miss this one :D

One of my favorites is "Blow" (need a mic for it though) and also "On a Rainy Day"

You guys gotta try these all out! The games are about 3 megs each :)
Yea, it's insane :D Some of the games are novelty, what they are doing is just doing unique things and such. After a lot of time, they will eventually be able to make compelling games and good novelties in them (like Blow is the same time after time)

Tower of Goo Unlimited is fun :D Hard, but fun! It is a _great_ way to pass the time ;)
It would help if the games had screenshots for them :-\