Expert Debunks Connection Between Violence and Gaming


Dec 7, 2004
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According to a new study by a researcher at Texas A&M International University, studies that see a connection between video games and violent behavior usually suffer from shoddy research techniques. Dr. Christopher Ferguson studied the results of a number of recent studies linking violent video games to aggressive behavior with an eye not just to individual results, but also to overall trends in the studies as a whole.

Ferguson found that the connection between violence and gaming had more to do with publication bias than it did with any actual correlation. In other words, journals were more likely to publish studies that supported the hypothesis that playing violent games made a subject more prone to violent behavior. Nothing like scientific stacking the deck, eh? Ferguson sums it up nicely:

Thus it was concluded that there is little evidence from the current body of literature on violent video games that playing violent video games is either causally or correlationally associated with increases in aggressive behavior.

Expect He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to jump on this one like a duck on a junebug, folks.
It's amazing how much shoddy research the media will publish. Often the research itself might be correct, but then the media will infer conclusion that go beyond the scope of the study.

I saw one today that said that mothers who eat fish while they are pregnant cause their babies to be more intelligent. In then goes on to explain that the study was not a controlled investigation, but only used self-reported data and correlations. It did not mention the population they were studying or how large the sample was or how significant the correlation was. The headline was about as accurate as saying that intelligent babies cause their mothers' to eat fish while pregnant.

And now fish sales are going to go through the roof because everyone is reading this article. Meanwhile the intelligence of our future generation plummets due to mercury poisoning. It later turns out that coastal communities have higher than normal intelligences because of salt concentrations in their diet and they also happen to eat a lot of fish because they live near the ocean.

Here's a shocking discovery: most people are stupid morons.
I wouldn't be suprised if he lost his license. I mean, those who try to argue with global warming are losing it, why not this?
Regardless of this astonishing revelation, the majority of ignorant parents will still believe the hype created by the media.
Will they believe the hype is being created by the media?
people obey more the tv that "science"

father:wha this say that videogames dont kill?? but me no understand! aaahhhh!
tv:videogames kill people!!!!11
father: oh tv me understand da tv must blame videogames
people obey more the tv that "science"

father:wha this say that videogames dont kill?? but me no understand! aaahhhh!
tv:videogames kill people!!!!11
father: oh tv me understand da tv must blame videogames

I'm so glad my parents never had that standpoint.
My mom had that standpoint for a long time, believing in all the fear-mongering in the media. My dad, on the other hand, held that "video games are for kids" and that I should "grow out of them" by the age of fourteen.

Ironically enough, every time he said that, he would immediately retire to the TV to watch football.
My mom had that standpoint for a long time, believing in all the fear-mongering in the media. My dad, on the other hand, held that "video games are for kids" and that I should "grow out of them" by the age of fourteen.

Ironically enough, every time he said that, he would immediately retire to the TV to watch football.

I hate parents that did that shit, "OH GAMES ARE FOR KIDS, GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!"

I was 17 when this happened.
I hate parents that did that shit, "OH GAMES ARE FOR KIDS, GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!"

I was 17 when this happened.

like "go outside and play whit your bicicle! videogames are for kids"
"but that bicicle is smaller that me and I dont need the 2 suport wheels"
"then we wouldn't to to disney land!"
My mom once came in the EXACT DAY that half-life 2 came out and watched me play. She watched for 10 seconds and concluded that the game was "too violent" for me.

Then, I gave her a blank stare and said, "mom, I have been waiting for this game for the past three years." and eventually I convinced her to go away by saying I was shooting evil aliens and not people or something.
How old were you, man? I was 14... 13? When HL2 came out, and dad walks in, takes one look at the screen and goes "When you get past those barnacles, it's bed time, ok?"
The only time my parents have said anything to me about the computer, was the first time they discovered I was looking at porn and my dad goes, "I don't want you looking at this kinda stuff know what I mean." and I said, "yea ok." and that was the end of it. (the discussion, not my looking at porn)
Worst my parents ever said was:

Dad: "woa, cool"
mom: "can you turn that down a bit"

my parents own on so many levels.
Worst my parents did was confiscate my Resident Evil 2 demo for the PS1 after me and a bunch of my friends had been drawing pictures of zombies in primary school. Head-teacher completely freaked out, the wench :/