Exploring Beneath my mind

Feb 16, 2005
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Subject: K Blackwood, Male, Age 21
Profession: Lamada Scientist
Placement: Lamada Transporter Reactor

Security: Hello Mr Blackwood, We had a system crash about 23 mintues ago, we managed to get everything working again. Dr Duran is waiting for you in the Chamber.

Karl: Ok thanks

Dr Duran: About time we got work to do, i will get started on the transporter but first I will let you know what is going on, We found a special Crystal that is different to the one we found a week ago, i need you to retrieve it, i will start the sequence now...

Karl: ok let me quickly get my HEV suit on and my shotgun then I'll come.

Security: Weapons and the Suit in the Armory over there.

karl: thanks

Dr Duran: good now enter the port....


Dr Duran: OH no this Facility is exploding, quick enter the portal i'll come with you.

*Portal noise*

Karl: where are we, this doesnt look like Xen..

Dr Duran: Oh dear...


what do you think? i will add more
Ok i see nobody is responding, I will post my Second.

Blackwood: What do you mean this isnt Xen?

Dr Duran: hmmm looks like the Malfunction did something to the relays which got us a new point to go to.. I smell burning up that ridge lets check it out..

*a while later*

Blackwood: What is that thing?!?

Dr Duran: it appears to be some type of alien known as a Chode, THese beings are Highly Classifed.

Blackwood; CLASSIFED!

Dr Duran: Yes i dunno why but they are.

*when they approach an Encampment*

Dr Duran: Were Lucky this appears to be a Human Settlement, Looks like this is the Planet i think it is

Blackwood: Which is?

Dr Duran: Khab, Sometype of Crystal planet with lots of Crystals, more powerful than the ones we found on Xen

Blackwood: then why didnt u mine these then

Dr Duran: Cuz they are highly Radioactive.

Blackwood: Oh and what is this Gun?

Dr Duran: That looks like a Modified Transporter Relocater Device,

Blackwood: well use it and lets see if u get anywhere,

Dr Duran: Ok i will probally end up back in the Lambda complex, see you later.

Blackwood; Gee thanks

*Dr Duran uses the gun and is teleported to xen and Drops down to the Ground, Where Adrian Sheperd Picks up his gun*

Blackwood: Ok now where?, Looks like there is a Transporter here.

*Blackwood Activates the Teleporter*

Blackwood: Ok lets see, the Carpal Flux should Self Limit and Yep it will work.

*Electric Thingys and then big Flash*

*Portal Glows*

Blackwood: Ok Time to enter

*He enters the portal*

Scientist: Ahh How the, Your from the Lambda Complex arent u?

Blackwood: Yea

Scientist: Well get back there we got a Test to do, and there is a Test in the Anoumalius Materials lab so dont disturb them..

Blackwood: What?!?...

Its sad Nobody even checks my post, But they do that Daily Citizen every 2 mintues, It baffles the mind. Anyway Part 3

Scientist: Comon we got work to do

Blackwood: Listen I got to do something, tell Dr Duran I will be there soon

Scientist: Ok...

Blackwood: *Thinking* How the, Black Mesa was being Crippled and yet... I wonder, If they Transporter gun was a Time Relocater Emitter Phase Field. If so then, Oh no I havent got much time left...

*Blackwood Departed the Lambda Complex and went on the Train*

Annoucer: Welcome to the Black Mesa Research facility, For the....

Blackwood: *Thinking while the VOX is saying that same stuff* Ok i believe the Explosion was made around the Anamouls Material Labs, hmmm if i get there and prevent them from activating whatever they activated, Then the Black Mesa Research Facilty is Safe.

*As Blackwood neared the Research Labs he saw another train opposite of him, A man inside was dressed like a Business man and had a Breifcase with the Black Mesa Logo on it he stared at him then left, the train stopped then a worring Tilt happened.

Blackwood: Holy crap, err.. *Sees a ladder* Hmm ok Heeve *Jumps outta the train then on the ladder* Phew.... Ahh the Anoumouls Materials Lab, I better get moving...
Daily Citizen Every 5 Seconds But Me No!!

Im going to Advertise this in other threads cuz im gettin pissed that noone is paying any attention to this, My first good fanfic as well :(

Part 4

Security: Excuse me sir, What is wrong?

Blackwood: Is there an experiement going on in there?

Security: If you mean in a labs, then yea why?

Blackwood: Im from the Lambda complex and I got to stop this test NOW!!

Security: wh..

Blackwood: I havent got time just let me through

Security: Ok i guess

*Security does the Password, Door opens and Blackwood Sprints in there*

Scientist: Oh my What are you doing!?!

*Blackwood approaches the control room*

Scientist: What are YOU DOING this is a High complex test, you shouldnt be her..... *Exploision*

Scientist: ARGHHHH *Gibs everywhere*

Blackwood: Oh no im too late... One last thing for it then